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  1. #21
    Community Member Noctus's Avatar
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    Can you take the same stat twice in the Human Adaptability? Was this changed from live where you have to raise a different one after the 1st pick?
    Erzskalde (Warchanter) / Erzassassin (just passing through - ignore me) / Erzsoldat (waiting for TR-time) / Erzschmied (ranged Artificer)

  2. #22
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    Arcane Archer access (and presumably all prestige trees opened up through Racial) has been complained about a lot and for good reason - the points to open it is really high meaning a Racial AA lam is so much more restricted than AA live - those 14 points cannot be spent on the tree itself.

    What about if the Prestige access option was added to the Core Enhancements as an additional option opened at Level 8 (can take both in either order, and only need to have taken one to take the level 16 one). This would mean (for Half-elf anyway) a level requirement of 8 and a AP spent in this tree requirement of 4.


  3. #23
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    I am really liking the Half-Elf tree including all of the Dilettante chains (although action point heavy) but what I don't get is the 2nd Ranger Dilettante special ability (Tempest). The whole of the ranger Dilettante in the old enhancements and in this up to this special ability is linked with ranged combat, to suddenly give a melee ability seems counter-intuitive and really not very useful. Perhaps a 5%(10%) chance to doubleshot would fit nicely here.

    Oh and is it me or is the Half-Elf the only race that does not get a bonus from their Core Racial ability? I know it gives a bonus based on the Core racial's you choose later (and then only if you choose the Elf ones) but as far as I can see all other races get a little bonus from the start (Drow +2Spell Res, Dwarf +10HP, ect). Perhaps a bonus is needed here too or failing that maybe a bonus for each human core ability you take, like +1HP.


  4. #24
    2017 DDO Players Council Starla70's Avatar
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    I really like the new tree here. It makes it more worth the points to take the Half elf. You can take it further if you want or just a "splash". I also like that about the Dragon mark, you can go further with it if you wish.

    The 2 extra stat points is very handy.

  5. #25


    The very first Half-Elf Core Ability doesn't actually do anything.

    Compare this with other races:

    Human: Choice of Action Boosts
    Elf: +2% attack, +2m range to PBS, +2m range to ranged sneak attacks
    Halfling: +1 All Saves
    Dwarf: +10 HP
    Warforged: Fortificaton +50%
    Helf: .... em .... we'll tell you that you will get +2m to ranged attacks for Elven Core Abilities that you select ... but nothing for this one ... have a nice day ...

    Worthy of a bug report imo.
    Last edited by Deadlock; 04-15-2013 at 08:10 PM.

  6. #26
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    If it's going to require me to take 22AP to scroll heal myself with the Helf Cleric Dillie, then I must admit that I will probably no longer roll a Helf on my toons. That is just way too much AP to invest in that skill and it's one that I put up with having what is arguably among the ugliest character model in the game for. Several of my characters use that to self-heal and heal the parties I am in at need and it's for me a requirement for my melee characters that they can be self sufficient without resorting to Silver Flame Pots (something I don't always flag for on each life) Yet that 95% Heal scroll use for 6AP is a reasonable investment along with a base 13 Wisdom to get the Cleric Dillie feat in the first place.

    I take it if you want to add the 3d6 Sneak Attack Damage to a character from the Rogue Dillitante you need to spend 22AP as well.

    If this pattern is allowed to stand it will make this race quite useless where on live it is extremely versatile on live.
    Founding Member and Current Leader of Sword And Siren on Cannith
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    Veni, Vidi, Velcro: I came, I saw, I got stuck

  7. #27
    Join Date
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    I would change the core to:
    Improved Dilletante I, Dilletante Special Ability I, Improved Dilletante II, Dilletante Special Ability II, Improved Dilletante III with AP costs (0, 2, 2, 2, 2).

    I would move human versatility into tier 1, 3, 5.
    Move human adaptability and elven dex into tier 2 and 4.
    Move improved recovery into tier 1 and 3.

    In general I would consider lowering the racial tree prereq costs from 5/10/20 to 4/8/16 to allow more flexibility.

  8. #28
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    Reducing the value of the main drawcard for this race seems very odd, given that it is sold in store.

    Seems like this could be an ugly coincidence of stubborness with design and lack of commercial sense. Perhaps, shudder, Turbine's marketing people need to come to the rescue here.


  9. #29
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    Once upon a time it was said that human and half elf would have access to any racial prc. Has this been changed as all I see here is arcane archer?

  10. #30
    Community Member PNellesen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by WanderingGrump View Post
    If it's going to require me to take 22AP to scroll heal myself with the Helf Cleric Dillie, then I must admit that I will probably no longer roll a Helf on my toons.
    Argh. I hate to hear this. I've got a Helf Ranger/Fighter/Rogue on who is going to require a lot of work once this goes live, assuming nothing changes.
    Quote Originally Posted by Ertay View Post
    While they were at it though, the devs decided to go on an incredible nerfhammer rampage and left nothing in their wake standing...

