I just created a Druid toon, half elf. I took the Rogue dilletante. I expected that to give me the UMD skill, but I did not get it. Was my assumption wrong, or could I have done something wrong in the creation that prevented me from getting UMD?
I just created a Druid toon, half elf. I took the Rogue dilletante. I expected that to give me the UMD skill, but I did not get it. Was my assumption wrong, or could I have done something wrong in the creation that prevented me from getting UMD?
Snarly Dwarf Chick With A Great Axe
all the rogue dilli gives you is the ability to use items that say class required rogue and 6d6 sneak attack damage.
you didnt mess up, you just didnt understand the feat.
Thanks for the help. +1 to both of you.
Snarly Dwarf Chick With A Great Axe
Just to clear up confusion, my Druid will be primarily a wolf melee.
Snarly Dwarf Chick With A Great Axe