Fighter Enhancements are currently available on Lamannia.
Please share your thoughts on the Fighter Enhancement Trees!
Fighter Enhancements are currently available on Lamannia.
Please share your thoughts on the Fighter Enhancement Trees!
Last edited by SqueakofDoom; 07-10-2013 at 10:13 AM.
Nice work squeak!
"Treat People How you want to be Treated, be friends with me i will be friends back.."
AC buff thingies!
Attack speed boosters that stack with existing abilities!!
"Treat People How you want to be Treated, be friends with me i will be friends back.."
Stalwart overall is better. However Kensai at first glance seems worse. These are lack luster compared to ninja spy and tempest. And yes I can access ninja spy. Not sure why. I got a view of all the monks.
So did kensai lose the seeker bonus it got from weapon specs? I only see the separate seeker enhancements but nothing from the weapon specs.
I like that you can go some Kensai and sneak some stalwart stance for HP's/AC. No requirement that you all or nothing either side.
I also like the grouping of weapons for Kensai instead of singular weapon. You could now push both khopesh and bastard sword (and long sword and great sword) with all the same benefits using Heavy Blades. Allowing one to wield say a drow khopesh main hand and a Nightmare Citw offhand with all the Kensai bonuses... plus some points in the defender tree...
Sort of sad that a lot of attack bonuses are still +1. Seems like a waste of AP with the new scaled to-hit system, especially given a lot of the boosts are now +8. I thought this updating would give them a chance to bump stuff up to meet with new AC/to-hit systems.
Last edited by Gratch; 04-11-2013 at 03:37 PM.
Casual DDOaholic
Stalwart Defender
For those who don't have a Llama client up. Note that you don't automatically get the Core Abilities enhancements. You have to pay for them after the first level.
Core Abilities row
Toughness (+1 HP per AP spent in this tree. +3% Fortification for each level of Core Ability in Stalwart Defender)
Overbalance (Fighter level 3) (Sheild gains Knockdown on Vorpal)
Stalwart Defense (Fighter level 6) (Shield defensive stance +10 PRR and +50% threat and -10% movement an immune to Rage while in this stance.)
Stand Fast (Fighter level 12) ( Shield action boost. +20 to saves vs. Fear and Knockdown for 20 seconds. Can be used while feared/knocked down to end that effect)
Defensive Sweep (Fighter level 18) (Shield action boost. +50% threat and your attacks strike 2 targets instead of 1 for 20 seconds)
Last Stand (Fighter level 20) (Passive +2 Con. Active Shield action boost: +50 PRR, +100% HP, heal 1d10 positive energy each time you are hit with a physical attack. Does not share a cooldown with other action boosts)
Tier 1:
Item Defense (25%/50%/75% chance to avoid permanent damage when repairing items)
Improved Stalwart Defense (+5/10/15 PRR *or* +??/??/??% threat *or* +1/2/3 Saving Throws)
Stalwart Defensive Mastery (+1/2/3 AC and Max Dex bonus)
Defensive Boost (+5/10/15 AC action boost for 20 seconds)
Threatening Countenance (+1/2/3 Haggle and Intimidate and +5/10/15% threat generation)
Tier 2:
Shield Striking
Improved Stalwart Defense
Stalwart Shield Mastery
Reinforced Defense
Instinctive Defense
Tier 3:
Improved Stalwart Defense
Greater Stalwart Defense
Reinforced Defense
Tier 4:
Swift Defense
Greater Stalwart Defense
Shield Expertise
Tier 5:
Block and Cut
Greater Stalwart Defense
Armor Expertise
Last edited by HungarianRhapsody; 04-11-2013 at 07:17 PM.
No one in the world ever gets what they want
And that is beautiful
Everybody dies frustrated and sad
And that is beautiful
Character Compendium
Sarlona*Eternal Wrath
No one in the world ever gets what they want
And that is beautiful
Everybody dies frustrated and sad
And that is beautiful
For those who don't have a Llama client up. I'll type up more details on each enhancement shortly. Note that you don't automatically get the Core Abilities enhancements. You have to pay after the first one.
