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  1. #1
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2011

    Default Which SLA / Spells does enlarge work with?

    The guild I am in is short manning raids and running all over the place while doing so - making me consider Enlarge Spell to more easily heal them when needed.

    I am wondering though if Enlarge works with:
    - Heal
    - Healing Word (FvS capstone heal)
    - Renewal
    - Avenging Light
    - Divine Wrath

    If it works on all of those it might not be so bad though apart from those raids it will hold little value for me. I am sure it will still be able to easily solo EH quests as well as solo the easier EE quests with work so I doubt I will be completely gimping myself by taking this feat and I hope it will make our raids go smoother (Fall of Truth for example).

  2. #2
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2011


    The answer appears to be all of them. I just figured out that I could test on Lamannia and did so.

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