atm live its possible to reach almost full spellpower on Spellswords
but it seems this will be a lot harder to reach (if even possible) with the changes that come

WF Spellsword
I see that WF repair amp will cushion repair spellpower a bit but i see no way to mitigate the reduced Element Spellpower because Sorc have so little Skillpoints that investing in Spellcraft is not an option and most points have to be invested in melee trees to keep the build capable of melee.

PM Spellsword
Heal as crossclass skill?
Heal & Concentration & Spellcraft & Balance as must have.
Seems a bit hard on PM Spellswords when you consider that Int is dump stat for at least 50% of those builds.
Also neg energy healing is meh live because the damage has gone up so much and the heal value from it remained the same.
Also low Element Spellpower because all a Spellsword wants from the tree is PM form and a single Element Spellpower.
This worries me a lot.