copy and paste....................
Everyone knows what they are. Don't play dumb. If 11 out of 12 players think you are going to heal and you don't then you are being a d!ck.
I think that is all U have to do.
Now for the ridiculous. ...
I was in a 6 man group.
Wiz25 Palemaster
Arti robot22
Me... CLR17/WIZ1/FTR2
We lacked melee so I said "I guess I will get out my ax and melee...."
It was bssically a self healing group but the Wiz ranted that if I dont heal he was going to drop group and then removed himself before I told him that I know when to heal and can do more than one thing. I hope he is reading this.
Now I did not say I was not going to heal, and guess who looked liked an inexperienced player?
My devotion ruby is on my Epic Antique Greatax for Pete's sake. Lol. I almost always have it out.
............................. end paste.
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I should have used the word 'heal'
and somehow used my description of melee more with somehow using the word heal in it. So next time you are playing your divine and want to melee more (or cast offensive more), don't use the word 'melee'. Instead ask what your healing assignment is or say you would like to backup heal.
Make sure you try to use the word heal, so others don't flip out. lol. If you care about that.
To put the inexperienced or insecure players at ease you might want to phrase it like this...
(I will take your additions to this list)
Since we have lots of 'healing' I am going to be the backup healer, ok?
We lack some casting, and have lots of 'healing' divines, so we should all DOT the boss, and break up the 'healing.' Lets assign 'healing' at this point.
Everyone can self 'heal', so I am going to back up all up your 'healing' while filling in for a lack of ___________ ? Is that ok?
Is that ok if I 'heal', and ___________?
Now don't flip out because I am going to heal and do something else too ok? I can do more than one thing ok?
Is this ok? _________________