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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Default Cleric, Pure healer/DC caster, feat/stat/enh help please

    It's been a while, and I'm just wondering what the build for an U17 (that's the update we're on, right?) pure healer/DC caster cleric looks like.

    Race: Human
    Classes: Cleric 20 or Cleric 19/Wizard 1

    Question: Do I go Wizard 1 for the force enhancement on blade barriers? What's the damage difference on a maxed out blade barrier with and without the wizard force enhancement?

    Str: 8 (0 points)
    Dex: 8 (0 points)
    Con: 16 (10 points)
    Int: 8 (0 points)
    Wis: 18 (16 points) (all level ups)
    Cha: 10 (2 points)

    Question: Drop 2 points of con for +4 dex? Gives +2 AC, reflex saves for less hitpoints. Or higher charisma for extra turnings, but I suspect I'll get enough of those as is.
    At low level's I'll just be cheating the low strength by twinking with good gear. Once blade barrier comes online, it doesn't matter.

    Also, I might have 32 point buy available, I can't quite recall. Looking for opinions on the boost dex/boost cha debate.

    Question: Skills: Concentration and UMD. +2 int tome at 7 gives 13 skill points; balance or jump or tumble...(or something else)?

    Human Feat: Extend Spell (swap for Spell Penetration Later)
    Level 1 Feat: Toughness (This is the only defensive feat; no shield mastery, which I see some people using. Is it okay to run with minimal defenses like this)?
    Level 3 Feat: Empower Healing
    Level 6 Feat: Maximize
    Level 9 Feat: Quicken
    Level 12 Feat: Empower
    Level 15 Feat: Heighten Spell
    Level 18 Feat: Spell Focus: Evocation
    Level 21 Feat:
    Level 24 Feat:

    Question: I'm worried that there is no greater spell penetration/greater spell focus in there...and I don't know anything about epic feats yet.

    This section is a bit messy, since I did it in notepad + wiki pages while offline.

    *Cleric Charisma 2 (4 pts)					Running total: 4
    *Cleric Divine Vitality 1 (1 pt)				Running Total: 5
    Cleric Wisdom 3 (12 pts)					Running total: 17
    *Follower of the Sovereign Host (2 pts)				Running total: 19
    *Unyielding Sovereignty (4 pts)					Running total: 23
    	Energy of the Zealot 3 (7 pts)					Running total: 30
    	Improved spell Penetration 2 (6 pts)				Running total: 36
    Cleric Wand and Scroll mastery 4 (10 pts)			Running total: 46
    	*Cleric Improved Empower Healing 2 (6 pts)			Running total: 52
    *Cleric Life magic 4 (10 pts)					Running total: 62
    *Cleric Prayer of Incredible life 1 (1 pt) (crit amount)	Running total: 63
    *Cleric Prayer of Life 1 (1 pt)					Running total: 64
    *Cleric Improved Turning 1 (1 pt)				Running total: 65
    *Improved Heal Skill 2 (2 pts)					Running total: 67
    Radiant Servant 1 (4 pts) 					Running total: 71
    Radiant Servant 2 (2 pts)					Running total: 73
    Human Adaptability Wisdom (2 pts)				Running total: 75 pts	
    Human Greater Adaptability Constitution (4 pts)
    Racial Toughness 3 (1/3/6 pts) (10/10/10hp)			Running total: 78 pts (rank 2)
    Human Improved Recovery (healing amp) 2/4/6 (10/20/30%)		Running total: 80 pts (rank 1)
    I'm not getting full ranks of Energy of the Zealot, Improved Spell Penetration, and Improved Empower Healing.
    I'd also love another rank of human healing amplification and the greater adaptability (constitution) and another rank of I drop Energy of the Zealot altogether? Where else can I free up points? What am I taking that I don't need?

    I'm not worrying about the easily changable choices (gear) yet, just the things that are easier if you pick once and get them right that time.
    Thelanis: Ikeren, Paladin 7. Dylas --- Cleric 21.

  2. #2
    Community Member
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    Jun 2010


    Yep swap out Extend for Spell Pen.
    21 Great Spell Pen
    24 Epic Spell Pen

    That is good.

    SF Evocation gets you Epic Destiny requirements for SF increases which is cheaper than taking GSF I think.

    As for Stats it is more of a CHA, STR or Dex debate. Heck you can even take INT for maybe UMD.

    STR helps a lot at low level for melee and encumber and always for Rays of Enfeeblement. You can melee well with Keen Falchions and Power Attack. Divine Power items helps melee too at low to mid levels. Then swap Power Attack out later when your spells take over.

