I am looking to squeeze more DPS out of my barbarian build as follows. Would appreciate any feedback/suggestions:
18 BRB, 2 FTR, 5 Epic
Armor: Flawless Black Dragonplate +8, Draconic Ferocity, Haste Guard, Armor-Piercing 20%, Relentless Fury, Superior Acid Resistance,Blue Augment (+35 HP)
Ring 1: Encrusted Ring, STR+6, STR +1, 20% Healing Amplification
Belt: Knost’s Belt, CON +6, Greater False Life
Ring 2: STR +8, Balance +13
Necklace: CON +8, Protection +6
Trinket: Greater Bold Trinket
Gloves: Nether Grasps, Arcane Casting Dexterity, Open Lock +20, Diversion 20%, Seeker +10, Demonic Might
Bracers: Bracers of the Twisting Shade, Disable Device +20, Search +20, Exceptional Seeker +5, Blurry, Resistance +7
Boots: Surefooted Boots, Balance +20, Striding +30%, Feat: Mobility, Green Augment (CON +1)
Headgear:EH Helm of the Black Dragon, Draconic Ferocity, STR +3, Green Augment (Good Luck +2), Colorless Augment (CON +2)
Goggles: Dream Visor, Dream Vision +5, Spot +20, Yellow Augment (Feather Falling)
Cloak: Greensteel Mineral Hit Point, Heavy Fortification
Weapon: Epic Sword of Shadow +10, Adamantine, Colorless Augment (), Red Augment (Heaven’s Light)
Fighter Level 1: Toughness, Power Attack
Fighter Level 2: Two Handed Fighting
Barbarian Level 1: Cleave
Barbarian Level 4: Great Cleave
Barbarian Level 7: Weapon Focus (Slashing)
Barbarian Level 10: Improved Critical (Slashing)
Barbarian Level 13: Improved Two Handed Fighting
Barbarian Level 16: Greater Two Handed Fighting
Epic Level 1: Overwhelming Critical
Epic Level 4: Power Critical