Ilmer Silverhilt, 32pt Dwarf Barbarian12/Ranger6/Rogue2.
Mesmerita d'Jorasco, 36pt Halfling Bard20.
Acrobot, 34pt Warforged Rogue20.
The Adventure Pack(92), Cannith.
I think the new skill 'spellcraft' is a terrible idea.
On the one hand, the devs try to remove the need for the mandatory feat 'toughness",
on the other hand a new mandory skill for all arcane caster is introduced. :-(
If the new designed spell system requires a skill based spellpower system, so do it simple:
Just use the skill 'concentration' for it (maybe without item enhancements, just the base score) and be done with it.
A new skill will force all arcanes to do at least a lesser reincarnation, please save us these tedious hours of lost gameplay.
Last edited by Yamato-San; 04-12-2013 at 07:03 AM.
It's not only a mandatory skill, it's also based on INT.
Concentration would be as bad as Spellcraft. What they need to do is use the highest modifier of INT, CHA or WIS. This way, noone will be left behind.
They also need to make Heal and Perform a class skill for every arcane and Divine. If they don't do both things, this will be the worst idea (togheter with the 3 max trees) of this whole system.
The better question is: Why would you want to?Where can I fit in a +8, exceptional, and insight bonus INT items?
+8 +1 +3 = +12, which is +6 to the Spellcraft skill.
So that's +6 spellpower. Would you even notice if that was present or not? We haven't seen the arcane trees yet, but if you have 200 spellpower now, then this is a difference of 194 vs 200. Can you seriously tell me that you would ever actually notice that small of a variation?
Kobold sentient jewel still hate you.
Flavor wise I'm totally on board....
Unfortunately, the realities of how tight skill points already are in most builds - including wizards - make this a terrible approach that leaves almost everyone out in the cold trying to find a way back to where they already were in spellpower and being forced to give up quite a bit to get there.
A guildy of mine said this very well:
There is a difference between making certain skills useful again, and making them useless but required.
You mean just like it is in PnP to get into certain PrCs? It would be a step to make it closer to 3.x rules, honestly, where we never had enough skill points to do everything we wanted normally.
So video game (lets face it, that is what DDO is) Fun, or PnP hard decissions.
Also, in PnP, a GM can change the world ont he fly when things don't work right for skills. In a video game, there is no GM to do that. The character got changed, but the world didn't get changed to fit the character, which is what you have to do in a video game.
That's like 3%. It's like a caster stick giving 114 or 120.
Would I notice it? Probably not. Will stuff die faster with it? Yes.
Particularly with Repair. I don't slot a repair item, I counted on Potency items. Repair spells get boosted by the Repair skill, and last I saw the enhancement line was gone. So now I need the skill which is INT based. I was fine with 80 potency. Not a lot, but enough, but 6 of 80 is like 13 percent.
Yet another dumb unneeded change by the devs. Here's is a the H@ll am I going to get higher sonic spell power for my druid's reaving roar when I can't even put into perform? Dumb, impulsive idea Turbine...
Cannith - Sorrion - Glassbones - Galodon - Farsnipe
Sarlona - Glassbones
spellcraft another skill
heal and repair useful
strengthen perform
hoping these are good news
I have no problem at all with the additions to these skills. You SHOULD have to make choices about where your attributes go, and giving desirability for Int is only a positive to me. Anything that screws min-maxxers is a good thing.
Kobold sentient jewel still hate you.
It's because of people like you that we can't have nice things. Instead of suggesting to have it use the highest from INT, WIS or CHA to appeal to EVERYONE, you prefer to have the new toy just for you.
Becase we all know you have a Wiz
Desirability for Int? What's that? Why would I feel the desidery to have Int on bard? Or on a Sorc? Or any other caster in game? lol.
Should we make a new skill that adds the HP by 1 with WIS Mod just to "give desirability to Wis" ? I can only laugh at that response.
I'm not sure what you mean by "like it is in PnP"...I've never played a PnP game where the GM massively altered how my class worked in the middle of the game by adding a half dozen skills of which I needed at least 3 to retain the casting capabilities I already had but at the cost of giving up other capabilities I already had.
As far as hard choices go, creating a PM already involves a number of hard choices, so lets not pretend this is an issue of easy choices being made hard. This is hard choices being made no win.
I don't know, maybe some people are looking for that. Doesn't sound like my cup of tea. I prefer hard choices to be rewarded with fully functional builds.
Or just offer more choices to spread the bonuses around.
That’s why our GM allows us to do lesser reincarnations. It’s already been stated that the Free lesser Reincarnation mechanic is getting reset once this goes live. In fact, I already used my free lesser reincarnation on Lammaland on a character that had already used his.
Last edited by QuantumFX; 04-12-2013 at 08:26 PM.
Things worthy of Standing Stone going EXTREME PREJUDICE™ on.:
- Epic and Legendary Mysterious ring upgrades, please.
- Change the stack size of filigree in the shared bank to 50. The 5 stack makes the shared bank worthless for storing filigree in a human usable manner.
- Fixing why I don't connect to the chat server for 5 minutes when I log into a game world.
- Fixing the wonky Lightning Sphere and Tactical Det firing by converting them to use alchemist spell arcing.
- Redoing the drop rates of tomes in generic and raid loot tables.
I can't say as I really like this idea. With the exception of maybe opening up some classes to skills that are now cross-class, I think they should leave skills alone.
Anál nathrach
orth’ bháis’s bethad
do chél dénmha
You really think this screws min/maxxers? Well first, maybe I should just give up, I'm failing to see the benefit of giving anything else you say any sort of validity given your 'screw anyone not playing my way' stance. But just because I don't know any better.
On a 36pt build my Sorc would put
16pts into CHA to get to 16
8pts into CON to get to 17
That would leave me with 12pts to spare.
I could have put them in STR for a bit of melee. 10pts would get me to 16STR, Masters Touch a beater, and I'm suddenly very decent early on. Later the STR helps keep me from encumbered. Or maybe I put those points into DEX for a touch of AC early then Balance later. Choices.
But now it'll be 10pts into INT. Always. Because past the vale, for me maybe others are different, it's all about spell damage. Those 10pts will get me to 16INT, and after tomes (+4) and gear (+8 from item, exception 1, and insight 3) INT will be at 32. That's +11 modifier, 23 ranks into Spell Craft (Hey I found my INT to get 11 ranks of Repair!), plus say a +15 Spell Craft item (if they'll exist) and I'm sitting at a +49 Spell Craft bonus at lvl20 and +54 at lvl25. As long as I can boost my Polar Rays comparable to live from the still hidden Savant PRE tree, then that's just free damage. A decent bit of it too! And all I have to do is give up everything but spell damage on my Sorc... choices.
This wont punish a min/maxxed WF Sorc. It'll reward them, and punish anyone not pigeon holed into the same build and gear layout.