I don't see descriptions on the SD enhancements after tier 1 one Hungarian's list..
I don't see descriptions on the SD enhancements after tier 1 one Hungarian's list..
Nope.. the devs still have littered +1 attacks both in feats and enhancements everywhere. (+1 AC's and now +5 HP's too). All of which fits into the bowl of "differences too small even stacked together to affect endgame". I thought the enhancement sweep would be their time to cleanup these adjustments to go with the redone to-hit/AC scaled system. Though they did bump the top end of some attack boosts to +8 in the new enhancements.
Casual DDOaholic
Last tier on ki weapon means 42 AP min spent to have it in the kensai tree. That leaves 38 AP for other stuff on a build which presumably is actually a monk splash build...where you are not going to be able to purchase the top tier 'autogrant' row of kensai due to having a splash/deep multi-class build.
Losing out on monk class levels is a big hit. Losing out on top stuff from any monk tree and being very limited on class AP or else being super limited on your monk tree/trees is going to just not be a good choice.
Of course it also has the critical problem present with other similar abilities modifying how your toon applies ability scores to weapons which is that it is not fun to play a build which is basically missing a critical piece until it has been leveled up a good amount.
Proud Recipient of At least 8 Negative Rep From NA Threads.
Main: Sharess
Alts: Avaril/Cyr/Cyrillia/Garagos/Inim/Lamasa/Ravella
The most noticeable absence is the Haste Boost!
This, combined with the reduced bonus to DC (now +3 when you could have up to +6 on a non dwarf) are MAJOR hits to kensei.
It becomes even worse when we consider that many feat requirements have disappeared from most PrE, which means any class will be able to take all (or almost all) of the interesting feats, which reduces to nothing the benefit of being fighter.
Now I suppose (I hope?) the other bonuses to DC will come with the PDK PrE though, so we'll see when it will come out. However, that means the enhancement pass shouldn't come live without this PrE.
I would have liked some more creative enhancements. So I will give some propositions. The idea is to allow the Kensei to obtain additional benefits from existing offensive/tactical feats/stances. Since English isn't my native language, there are probably better names than the one I have chosen.
Tier 1: Patient Strike (replaces Reed in the Wind)
Requires: Combat Expertise
The kensei has learned to use defense as a tool to force his enemy to show his weakness. By spending time to study his opponent, the kensei can deliver a strong blow at the right moment.
Special attack (cooldown: 30 sec.; requires using Focus weapons and being in Combat Expertise stance): + <Number of Kensei Core abilities> W; bypass <Number of Kensei Core abilities> * 5% fortification.
Tier 2: Improved Power Attack
Requires: Power Attack
The kensei has learned to use his strength to all its advantage with his weapons of choice. When using his Focus weapons, the kensei increases the bonus to damage from Power attack by an additional +1/+2/+3 (and increases the to-hit penalty by an additional -1/-2/-3).
Tier 3: Shattering Strike (replaces existing enhancement)
Requires: Improved Sunder
When using Improved Sunder with his Focus weapons, the attack adds +1/2/3W and reduces fortification by -10%/-15%/-20%.
Tier 3: Precise Strike (replaces critical accuracy; make Critical damage work like a Seeker bonus)
Requires: Precision
Special attack (cooldown: 30 sec.; requires using Focus weapons and being in Precision stance): +1W and +1 Critical multiplier.
Tier 4: Weakening Strike
Requires: Slicing Blow
The kensei has learned to use his weapons of choice to weaken his opponents over time. When you use your Focus weapons, you inflict a bleeding wound on a confirmed critical, inflicting 2d6 damage every 2 seconds during 10 seconds. If you score a new critical before the end of the bleeding strike, the countdown resets.
Tier 5: Staggering Strike (replaces A Good Death)
Requires: Improved Trip
The kensei has learned to take full advantage against a prone opponent.
When using your Focus weapons, you treat tripped opponents as if they were helpless.
Thelanis: Nassim* (F12/P6/M2) - Talienor** (P18/Ra2) - Feithlin** (F12/Bd7/C1) - Stoneoak* (F12/M6/P2) - Hokusai (M17/F2/C1) - Ardence* (Bd15/F3/Ro2) - Matsushiro* (Ro11/M6/P3) | Argonessen: Luneargent (W18/Ro2) - Talienor (Ro20) - Takshir (Bd16/F2/Ro2) - Hiacynthe (C20) | Ghallanda: A bunch of pre DDO Unlimited characters (field of testing for post U19)
Last edited by SealedInSong; 04-12-2013 at 05:22 AM. Reason: formatting
Character Compendium
Sarlona*Eternal Wrath
I am a refugee of Devourer, abandoned by Coadmasters and washed up on the shores of the new world Thelanis under the rule of the Turbine empire. The locals are primative, the monsters are tough, and to survive in this savage land i must live by one philosophy... trust no one.
The Stalwart defender tree forces you to specialize too much. Currently on live if you choose the stalwart defender pre, there are still many general fighter type enhancements available. With the tree the way it is on lamania, it screams "I am a tank". It should be pitched more like "I am a fighter that can tank". Fighters, up until now, have been a very versatile class with flexabillity to do many things. This tree takes a lot of that versitility away. The investment needed in this tree to get the benifits of sd of the current live servers makes significant investment in any other tree (eg kensi which would get a bit of the flexibility back) to difficult.
