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The U.S. government tried this, it was called "no child left behind", check and see how that is going.
I have a radical idea, leave DDO as is, simplify the enhancements and use your shiny new interface if you like but let us the players play what we want.
Just because a few power gamers are building multi-class amalgamations with 37 past lives or whatever, and crushing your content, most are not, most just want to have fun playing DDO, not have their favorite toon nerffed every other update.
I have many "pure" toons, why because I like them, I play them because of my D&D days, and let's face facts the majority of your player base is here because of D&D, not because they are looking for a WoW clone.
Let me build what I want within the D&D framework, translated into DDO (because some PnP stuff does not work in an MMO, I get that) if I want a 12/6/2 class split toon let me, heck if I want a gimp 10/9/1 toon why do you the devs care? It is my time, my money, stop trying to pigeonhole us into your (and I mean Turbine's) idea of "balance" it is annoying and frankly condescending.
So far this Alpha enhancement preview has left a bad taste in my mouth. Over the years Turbine has nerffed some stuff and changed the rules on us more than once, this has the potential to outstrip all previous changes to finally surpass the TWF nerf as the worse thing to happen to DDO.
Personally I hope I am wrong, but as history shows, I doubt I am.
So Turbine, prove me wrong, make the new enhancement pass something that while might make us redo our toons a bit, it will leave us with the same choices as before, allow us the ability to make actual choices not be forced to take the ones you think are the right ones or "balanced".
Come on;