Heya! Thanks for the sneak peak... I'm guessing at this point you want more feedback about the system than bug reports, although I'll through in a couple as well.
I started poking around before seeing Squeak's Information pictures, and it took me a few to realize that the "Racial Core" abilities aren't "Autogrants" like they are in destinies. Live and learn.
I basically tried to convert over my existing character concept to the new system. I have a human ranger 19/Rogue 1/Epic 5 character on Lamma at the moment.
Quick Mention of a couple of bugs:
1) the Human "Fighting Styles" T2 multiple selector is broken. It starts at 0/3, and goes to 1/1 after picking Sniper (so you can never pick Sniper 2 and Sniper 3). I did not try picking a different fighting style.
2) I spent 24 AP on Human, 8 AP on Tempest, and the rest on Arcane Archer. When relogging, the Arcane Archer tree was wiped clean. I had picked stuff, applied, reset, and repicked during my initial session. (After figuring out Core Abilities aren't Autogrants).
I think the point requirements in tree are too high for the racials. I had to burn a lot of points on skills that I normally wouldn't pick for my character because I wanted to unlock the higher Healing Amp enhancement. It also makes splashing a 3rd tree more difficult, since the things in Tempest that I was kind of interested in, I didn't meet the spent AP requirement for, and would have to burn more points on skills that don't benefit the character.
I'm not sure if this is a bug or not, but the RuneBow enhancement and the Core grants and Implement bonus interact in a weird way.
Using Bow of the Silver Flame, +4 base Enhancement
Archery Mastery +5 Enhancement
Runebow +2 enhancement
Implement 18 (4 + 2 * 3.... Base + Runebow, not Mastery + Runebow)
It's kinda hard to visualize how everything interacts because all information is in a tool tip, and you don't get to see the higher tiers until you spend points on stuff. i.e. An enhancement that's 0/3, you don't get to learn what tier 3 does until you buy tier 2 and can read the tool tips side by side. You don't get to learn what Multiple Enhancement Selectors select until you go to buy it. It means you have to dig through everything actively trying to comprehend it because the information isn't readily presented to you. I'd recommend something like CTRL+Hover shows all tooltips or something.
I was glad to see that you can reset each tree individually, I was disappointed to see that resetting Tree A increases the cost for resetting Tree B.
I think 32 astral shards, no matter on how much AP is in the tree is outrageous.
As far as the AA tree goes, I like that there's a bunch of imbues in the core and selectable trees. I guess Slayer Arrows going from an imbue is how you plan on dealing with Furyshot builds. Though I do like that there's now banishing shot and smiting shot... I've had my Arti since thanksgiving and still don't have Disciplinator for smiting shot on her!
My initial reaction to seeing Heroism and GH as enhancements in the human tree made me immediately think of another undermining of my Bard's abilities... but I know I need to wait to see the bard's tree before that opinion is shown to have any merit.