I can only estimate since the live version of my sd has a lot of different gear than the lamania one. That being said, I have spent 54 points in that tree and have got roughly the same benefits from the pretige that I get from the live server version of SD (including its pre-reqs). And as said above, I have lost a lot of flexability. I can't stay in stance to heal myself with scrolls, I no longer have fighter haste boost, I can't buff myself while in stance, I can't raise my tactical feat dcs, I can't get as much strength, and since some strength and con bonuses are linked to having a weapon and a shield rather than a choice of staying in stance, when using a two handed weapon, my strengh (and therefore damage) drops even lower.
To get improved intimidate, I also get increased threat generation. In the old system, I could drop stance if i didn't want to generate additional threat, now I can't get rid of all the additional threat generation even if I drop stance. The above points to one thing for me. Taking choice out of it. Using the tree tells me what to do and what it says is use a sword and shield and don't do anything creative.
When I balance my investments more and use kensi to increase dps (19 points kensi and 37 points SD), the sacrifice in defence is high. Comparing this spit to the live version of my SD, I do less damage, have about 50 fewer hitpoints, have lower ac by about 25 points, lower threat generation that I can't turn off and on completely and higher dodge by 3%
The non-situational benefits of this system over live to a character with 18 levels of fighter amount to higher saves, slightly higher armor class and a bonus to fortification. All good things, but nowhere near a neutral trade in power or flexiblility.
The graphics and system design are very easy to understand and use.
Last edited by Jitty; 04-12-2013 at 10:45 AM.
Tenfour-Dominican-Bashdem-Spielbergo of Orien
Norg Fighter12/Paladin6/Monk2, Jacquiej Cleric18/Monk1/Wiz1, Rabiez Bard16/Ranger3/Cleric1, Hangover Bard L20, Boomsticks Fighter12/Monk 6/Druid 2, Grumblegut Ranger8/Paladin6/Monk6, Rabidly Rogue L20, Furiously Rogue10/Monk6/Paladin4, Snowcones Cleric 12/Ranger 6/Monk 2, Norge Barbarian 12/FVS4/Rogue4. Guild:Prophets of The New Republic Khyber.
-Anything is possible....if you don't understand the problem.
-Better to be perceived a fool than to open ones mouth and remove all doubt.
-Luck is simply a crossroads between circumstance and knowledge, both are things you can control.
I can visit Krug today, but I only have so many hours available to DDO in a single day. I do plan to add more information to that post with the other weapon groups, but I haven't had an opportunity to do so yet.
If you would like to expand the information on Kensei (which is pretty enormous compared to the other trees because of the large number of weapon groups), then you are welcome to do it yourself if I'm not fast enough for you.
No one in the world ever gets what they want
And that is beautiful
Everybody dies frustrated and sad
And that is beautiful
These are some pretty cool ideas - BUT - I thought one of the main reasons of the enhancements pass was to get AWAY from all the feat pre-requisites? The tree already wants you take WF, WS, and GWF. More feat pre-reqs is placing more limits on your build if you want the Kensai choices.
Ok. I am seeing a lot of people saying that you would need this and that without actually testing builds on lama land. Please go there if you can because quite a bit of this is erroneous. A perfect example is people thinking you cannot get the top tier ability without so many levels of a class...totally false. The only level requirements are for the core abilities at the bottom as well as various feat abilities (that I have seen, I could have missed some).
Case in point is Kensai. I went all the way up and took most of the tree with a 8/6/6 Fighter/Monk/Tempest (did the level split to test various builds). Btw I also had tier 3 master of stone (which u can take as a feat as well as autogranted ... you get all 4 stances btw so its much cheaper then before, monks are making out.. but i disgress). Anyway I was able to max the kensai line and dual wield bastard swords as ki weapons (I was getting constant enhancement procs and my crit range would go down to 14-20 sometimes...I was really tearing up the mobs I tested both in the dojo and out).
So, to reiterate. You do not have to take so many levels to get to the top tier, for kensai the magic number is 8 because you need greater weapon focus to get through both lines that lead to the middle center.
I do agree it could use some improvement, but I am holding my suggestions till i have done a couple more builds before posting comments on it.
Nerdrage/Endgame ~ Sarlona
Ekkehart (human PM) - Hammet (WF AM) - Cerussite (helf THF kensei) - Anordineth (helf dark monk)
Buy my stuff!
I find the lack of a specific weapon choice in the Kensai tree disturbing.
I acknowledge that this may be more of a flavor/ role-play/ D&D purist point of view but nonetheless, I will miss Weapon Specialization.
I kinda like it, and kinda don't, though this is coming from mainly an SD (have previously tinkered with kensai dips back when to-hit meant something), so by all means keep that under consideration.
That being said, it would be nice to see a solid general root, with the capacity to branch out into optional specialization similar to how there are several tactical feat enhancing branches here and there throughout the tree.
Considering 10-12% alacrity (confirmed by Eladrin), full off-hand bonus, Stunning Fist, Touch of Death, Fists of Light, Quivering Palm, etc.
But I do agree that we'll see plenty of Flavor of the Month eSoS builds using wind stance or whatnot, regardless of whether they are higher DPS (in eSoS's case I wonder how much monk you could fit in at all--probably only the base stance?). After the novelty wears off, more people will settle for the optimized builds.
A finesse light pick centered-kensei or Balizarde centered-kensei would be pretty wicked. If you have to lose out fist abilities, might as well pick up something with ridiculous crit profiles.
Character Compendium
Sarlona*Eternal Wrath
Equally concerning is the boost COUNT that just took a plunge. In this tree, we're losing 3 boosts that we get from kensei, and 3 more boosts that fighters got from fighter extra action boost enhancements. Thats 6 potential boosts, gone. Terrible
I think your staggering blow is genius by the way, I'd love that thing.