If this new system had been in the game from the start, nobody would complain.
No one in the world ever gets what they want
And that is beautiful
Everybody dies frustrated and sad
And that is beautiful
In the case of Clerics, this proposed skill change concerns me. In order to amp their spells, clerics would have to put points into both Heal and Spellcraft. IIRC, the only sonic spell on the divine spell list is Sound Burst, so the sonic spellpower from Perform wouldn't matter much. The thing is, Clerics only have two skill points per level. Thus, they would have to make some hard choices as to which skills/spellpower they want to put points into.
Could classes with low skill points (except wizards, who have all the skill points they need with their high int) be given an extra skill point per level?
Question: I haven't been able to log onto Lammania yet, but on the forums I've only seen two cleric class enhancement trees. Are they the only ones that clerics have access to? I hope not...
I echo what was just said, my bardcher is bard 16 rogue 2 ranger 2, to do decent damage/traps/songs/have sp and okay hps he needs right now a delicate balance of: con, dex, str, int and cha.
With the new changes I'll need to dump something by 2 or 4 points to get the extra needed int to have Heal trained to gain back a bit of the devotion hit I'll take from it been removed from the enhancement tree.
My cleric/arty requires int for traps, con to survive, wis to hit/sp, cha for turns, a bit of dex for feats and to fit the new skills and remain a decent healer I would need to drop cha, wis or con by 4 or 8 points, turning the build from "decent dps, good survivability and good healer" to "crappy dps, glass healbot".
Min-Maxers will simply not bother with the new skill on classes with low skill points, it's those fun builds that "shouldn't work, yet somehow are kick-ass and fun" that will die off...
"Pike or do not. There is no lag."
I will echo what I just said a couple of answer above: it's no matter of min-maxer. Matuse, the one that said it, has a wizard and wants the new toy to benefit him and his class more than Sorcerer. It's as simple as that![]()
Ignore his reply.
I can see that pretty much everyone here agreed that this spell should be changed somehow because right now, it's stupidly dumb how it favorites certains classes and how it is so so so bad for others.
With the skill points being needed for additional spell power IMO they need to make perform a skill that can be taken without splashing bard there are other classes that utilize sonic damage on there builds ...
I TR'd my Wiz 2 weeks ago. Don't care for the class.It's because of people like you that we can't have nice things. Instead of suggesting to have it use the highest from INT, WIS or CHA to appeal to EVERYONE, you prefer to have the new toy just for you.
Becase we all know you have a Wiz
Do wizards and high skill point classes get the most benefit? Yes. Is build diversity a good thing? Also yes.Apparently, Wizards, Rangers and Bards are not min-maxxers while Clerics, FvS, Sorcs, and Paladins are. Thanks for the tip!
All in all, you're talking about -at most- a 23 point swing. Most times, you're not even going to notice the difference in how hard your spells land.
My primary interest is in divines, and they get it worse than anyone, since they now have Spellcraft AND Heal to add to the repertoire. Big deal. I'll adjust. Neither skill will likely end up at max ranks, but because I favor screwing min-maxxers, I also don't care that neither skill will end up at max ranks.
Kobold sentient jewel still hate you.
Things worthy of Standing Stone going EXTREME PREJUDICE™ on.:
- Epic and Legendary Mysterious ring upgrades, please.
- Change the stack size of filigree in the shared bank to 50. The 5 stack makes the shared bank worthless for storing filigree in a human usable manner.
- Fixing why I don't connect to the chat server for 5 minutes when I log into a game world.
- Fixing the wonky Lightning Sphere and Tactical Det firing by converting them to use alchemist spell arcing.
- Redoing the drop rates of tomes in generic and raid loot tables.
As long as the class as a whole stays balanced against others, choices in how to build your character out of it are a good thing.
Currently, yes.Question: I haven't been able to log onto Lammania yet, but on the forums I've only seen two cleric class enhancement trees. Are they the only ones that clerics have access to? I hope not...
I think that the idea was to help him by giving advice on how to form a constructive criticism that will be taken more seriously than throwing insults and venting would.