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  1. #141
    Founder noneill's Avatar
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    Feb 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by Henshaw135 View Post
    Sorry for quoting myself, but has anybody tested if this enhancement works now? I'm continuously running out of platinum testing things and resetting trees (also because of bugs), so can't check it myself at the moment.
    I just LR'd my 18 Paladin 2 Fighter and took the Dodge feat this time instead of toughness. I figured I would try out Ascetic Training. Too bad I didn't search the forums first. It is still broken, at least for me.

    I have tried it without armor or shield, with light, medium and heavy armor . With all kinds of dodge items on. Logging in and out. Different stances. I never see any change in the dodge cap, or my armor dodge cap or my actual dodge number.
    I believe it is just supposed to change the Dodge Cap (the one that is 25% when you have no armor) but I figured I would check those other things too. Anyway, I can't see where it changes anything related to Dodge at all. So still broken.
    Conn Niall Paladin
    Cormac Mac Airt Ranger/Rogue
    If it is a Paladin with some version of Conn.... it is probably me.

  2. #142
    Founder noneill's Avatar
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    Feb 2006


    I just submitted a bug report.
    Conn Niall Paladin
    Cormac Mac Airt Ranger/Rogue
    If it is a Paladin with some version of Conn.... it is probably me.

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