"Autogrant" row:
Weapon Mastery (Pick your specialization weapon group called Focus weapons)
Spiritual Bond (Fighter level 3) (Each time you make a Vorpal hit, gain a +1 Insight bonus to the enhancement bonus of your weapon (the "plus). You get this up to the number of times that you have Core Abilities in Kensei. These wear off one per 10 seconds. This is the same bonus as the Weapon Meditation ability. The highest this stack can go is +10.)
Strike With No Thought (Fighter level 6) (1% Doublestrike with your specialized weapon group. This goes to 2/3/4% Doublestrike as you gain more Kensei Core Abilities.)
Power Surge (Fighter level 12) (action boost: +8 Psionic bonus to Strength for 60 seconds. +2 Ki per hit if you can generate Ki.)
One Cut (Fighter level 18) (Focus action boost: You Focused weapons (the specialized weapon group) gains the Vorpal trait for 60 seconds)
Alacrity (Fighter level 20) (+10% doublestrike or +bonus to attack rate with ranged weapons)
Tier 1:
Weapon Group Specialization (+1 To Hit and Damage with your group)
Exotic Weapon Mastery (Adds Khopesh or DAxe or Repeater, etc. to the appropriate group)
Attack Boost (Action Boost: +4/6/8 To Hit for 20 seconds)
Reed in the Wind (special attack: 30 second cooldown. +1W attack. Gain +3/6/9% Dodge for 6 seconds.)
Tier 2:
Tactics (+1/2/3 to the DC of your Tactical abilities)
Weapon Group Specialization (+1 To Hit and Damage for one handed weapons. +1 To Hit/+2 damage for two handed weapons)
Improved Dodge (+1/2/3% Dodge when wearing Light or no armor)
Weapon Meditation (Meditate for a while. Every 6/4/2 seconds, add +1 stacking up to +10 Insight bonus to the Enhancement bonus of the weapon. That drops by 1 every 10 seconds until it runs out. You can also get this same kind of bonus from Vorpal hits from the Spirital Bond Core Ability.)
Ascetic Training (+1 Concentration and your choice of +1/2/3 Reflex and +1/2/3 Dodge cap *or* +1/2/3 Fort and +5/10/15 HP *or* +1/2/3Will save and +0/0/1 passive Ki regeneration)
Tier 3:
Critical Accuracy (+1/2/3 to confirm critical hits)
Weapon Group Specialization (+1 To Hit and +1 Damage - no mention of +2 Damage for two handed weapons)
Improved Mobility (+1/2/3 Max Dex bonus and -1/2/3 Armor Check penalty in light armor)
Shattering Strike (Focus Melee Attack: +1/2/3 W attack. On damage: Target loses 5/10/15% fortification for 10 seconds. DC = 10 + half Fighter level + Wis mod)
Tier 4:
Critical Damage (+1/2/3 damage before multiplier on critical hits)
Weapon Group Specialization (+1 To Hit and Damage for one handed weapons. +1 To Hit/+2 damage for two handed weapons)
Tier 5:
A Good Death (Focused Melee Attack: melee attack with +1 critical threat range. If target is under 20% HP, they take 500 damage.*)
Keen Edge (+1 Critical Threat rage for your Focus weapons
One With The Blade (Your Focus weapons are considered centered for Ki stuff)
Deadly Strike (Focused Melee Attack: make an attack that is automatically a critical threat. On Vorpal, do 500 extra damage.*)
*no mention of whether the 500 damage is before or after crit.
Last edited by HungarianRhapsody; 04-11-2013 at 07:18 PM.
No one in the world ever gets what they want
And that is beautiful
Everybody dies frustrated and sad
And that is beautiful
this was actually quite irritating and will probably be for lot of players as we are meanwhile used to the lower bar being autogranted.