    Negative Energy level drain is great at higher levels.
    Last edited by firemedium_jt; 04-18-2013 at 12:36 AM.
    Your lack of healing amp not my problem. Please buy and use your own remove curse pots in combat, so I don't waste mana. Not my job.

  3. #3
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    I do think the wiz force enhancements will boost your BB, but why in the world would you take wiz over sorc as a splash?

  4. #4
    The Hatchery Wipey's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CE2JRH123 View Post
    Question: Do I go Wizard 1 for the force enhancement on blade barriers? What's the damage difference on a maxed out blade barrier with and without the wizard force enhancement?
    150 maximize, 75 empower, 120 impulse ... 391 per tick , 436 with 40 force from wizzy, it's minimal difference, stuff in heroics is one shotted or killed in 2 passes.
    Question: Drop 2 points of con for +4 dex? Gives +2 AC, reflex saves for less hitpoints. Or higher charisma for extra turnings, but I suspect I'll get enough of those as is.
    With twinkage ( dex item at level, gh, resist item at level ) you will have reflex good enough in heroic elites and epic hards ( with some twists ), in epic elite, it won't make any difference.
    Either 2 str/charisma/int is fine. I prefer int for full balance ranks ( omfg heavy armour+low reflex roll = trip/comet sucks. )

    Human Feat: Extend Spell (swap for Spell Penetration Later)
    Level 1 Feat: Toughness (This is the only defensive feat; no shield mastery, which I see some people using. Is it okay to run with minimal defenses like this)?
    Level 3 Feat: Empower Healing
    Level 6 Feat: Maximize
    Level 9 Feat: Quicken
    Level 12 Feat: Empower
    Level 15 Feat: Heighten Spell
    Level 18 Feat: Spell Focus: Evocation
    Level 21 Feat:
    Level 24 Feat:
    With 5 minutes buffs, extend is not really needed, save the free feat swap, empower at level 1 instead for maxed burst at lvl 6.
    Greater + epic spell pen, this toon will wreck heroic elite and Demigod in epic hards.
    Workable Epic elite DCs for divine is out of reach even for multi tr toons, just because ... either someone at Turbine really dislike divine casters or capable hjealzor is scary thought for too many players.

    Scroll mastery 4 is too expensive unless it's full time raider, and renewal/coccon cover that anyway. 2 is enough, any melee worth their salt has 20,30% on gear, 10% ship, best tanks have racials on top of that.

    Cleric Improved Empower Healing and Energy of the Zealot is junk
    Racial heal amp 3 and toughness 3 is too expensive.

    Since Divine punishment/ arcane dots were introduced, at least full light spell power line should be staple for every divine, your first aoe/nuke is holy smite/searing light too. Get that early, and some radiance ( Cannith crafting, Daloren't seal ...). As much as you can in light crit/crit damage recommended with spare points.
    Holy smite+unmetaed soundburst for groups , command for the rare ogre until lvl 11.

    4 smiting+max+emp+radiance on gear Divine Punishment is super strong for bosses. Greater necro focus item from lvl 11 and bb, slay living+destruction, DP and implosion in Vale make short work of any heroic quest ( ok , ok maybe symbol of persuasion for elite Sins if you don't have displace clickie )

    But hey, it's enhancements so you can always try different setups

    Shahang (hjealme), Wipekin (kotc), Nezhat (barbie) Ghallanda/Devourer

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by thenalim View Post
    I do think the wiz force enhancements will boost your BB, but why in the world would you take wiz over sorc as a splash?
    Extra feat.

  6. #6
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    Yeah, well, I said I dont see but I do. What I dont see is how that compares to 2xSp from items.

  7. #7
    The Hatchery
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    Quote Originally Posted by thenalim View Post
    Yeah, well, I said I dont see but I do. What I dont see is how that compares to 2xSp from items.
    With just one level of Sorcerer you don't get 200% from items, you get 105%.

  8. #8
    The Hatchery
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    Jun 2010


    If you're planning on wearing any sort of armor, 8 strength is going to be pretty miserable.

  9. #9
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    If spell pen is that important to you than Elf is probably better.

    If spell pen is not that important mainly cause you are a non elf first life then Human CLR19/WIZ1 or CLR17/WIZ1/___ is a great way to go especially if you are running the toon up from low lvls. WIZ1 also gives you Martial Weapon proficiency with Master's touch spell.

    On a non Elf first life you can prob have decent spell pen for hard and EH, but EE and elite content might suck for it.
    Your lack of healing amp not my problem. Please buy and use your own remove curse pots in combat, so I don't waste mana. Not my job.

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