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Tier 4:
Hands of Stone (?ap, req Greater Dragonmark): Greater Dragonmark Spell: Earthgrab, reflex DC 10+level+con modifier
Dwarf Fortress (1ap, req Stand Like Stone): While wearing full plate and using a shield, you gain +1/+2/+3 AC, Intim, and will saving throws vs Fear, and deal 3%/5%/7% additional weapon damage.
Dwarven Weapon Training (2ap, req Tier 3 of same type):
Axe Training: +1 to hit and damage with battle axes, dwarven waraxes, hand axes, and throwing axes. +1 to hit and +2 damage with greataxes.
Pick and Hammer training: +1 to hit and damage with heavy picks, light hammer, light picks, mauls*, throwing hammers, and warhammers. +1 to hit and +2 damage with mauls (I think mauls inclusion in the +1 damage line is a typo)
Throw your weight around (2ap, req Tier 4 of same type Dwarven Weapon Training):
Axe: Use Con modifier for damage with (all axes)
pick and hammer: Use Con modifier for damage with (all picks/hammers)