Moreover the fact that if you try to get the 'Kensei Exotic Weapon Mastery' e.g. for Dwarven Axes or Bastard Sword it is all but obvious how to unlock it. The first step to 'Kensei Weapon Specializsation' is fine and straight forward, but that for the 'Kensei Focus' you have to go zig-zag and first click on the usually autogranted bar right below isn't. I wonder if it would be possible to move the whole line one step to the left and add a second step in between, making it more obvious? I mean you could put it at 0AP as a requirement or reduce the AP points for Exotic Weapon Mastery by 1.
If not at least put in the comment a line indicating where one would find that Kensei Focus...
Last edited by SisAmethyst; 04-11-2013 at 06:10 PM.
Still downloading the **** client...
my impression or did the stalward stance lost the up to +6 str/con bonus and the 20%hp?
Bit of Feedback on the Stalwart Defender line:
The cost of old stalwart stance is WAY too expensive. 2 ap per rank, 3 ranks per stat, 6 different stats that require this boost. It is 36 AP just to get the old tier3 Stalwart stance and literally 0 other abilities.
I would suggest you either cut the costs in half (18 AP) to allow room for some other REALLY cool stuff in the tree, or at the very least combine the 3 different effects so that it is just 2 each for improved stalwart defense and greater stalwart defense lines (24 AP).
Other than that, the shield striking->reprisal line is cool. Not a huge fan of Counterattack being an action boost though, and Block and Cut is an amazing top end ability.
HungarianRhapsody, thank you for taking the trouble for posting screenshots and descriptions of these abilities. +1 to you.
Why this couldn't have been done by someone from Turbine, I don't know. It would be an excellent first post at the start of each of these threads.
Where is my haste boost? You are killing my kensei fighter, even tacticals DCs are lower than on live.
Spend points prerequisite (5/10/20/40 i think) is too high. At least 5/10 should be lowered. Or just make Racial Tree + first tree count together for Spend Point Prerequisite.
Ok I can live wihtout all those extra action boost charges (5), but no haste boost? That's a big no on my list right now.
Playing around with it some, it seems to me that you have to take at least one tier in Attack Boost, and at least one tier in the Meditation thing to be able to progress any further once you have taken all of the weapon enhancements. You can also go the Dodge route too, but if you are playing a build that neither has Dodge, nor benefits much from the Meditation line, you are kind of stuck in taking abilities that you may never use just to meet the point expenditure requirements.
Currently the way it is set up breaks the Zerkul build as well, which is what I am currently playing on my Stalwart, but I can live with that one some if they can lower some of the point expenditure requirements, or dress up Kensei a little more.
I do like that it's going to open up some interesting fighter/monk combos and I tip my hat off to the Devs for that addition, but currently I just don't like the fact that you are forced to take abilities that you may never use to progress fully in this tree.
For the most part I like Stalwart, I just think either the main Stalwart stance abilities need to be lowered in price, or it needs to go from a 6 chain to a 3 chain and then add in some other abilities or adjust in other ways.
Pretty much said this and more in my survey too.
Addendum: Also obviously the lack of haste boost in either tree, yet still keeping the alacrity capstone and adding additional ways to get doublestrike seems weird to me. If you want Rangers to be faster, I am good with that, but give fighters at least a watered down version of their haste boost or buff rangers and give fighters what rangers have currently (haven't looked at Ranger yet, but saw elsewhere they have haste boost and also not sure of the bonuses for it, but hopefully you get where I am going with this).
Last edited by NytCrawlr; 04-11-2013 at 10:58 PM.
Crossbow is missing from the weapons specilization for Tier 2+ btw
PS: Greensteel RUINED the game! and you all know it!
less buffing, more nerfing!!!
to make it easier for those of you that wants to avoid me in game, all my characters are in "Bladesworn Mercenaries"
I don't see descriptions on the SD enhancements after tier 1 one Hungarian's list..