While you're at it, if it's a caster class, take notes and compare and contrast the spell power of your build (or a similar one) on live, and the spell power of your build on Lamannia with the current iteration of the Alpha Pass. Furthermore, I challenge you to take notes of the average raw damage of your spells on live, and on Lamannia currently.
Edit: I am not interested in seeing the melee stuff; Melee's are the ones who benefit the most from this pass. Looking at all the juicy buffs one can get, I have determined that it is possible for a pure monk to get at least 10d6 in raw damage dice BEFORE strength modifier, power attack, damage-augmenting gear, etc (note, this assumes that a warforged monk could use weapon attachment on handwraps). With all the buffs, that number could actually be higher. How high? So high that you're doing hundreds of points of damage per punch, and that's not considering the 50% boost from helplessness (and the 30% boost from Sense weakness being twisted in), nor seekers, and the criticals. So how am I getting this? Here's the math - 3.5(d6) from remaining a pure monk, .5W from Weapon Attachment (I am assuming it works with wraps),
Epic Elite Adamantine Knuckles have a secret effect of 3.5W, and dance of flowers maxed out from Grandmaster's tree gives an additional 1.5w. So far, that's 3.5 +.5, which = 4. 4 +3.5W from EE Knuckles makes that 7.5W. Dance of Flowers adds another 1.5W, which makes the total so far 9W. If you're in fire stance, and have the fire enhancement from the GM tree, you're adding another .75W to make that total 9.75W. Add in Deadly Weapons, and you get 10.75W. If the Reinforced Fists property from various items stacks with all this, you're looking at 11.75W. Blessings of Onatar adds .25, which tops it out at a whopping 12W. Also, I forgot to add Improved Power attack, which adds another .5W, making it 12.5W. This is all before Damage boosts, Yugo pots, Primal Scream, Strength Modifiers, or Power attack.
Earlier today, I played with a 12 rogue, something drunk (druid + monk levels), and he was able to get the damage die of his Sireth up to a total 6d10, and was striking at a frightening speed (four hits, and the giants in Epic Gianthold wilderness were dead). Before Damage boosts, Strength modifiers, Power attack, etc, he is already doing 6-60 points of damage per hit. Deadly Weapons/Shillelegh cranks that number up to 7d10, and Weapon Attachment (if you're Warforged) makes it 7.5d10. Oh, and that's not considering what could be cranked up further if the monk trees happen to include anything which enhances the strength of quarterstaves or other monk weapons.