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  1. #1
    Lamannia Coordinator
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    Default The Official Artificer Enhancements Discussion Thread!

    Artificer Enhancements are currently available on Lamannia.

    Please share your thoughts on the Artificer Enhancement Trees!
    Last edited by SqueakofDoom; 07-10-2013 at 09:20 AM.

  2. #2
    Community Member Kallith's Avatar
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    At first glance they both look pretty good, I liked the DC boosts in the caster Arti tree, most disapointed there is no enhancements to boost construct essence though.

    Sloene-Apselar-Panek-Morvian Mitis Mors-Thelanis

  3. #3
    Community Member Grosbeak07's Avatar
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    I really love how Battle Engineer now accommodate Bastard Swords.
    Magical Rings are well... magical. - Gandalf

  4. #4
    The Hatchery dejafu's Avatar
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    REALLY liking the fleshing out of Battle Engineer:
    • Tactical mobility makes me want to give the dev who created it ALL the high-fives - I get so sick of the movement penalty with charged rune-arms!
    • Also liking how it focuses on buffing your runearm to do extra neat things (the bonus to universal spell power based on charge tier is great)
    • The capstone made me actually cackle in glee when I read it (I've been complaining about the lack of an effective way to get an implement bonus to artificer spell power for a LONG time now).
    • While I'm looking forward to testing it out on my ranged arti, this could make a melee build a LOT more interesting and fun.

    Arcanotechician is pretty neat as well, though with a lot more reservations:
    • I like that fire, force, and lightning have all been grouped under one shared enhancement tree - I've always WANTED to use more fire and lightning spells and rune-arms, but force has consistently been the superior choice. However, there are currently only enhancements available to increase a spell-crit chance... as it currently stands, the only spell-power boosting enhancements are the USP boosts from your dog or the runearm in the Battle Engineer tree. [Edit: Okay, I forgot that each point spent in the tree gives +1 USP... still not enough unless you're willing to blow nearly all of your action points on the tree] PLEASE tell me you're planning on including energy-specific spell power boost enhancements??
    • Thaumaturgical Battery is pretty ho-hum - given the feedback on the Halycon Boots, I think it's pretty clear most players aren't impressed by current attempts at temporary spell point mechanics.
    • The iron defender enhancements are okay, but they seem like something your dog should be spending its own AP on rather that the character's.
    • Critical admixture is great, and makes a healing artificer build a lot more viable.
    • Lightning bolt as a SLA is also great, but uh, could some love please be given to that spell's targeting? It's always made me sad that such an iconic spell is so hard to use effectively.
    Last edited by dejafu; 04-11-2013 at 01:44 PM.
    Raever of Madness * Stormraver * Fireraver * Dreamraver * Skyraver * Solraver * Technoraver * Raverlution * Foraver
    Ghallanda ReRolled
    Quote Originally Posted by Feather_of_Sun View Post
    Turning Ghostbane into a meme is, in my book, the best thing to happen to DDO in awhile.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by dejafu View Post
    • Lightning bolt as a SLA is also great, but uh, could some love please be given to that spell's targeting? It's always made me sad that such an iconic spell is so hard to use effectively.
    Learn to use it. It's not hard.

    Btw, if Artificers get Lightning bolt as a SLA, I surely hope savants will borrow one or more spells from druids
    Earthquake arcanes/divines please!

  6. #6
    Community Member UurlockYgmeov's Avatar
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    high fives!

    so far like it - have pure WF arty - so trying it out... having dogwar healing itself/me is sweet!

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tid12 View Post
    Learn to use it. It's not hard.

    Btw, if Artificers get Lightning bolt as a SLA, I surely hope savants will borrow one or more spells from druids
    Earthquake arcanes/divines please!
    they get SLA's, but it isnt lightning bolt. lightning motes, blast rod, and lightning sphere. the lightning bolt takes up a lvl3 spell slot. it just adds it to the artificers spell book so they can choose it.
    Last edited by Violith; 04-11-2013 at 04:16 PM.

  8. #8
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    Do not like the dependance of Wand and Scroll Mastery on Wand Heightening... am assuming this will be the same in other arcane trees. Come now, you devs *know* wand DC's are irrelevant for what, 95% of players? Decouple this, but give the wand/scroll mastery a class level requirement or something else if you must. You're already charging 2 AP per rank, coupling it to wand DC is just an added (unnecessary) tax.

    Palliative admixture... I guess it's only 10 temporary SP but somehow I imagine two artificers throwing this back and forth and creating an endless supply of 10 SP spell discounts for other party members. Each cast = -5 SP for yourself but +10 temporary SP for everyone else in range? Even non stacking, it seems potentially "exploitable"...

