I cannot download lamania, some error keeps preventing me. However, I sat down for several hours going over the textual information provided by Ellisdee and others.

General Over View
I was surprisingly pleased with the Healing Domain(?) for my cleric which appears to all intents and purposes to provide mostly what I already have from my Radiant Servant without any extremely onerous requirements or costs. Some improvements could be made certainly, but I can live with the tree as it stands. However, that being said there are some missing qualities from the cleric trees as a whole that I feel will further push my character into the role of support only – these being Cleric Smiting and Prayer of Smiting as well as Spell Penetration. Also the Protection Domain (?) is absurd in its focus on supporting others more than the cleric itself.

I’m not against having a couple abilities in each tree that help team mates. This can be played as a team game, or solo. Personally, I mostly duo with my hubby. However, Far too many AP in both trees are meant to help/aid or buff others rather than the character earning and spending these AP. (Martyrdom anyone?)

Again, a few enhancements per tree for others acceptable. Too much focus on support and you are denying me alternatives toward making my own character powerful. Yes I could just select those enhancements that do not help others but what could I possibly have also chosen if more of those enhancements meant for others were meant for myself?