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  1. #1
    Community Member Antheal's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2010

    Exclamation Jorasco Dragonmark Heir?

    Will this racial prestige exist?

  2. #2
    Community Member SealedInSong's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    Default In the enhancement pass?

    Extremely doubtful.

    The devs have had an extraordinary amount of time to accomplish their bare-bones goal (release three prestiges for each class with a new UI) and their alpha shows that they have failed miserably so far.

    Players have given hundreds of pages of input and there are still glaring issues like points spent in tree, missing prestiges, garbage enhancements all around, nutty AP costs, arbitrary requirements, etc.

    Sure, they say this is just the alpha and that they "purposely kept costs high" to tone down later, etc. but at the very best, we'll probably get something that's a half-finished compromise on their bare-bones goal.

    Giving use dragonmarked heirs like the Jorasco Jadehand would be going above and beyond their goals, which is 100% never going to happen.

    But hey...wand and scroll mastery looks cheap right now. Light at the end of the tunnel, right?
    Character Compendium
    Sarlona*Eternal Wrath

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