Thank you for all of your feedback so far, and please keep telling us what you think! I am excited to have so many people contributing to this effort. This is a HUGE change to the game, so your comments are important. There are many ways to give us your feedback: The forums, Surveys, and Bugs (please remember to list Lamannia as the server when reporting bugs).
I would like to comment on some feedback I have observed:
• Yes, the restrictions currently in place are limiting. We need your feedback to help us determine what needs to be adjusted. Obviously finding the correct balance of freedoms and restrictions is important, and we want you to help us find that balance. Go here to view the current restrictions (I will keep this page updated as things get adjusted). Let us know which particular restrictions are the most painful for you! I am using these surveys to compare your feedback on the restrictions from week to week.
• While you probably will not be able to re-create the build you currently have on live, I know you can make AWESOME builds with this new system. Please take the time to see what you can create with what is currently available. I know you have spent a lot of time building your characters on Live. I would appreciate it if you would take the same care and effort while testing out this new system.
• We know that the new Enhancements change many things for you. You should receive a Free Lesser Reincarnation when the old Enhancements are automatically reset so that you can respec your character. We wanted to verify that this system works, so characters on Lamannia (those with old Enhancements that got reset) should have a Free LR.
• BUG the BUGS! We have a BRAND NEW SYSTEM! It does not eat bugs like the old one. You should be burying Gazebo in bugs. Your bugs are very important to us and will help us make the Enhancements better! A few additional notes on bugs:
- All Racial Core Enhancements SHOULD NOT require any points spent in the tree to obtain them (ie: at level 20 you should be able to spend points on all Racial Core Enhancements). If your Racial Tree Core Enhancements do require points spent in the tree, please bug it!
- If a particular Enhancement is giving you a much larger bonus on live please bug it!
- If a particular Enhancement seems too expensive, please bug it!
- Essentially, If you think it could possibly be a bug PLEASE BUG IT! Sure, some things may be working as intended, but it is far better for us to look into a bug and make that decision than for us to never hear about the bug that is really a bug.