As speaking from someone who actually likes active button mashing in combat I still have to say it's getting too much for the DDO style game.
Button mashing and cooldown work well in a game such as Aion for instance, because you're basically "locked into" combat. If your opponent happens to move, the game automatically moves you as well, thus you can basically stop watching the overall screen and just watch the keys and timers.
In DDO, however, you have to be very engaged in the combat actions. If your opponent moves, you have to actively move as well so that you get a physics check with your weapon. So in a furious battle it becomes crazy as you try to keep track of your opponent position, your position, and which abilities are on cooldown. I hate all the times I hit Momentum Swing or Exalted Smite or Divine Sacrifice or Flame Sword (whatever it's called) and look up to see that the Mob has moved enough one way or the other that I've essentially swung at "air".
Compare those abilities to the LD one where every Crit equals a +1 to my damage, this ability is a nice relief, if I crit I get a little "boost" effect over my head, which is very satisfying, and I know I'm now doing more damage. Nice, satisfying, and useful.
I like "heavy clicking games" but only in games that have that in their base design. Because of DDO's active combat, where movement actually matters, all these clickie effects and watching cooldowns, detract from the game's play, not enhance it. And "button mashing" really sucks with DDO's laggy system. I have to hit the key several times and see the button actually "light up" several times before the Server actually gets the message and activates the ability. It's frustrating as I smash my "Smite" and watch it glow several times before it actually delivers the attack. It's even more frustrating when a Mob does a scripted "backstep" when it finally does activate and I've just "swung at air" and am now waiting on the cooldown again.