Character Compendium
Sarlona*Eternal Wrath
I was expecting and hoping for Warpriest. But I guess hjiil bot is a clerics only function. *sigh*
Doesnt make sense to pigeon hole Divines as Evokers. With the Heal skill improving negative energy damage. Someone noted that it was an attempt to make inflict wounds more useful, but these are necro spells. The same with Slay Living and Destruction(though untyped damage). BUT... These spells also require spell pen check (along with offensive use of Cure/Heal which are Conjuration spells) and these now lose upto 3 spell pne (equivalent of 1 wiz and fvs past life feat) from enhancement bonus for Clerics and 1 spell pen reduction for Favored Souls when target is within Aura of Menace (2 when not).
I know its still early alpha and trees maybe amended or added before it goes live, buth they still need to be addresses. If you read class description on the the website you will see this description of Clerics "Divine spell casters and healers, Clerics have a broad range of spells at their command. They excel at curing ailments and healing allies but also have the ability to blast enemies with their divine power."
I was expecting:
* 1x Healer-Tree
* 1x Caster-Tree
* 1x Meleeish-Tree
* true Domains to lessen the powergap between Cleric & FvS
What i got:
* 1x Healer-Tree
* 1x Nannybot-Joke
* 1x A Cat called Dog- Simply naming the Cleric's Prestigetrees "Domains" is a cheap trick, and an acknowledgement that they will never implement Domains, as "We already have domains, right here!"
Clerics are the best f2p class in DDO for healing a party.
The most popular content (raids) need at least two healing characters to heal the group. For this purpose, Clerics and Favored Souls are preferred. (but Druids and even Bards can heal,I know....)
Players need to be encouraged to make Cleric characters.
In order to get as many players as possible to play clerics, it is necessary to make them as versatile as possible in order to attract different types of players. (Some want to be casters, some would rather melee, etc.)
Domains provide the Cleric class with alot of it's versatility by giving Clerics extra abilities and adding to the Cleric's spell list.
DDO clerics need Domains of different types.
Does that make sense?
It does indeed make sense, however, there is an issue.
Both D&D 3.5 and DDO boosted the power and versatility of Clerics in order to make them more appealing and so ensure that people would play them. Likely because they are still based around standard D&D party makeup and capabilities.
What happened is that Clerics were now so powerful that they could actually marginalise some of the other classes: the ones that were reliant on them. In 3.5 you have the CoDzillas. In DDO the Divine soloists and BYOHers.
What seems to be in demand is a shuffle towards the style where "healers" are only needed for the really nasty fights, and everyone is just a DPS with self-healing. 4th ed D&D and Warcraft both have examples of non-healers having self-healing capabilities.
Regarding the cleric PrE trees, (Domains are Faith-based and so should be part of those feats, not the PrEs) the Radiant Servant is Healing/Light-based damage/Undead destroyer. It sounds like the demand for the other should be a melee/weapon damage based battle cleric, (not Warpriest), and if possible, a third based on DC-type casting: necromantic or excorcist perhaps.
And on the forums. Far more on the forums that actually in the game itself.
I may have been a little snarky, but the difference between the attitudes of the forum-goers (who are generally the people commenting on the enhancements) and a lot of the rest of the playerbase over this subject is worth pointing out.