So, I've just played around with this tree for 5 minutes and there are a lot of things wrong with it already

I'll begin with my initial comments, and then I'll expand my opinion on it over the weekend

Feat Requirements

It seems that Greater weapon focus is still required in order to progress toward the keen edge ability. Why on earth would you still make us take such a useless feat?

Turbine, weapon focus grants ******1***** to attack still. And we need to grab two of those in order to get this ability. This is wasteful, as +2 to hit isn't worthy of an action point as far as I'm concerned, let alone two precious feats.

Think about it, the main draw of playing the fighter class is its large amount of feats. Why would you knock 2 of them out if the player chooses to pursue kensei, especially after doing an enhancement pass?


a) Remove the weapon focus feats, they have been plaguing kensei's for far too long.
b) Or, improve them to be offensively useful, so I don't feel miserable everytime I look at them in my feat list.

Enhancement Prerequisites

Attack Boost & Critical Accuracy

You are doing the same thing here that all kensei fighters despised about the old enhancement tree. And thats the attack boost and critical accuracy enhancements that are required in order to get to the funner stuff.

Why are you forcing us to work through these abilities to get to the ones we desire? They are not good. After all these years playing, I have never hit attack boost once. With 110+ confirm to my critical hits, I don't want to spend my action points on 3 more to my confirm to just get to an ability I desire.

If someone feels that they need it, by all means keep it available in the tree - but please don't force me to take it if I feel that it isn't useful.


I'd like to most emphatically say: Please remove the attack boost and critical accuracy enhancements from the chain toward the higher tier stuff. Its simply going completely against the ideas you folks proclaim this enhancement pass is supposed to uphold.

How are you giving me more customizability by forcing me to take enhancements that I absolutely loathe having in the game right now? Hopefully you consider this feedback in your revisions.

Next up: Wisdom bonus to fortification reducing attack - With EE saves being what they are, a mid 60's DC would be needed here. There's no way a tactician or DPS fighter can achieve a mid 60's DC on an ability based off a secondary stat. Its useless for EE content, and again, is being forced upon us in order to reach the higher end stuff.

Why are the devs forcing us to take so much stuff we don't want?

Suggestion: Make it Strength or Wisdom, so that wisdom based handwrap users can take advantage of it, as well as kensei str-based fighters.

I'll leave these initial thoughts here for now