^^^^^ THIS to the 3rd power or more.... Been about 5+days for me and I'm DYING to get into Lamannia and try out the new enhancement pass..... HELLO! Squeek? You there? This is beyond frustrating and disappointing. I want to get in test things out and give some feedback. Any eta on when the droves of people (not everyone reads the forums and an even smaller minority actually posts on the forums) that are itching to test things out for the developers might be able to get in?
On a side note, noticing there has been absolutely no movement on this issue in almost a week.... Anyone out there that is able to get in happen to have an older version of the downloader/installer they might share with the rest of us that are locked out of Lamannia? Pretty Please? With sugar on it?
All Haiku courtesy of Kayerith: RAID HAIKU!!: Velah isn't scared//we are killing the zombies//Dahliya is mean? <> Running for the hound!//making babbies fight mommy!//Michael Vick Approved <> Do you trust the shroud?//We must fight Harry two times//bring D-R Breakers <> Race haiku!!: Rusties eat war-forged//I laugh at their suffering//the screams are funny <> War-forged have no souls//batteries not included//save your receipt please <> Toaster surfing haiku!!: Jumping in the air//warforged crowding below me//I cannot get down!!! <> Confusion claims me!//which gender has facial hair?//male or female dwarves? <> It cannot be true! // a dwarf with no beard appears!//ABOMINATION!!
Is this the day hope is restored, or confirmation of Turbine's lack of motivation to resolve issues.
The Great Gnome Conspiracy was here!
Unfortunately, this is directly related to the Pando issue. We are working with Pando to get it fixed.
I know this situation is very frustrating for everyone, and I want this issue to be sorted out as quickly as possible. Unfortunately, it is not something I can personally solve. I will keep you updated as I find out more.
We have also decided to keep previously viewed Class Enhancement Trees available as we preview the new trees. Hence, for Thursday's build, you will have access to Druid, Favored Soul, Rogue, Sorcerer, and Wizard as well as Artificer, Cleric, Fighter, and Ranger. (And then access to all trees for the last week of the Enhancements Alpha Preview.)
Last edited by SqueakofDoom; 04-17-2013 at 09:57 AM.
The Great Gnome Conspiracy was here!
FYI devs-
Downloaded Lama last night.
Same problem as OP.
I sad panda now.
Thorgred, Cavitycreep, Creeploaf, Creepingdoom of Thelanis. Member of C-L-A-W
My mailbox is overflowing with requests and thanks so i'm just going to post the fix and so be it what ever they want to do to me about it.
This patch is a self extracting rar it is a silent installation it extracts the files directly in to the default installation folder.
If you did a custom install you can either extract it with WinRAR or go the default folder and move the files by hand.
The default installation path : C:/ProgramFiles/Turbine/DDO Unlimited(Preview).
The files contained within the patch are nothing more then the latest known working launcher files.
The download it self is hosted by media fire you may notice a lot of ads on the download page be sure you look carefully for the real download link in the box with the mediafire logo and the file name.
I think this about covers any problems users have experienced so far.
Side notes : I've personally been able to extract and completely patch the client in place on my desktop. I have also created a copy for DDO live.
Download Link : http://www.mediafire.com/?u22181q40m8g8kj
Last edited by brickwall; 04-17-2013 at 10:31 AM.