I find myself playing my dwarf cleric (20) a lot, yet hardly ever enjoy playing him. (Seems we always need a healer!!)
He was built to be a casting cleric. The problem is that without past lives and serious investment into spell pen and DC's... He.. well.. To put it bluntly, sucks. I don't find playing him much fun at all. Now I've seen lots of folks absolutely destroy things with their Casting Clerics. But as for me personally? Not so much. If I wanted to nuke, I would log on to my sorceror or wizard. Then I got some new items, including a CiTW shortsword an EE GH Dwarven Waraxe, and a Dueregar Dwarven Waraxe..
**Edited and updated thanks to advice given here**
Build Musts:
Fully Heal Capable. 17 cleric, mass heals + aura
Full Two Weapon Fighting line. (I know there's a good argument for Two Handed, but I have the gear already for the TWF, and plenty of THF characters already.)
Cleave & Great Cleave. (These are just too much fun NOT to have on a melee IMO)
I started thinking about ways to make this build more fun for me to play. This is what I have come up with so far.
The Dwarven massochist. (Yes, I HAVE to go dwarf considering I want to lesser ressurect. I have no intention of ever going for past lives on this guy, he's done.)
Lawful Good Dwarf
2 Fighter/17 Cleric/1 Wizard
32 point build:
Str - 16 (24) +1 minimum tome for feat qualifiers in epic levels, I have a +2.
Dex- 15 (17) ***Need +2 tome at level 7 for the Two Weapon feats***
Con- 14 (16)
Intel- 10
Wis- 12 (14)
Cha- 10 (12)
All level up points go into Strength!
Level progression:
1. Ftr
2-13 Cleric (Stop when you get your Radiant Servant II pre)
14. Ftr
15-19 Cleric
20. Wizard
1 (Fighter Bonus) Power Attack
1 Two Weapon Fighting
3 Cleave
6 Empower Healing Spell
9 Improved Two Weapon Fighting
12 Quicken Spell
14 (Fighter Bonus) Greater Two Weapon Fighting
15 Maximize Spell
18 Improved Critical Slashing
20 (Wizard Bonus) Empower Spell
21 Great Cleave
24 Overwhelming Critical
Fighter Haste Boost I
Cleric Radiant Servant II
Dwarven Axe Attack I
Dwarven Axe Damage I
Dwarven Constitution II
Wizard Energy of the Scholar I
Fighter Critical Accuracy I
Improved Heal II
Cleric Prayer of Smiting III
Cleric Prayer of Life III
Cleric Prayer of Incredible Smiting III
Cleric Prayer of Incredible Life II
Force Manipulation I
Cleric Smiting IV
Cleric Life Magic IV
Cleric Charisma II
Fighter Strength I
Cleric Wisdom II
Cleric Divine Vitality I
Cleric Improved Turning I
Cleric Wand and Scroll Mastery I
The one wizard level : Extra 40 spell power to my blade barriers, more spell points, free empower feat. And hey, what cleric DOESN'T want jump?
The 2 Fighter is for the feats, plus the haste boost.
The Cleric portion of this build... I can heal with 90% of the efficacy I had before. The only loss is 3 caster levels of cleric. Which in the long run, doesn't amount to much. No, I won't be able to bust anyones spell resistance or hit no fail DC's.. That's a given. Plus I NEVER seem to have enough spell points to cast offensively and keep party healing going. Why not actually do some decent damage and throw in some melee clickies? Throw in some divine punishments and a few bladebarriers for non-evasion types and hey, presto!
So.. I'm putting this up to get some feedback as to what could be improved upon!
Thanks in advance for reading.
(Yes, I know the new enhancement pass is coming and will invalidate this. But until then, I want to have fun playing this guy.)