  11. #31
    Community Member eachna_gislin's Avatar
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    I know others have said it but I'll repeat it, it costs too much to buy your dilettante chain. In addition, I don't like being forced to take all elements of the chain. In the past you could mix and match (and min-max) exactly what you needed...

    Strength no higher than a +6 bonus? Great, you only have to take 2 levels of ranger dilly to get the most of your bow strength.

    Took Monk dilly for extra healing amp but like to wear armor? That's fine, don't waste points on extra levels of the dilettante enhancement, just take the amp line.

    Back to the costs, we get 80 ap on Live, and we get 80 ap on Lam. On Live, it takes around 6ap to max out your main dilly line, and 2-4-6 ap to max out secondary grants. On Lam, it takes 24 to max out the same. So, 8-12 or 24. It's two to three times as expensive, literally. That's just too expensive.

    Given that we now have a bottom row of Core abilities to potentially pay for, as well as more selection, the Lam enhancements should be CHEAPER than Live on a per item basis, not more expensive.

    Half Elves specifically should 'get' something for their first core ability, not just a promise that they'll get something if they put more points into the core abilities in later levels. There should be a level 1 core ability boost for their human side, not just elven.

    Why is the elven side only Elven Fluidity, Arcanum, or Arcane Archer? There should be an option to get the elven line of weapon enhancements. Arcane Archer is useless for any half elven melee, as is Arcane Fluidity. Arcane Archer should be pushed up one rank and another elven ability added for the elven weapon enhancements. It should not be as desirable as the full elven racial benefit, but a single box with 3/3 levels of Weapon Training (just like Arcanum) should be available.

  12. #32


    Given the almost univeral outcry about half-elf as it's presented in the alpha, what will the process be before we see it in a beta format?

    Do you guys just shuffle through the bug reports and surveys and come up with an alternative?

    Or will you be pulling together a focus group to discuss options?

  13. #33
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    Errm Why is Half-Elf the only race whose core racials cost 0,2,2,2,2 instead of every other race who get 0,2,1,2,1?

    Intended or bug?


  14. #34
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    Angry Elven Arcane Agility

    Please allow this to affect shields. This completely breaks my warrior-wizard concept I have. Light armor, light shield, and a rapier. Spells do most of my damage, but the weapons supplement quite a bit. I have both Power Attack and Cleave...

    As for the rest of the Half-Elf Tree, I don't see much reason to go beyond the 2nd tier. Arcanum, Improved Dillitente I, and Arcane Agility.

    Disclaimer: game client crashed and I have no time to pull it up right now to get the right names, but I'm sure it's clear what I'm talking about.

  15. #35
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    It's been said before but i'll echo the sentiment that it is FAR to expensive to get the main dilettante abilities.
    As it stands, 22 ap just for getting the dilly's will probably have me looking at another race as (even though scroll healing is nice) it's just far to expensive especially as there are other ways to get there.

  16. #36
    Community Member ushram's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by starweaver-nl View Post
    It's been said before but i'll echo the sentiment that it is FAR to expensive to get the main dilettante abilities.
    As it stands, 22 ap just for getting the dilly's will probably have me looking at another race as (even though scroll healing is nice) it's just far to expensive especially as there are other ways to get there.
    I agree 100%, 22 AP just to get the high end dilly is WAY too much, only thing I could see fixing this would be to remove the required AP spent in the tree to progress further in the tree.
    Ainur Wer'lak Thelanis

  17. #37
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    17 AP is the minimum spend to take the 3rd tier enhancement for the dilly (15 AP spent in tree +2 for the 3rd tier). The other dillies are optional. This is an investment of more that 20% of my total AP. For me, the price is too steep and I won't be taking Helve lives anymore just so I can scroll heal.

  18. #38
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    Default Whatever happened to

    Half-Elf Follower of the Sovereign Host


    Half-Elf Follower of the Silver Flame

    With the Pally Dil? I'd rather have those as an option than fear or disease bonus's


  19. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by Valakai View Post
    Once upon a time it was said that human and half elf would have access to any racial prc. Has this been changed as all I see here is arcane archer?
    Isn't it just that they have not actually managed to finish any other racial PrC apart from AA?

  20. #40
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    Default What is Versatitel about versatility now?

    I am surprised I haven't seen more outcry about HV. Versatility is about ummmm being versatile and being able to change your focus/ability use depending on the situation. It is NOT VERSATILE to choose ONE thing you can do better! this is trash. Please allow versatlity to be actually versatile again..

    I also agree the all dilli chains now take WAY too much to do, and make them pointless. It seems that being versatile character in any way is now pretty impossible. cookie cutters...

    I have been a fan of ddo through a lot .....but am pretty disgusted with about 75%of the changes....

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