Not sure if you noticed (didn't see anything in this thread, yet), but in the current release notes (dated 4/11), it specifes that the new Spellcraft skill is:
1) An INT based skill. So CHA-based builds (e.g. Bards, Sorcs) seem to be getting the short end of the stick.
2) Is a class-skill for Arty, Bard, Cleric, Druid, FvS, Sorc, and Wiz, and a cross-class skill for "everyone else". Which means that Pally and Ranger also appear to be getting the short end of the stick. And since Pally is a CHA-based build, doubly so.
Granted, this is "alpha", but still - this is how it appears to be ATM.
'Twill be interesting to see how this plays out...
"...At least it tells us they understand our language; they're just not willing to speak to us in it. -Who knew they were French?"
They don't need to ruin anything to make skills more useful. All they need to do to accomplish that would to make more skills available with no penalty to more classes and/or make certain skills buffable by more than one stat, like say the new Spellcraft skill. There are some skills that could apply more to content, but that is a quest design decision, not a skills problem. Robbing from Peter to pay Paul doesn't really make it a better system.
Anál nathrach
orth’ bháis’s bethad
do chél dénmha
Um, suddenly? I seem to recall only bards and druids having sonic spellpower enhanchments in current system.
And what would pally and ranger need spellcraft for?
Skill affecting positive spellpower (which is what matters for healing) is heal. It's on class skill list of both pally and ranger; and it's wis based (which means that both will prolly get equally low stat bonus).
EDIT: Um, and yeah, this change is... odd, at very least. I don't see why skills affecting spell damage was needed; and I find pale masters needing heal very hilarious.
Would you like to lose your right hand or your left hand? That's a choice too. Not much of one, but there you go. Or maybe you're a Game of Thrones fan... Would you prefer prefer to keep your hands or your tongue? I bet that minstrel was saying to himself, "Joffrey's not that bad, he gave me a choice."
It's exaggerated, but having a choice between two unpleasant options is not necessarily a good thing.
What you missed from the release notes is that Spellcraft DOESN'T WORK ON HEALING SPELLS, so there is absolutely no reason for a Paladin or Ranger to ever spend a single point on it. They want the Heal skill, which is in-class for both of them, and wis-based.Not sure if you noticed (didn't see anything in this thread, yet), but in the current release notes (dated 4/11), it specifes that the new Spellcraft skill is:
1) An INT based skill. So CHA-based builds (e.g. Bards, Sorcs) seem to be getting the short end of the stick.
2) Is a class-skill for Arty, Bard, Cleric, Druid, FvS, Sorc, and Wiz, and a cross-class skill for "everyone else". Which means that Pally and Ranger also appear to be getting the short end of the stick. And since Pally is a CHA-based build, doubly so.
Kobold sentient jewel still hate you.
From what I can see here, these changes do not look like an improvement.