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Violith View Post
    they get SLA's, but it isnt lightning bolt. lightning motes, blast rod, and lightning sphere. the lightning bolt takes up a lvl3 spell slot. it just adds it to the artificers spell book so they can choose it.
    Give us Earthquake or Storm of Vengeance and we can call it a deal anyway

  10. #10
    Community Member FooWonk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hit_fido View Post
    Do not like the dependance of Wand and Scroll Mastery on Wand Heightening... am assuming this will be the same in other arcane trees. Come now, you devs *know* wand DC's are irrelevant for what, 95% of players?
    Just drop wand heightening entirely. Nobody uses it.

  11. #11
    Community Member DrunkDwarves's Avatar
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    Agree 100% with wand heightening comments. Either merge it with wand and scroll mastery or drop it altogether so we don't have to waste AP on a crappy enhancement hardly anyone wants.
    Member of Over Raided, level 100 Guild on Orien
    DPS: If it's not solving all your problems, you simply aren't using enough of it.

  12. #12
    Community Member gphysalis's Avatar
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    No move speed penalty due to rune arm = best enhancement ever

  13. #13
    Community Member DrunkDwarves's Avatar
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    I can't get Lam to work. Someone please tell me we get returning bolts...
    Member of Over Raided, level 100 Guild on Orien
    DPS: If it's not solving all your problems, you simply aren't using enough of it.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by hit_fido View Post
    Do not like the dependance of Wand and Scroll Mastery on Wand Heightening... am assuming this will be the same in other arcane trees. Come now, you devs *know* wand DC's are irrelevant for what, 95% of players? Decouple this, but give the wand/scroll mastery a class level requirement or something else if you must. You're already charging 2 AP per rank, coupling it to wand DC is just an added (unnecessary) tax.

    Palliative admixture... I guess it's only 10 temporary SP but somehow I imagine two artificers throwing this back and forth and creating an endless supply of 10 SP spell discounts for other party members. Each cast = -5 SP for yourself but +10 temporary SP for everyone else in range? Even non stacking, it seems potentially "exploitable"...
    I agree. I also don't like the fact you need to spend at least 5 points in order to get even the first tier of Scroll Mastery. Previously 1 or 3 actions for the first or second tier was enough.

    Nerf to splash UMD heal scroll healers.

  15. #15
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    Can someone post up a synopsis of the Arti changes for those who cant get on Lamm this week?

  16. #16
    The Hatchery Scraap's Avatar
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    query: why only quicken or empower meta savings?

    On heightening: checked out both the combined cleric version and the arty one. The cleric one's nonfunctional, and I can tell you from experience that even with 3 wizard past lives, the DC floors been raised high enough that anything but a pure is not going to find even a full commitment worthwhile at cap, and pretty useless past level 12-14 while leveling.

  17. #17
    The Hatchery
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    Quote Originally Posted by hit_fido View Post
    Palliative admixture... I guess it's only 10 temporary SP but somehow I imagine two artificers throwing this back and forth and creating an endless supply of 10 SP spell discounts for other party members. Each cast = -5 SP for yourself but +10 temporary SP for everyone else in range? Even non stacking, it seems potentially "exploitable"...
    And who's actually going to bother doing that?

  18. #18
    Community Member SealedInSong's Avatar
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    Default Wand Heightening?

    Quote Originally Posted by hit_fido View Post
    Do not like the dependance of Wand and Scroll Mastery on Wand Heightening... am assuming this will be the same in other arcane trees. Come now, you devs *know* wand DC's are irrelevant for what, 95% of players? Decouple this, but give the wand/scroll mastery a class level requirement or something else if you must. You're already charging 2 AP per rank, coupling it to wand DC is just an added (unnecessary) tax
    I usually try to keep my posts as non-emotional and non-combative as possible, but... are you kidding me?

    Agreed with all other comments--uncouple mastery from heightening. This is one of the most egregious examples of not understanding game mechanics as I've seen to date.
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  19. #19
    Community Member SealedInSong's Avatar
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    Default So far no construct essence enhancements?

    I don't have access to Lama and I haven't found an artificer enhancement transcription/screenshot cache.

    I have, however, seen people wonder where the construct essence enhancements are. Are these missing, or is their an entire tree missing where they may be located?
    Character Compendium
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  20. 04-11-2013, 10:25 PM

  21. #20
    Community Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by SealedInSong View Post
    I don't have access to Lama and I haven't found an artificer enhancement transcription/screenshot cache.

    I have, however, seen people wonder where the construct essence enhancements are. Are these missing, or is their an entire tree missing where they may be located?
    maybe the 3rd tree will have them, currently there is only 2 trees. and the only ability in there that has anything to do with construct essense is attach weapon (t5 ability that gives .5w to a weapon until it is unequipped/you rest)

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