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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Default Advice so saying "melee" is not a four letter word out of your Divine mouth

    copy and paste....................


    Everyone knows what they are. Don't play dumb. If 11 out of 12 players think you are going to heal and you don't then you are being a d!ck.


    I think that is all U have to do.

    Now for the ridiculous. ...

    I was in a 6 man group.
    Wiz25 Palemaster
    Arti robot22
    Me... CLR17/WIZ1/FTR2

    We lacked melee so I said "I guess I will get out my ax and melee...."

    It was bssically a self healing group but the Wiz ranted that if I dont heal he was going to drop group and then removed himself before I told him that I know when to heal and can do more than one thing. I hope he is reading this.
    Now I did not say I was not going to heal, and guess who looked liked an inexperienced player?

    My devotion ruby is on my Epic Antique Greatax for Pete's sake. Lol. I almost always have it out.

    ............................. end paste.

    __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ _____________

    I should have used the word 'heal'

    and somehow used my description of melee more with somehow using the word heal in it. So next time you are playing your divine and want to melee more (or cast offensive more), don't use the word 'melee'. Instead ask what your healing assignment is or say you would like to backup heal.

    Make sure you try to use the word heal, so others don't flip out. lol. If you care about that.

    To put the inexperienced or insecure players at ease you might want to phrase it like this...
    (I will take your additions to this list)

    Since we have lots of 'healing' I am going to be the backup healer, ok?

    We lack some casting, and have lots of 'healing' divines, so we should all DOT the boss, and break up the 'healing.' Lets assign 'healing' at this point.

    Everyone can self 'heal', so I am going to back up all up your 'healing' while filling in for a lack of ___________ ? Is that ok?

    Is that ok if I 'heal', and ___________?

    Now don't flip out because I am going to heal and do something else too ok? I can do more than one thing ok?

    Is this ok? _________________

    Last edited by firemedium_jt; 04-10-2013 at 10:48 AM.
    Your lack of healing amp not my problem. Please buy and use your own remove curse pots in combat, so I don't waste mana. Not my job.

  2. #2
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    I like how the wizard is the one whining about a cleric using his greataxe.

  3. #3
    Community Member FranOhmsford's Avatar
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    I was in a 6 man group.
    Wiz25 Palemaster
    Arti robot22
    Me... CLR17/WIZ1/FTR2

    A 23 FavSoul AND a 23 Cleric in Party?

    And the PALE MASTER goes off on one because the 17 Cleric / Fighter-Wiz Splash wants to melee?

    Yeah - Add said PALE MASTER to your squelch list and move on.

  4. #4
    Community Member Mercureal's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FranOhmsford View Post
    I was in a 6 man group.
    Wiz25 Palemaster
    Arti robot22
    Me... CLR17/WIZ1/FTR2

    A 23 FavSoul AND a 23 Cleric in Party?

    And the PALE MASTER goes off on one because the 17 Cleric / Fighter-Wiz Splash wants to melee?

    Yeah - Add said PALE MASTER to your squelch list and move on.

    I appreciate the OP's general intent, and I think it's generally a good post and a pretty good approach to take. But specifically, based on the story the wizard in question seriously overreacted and his/her attitude should not be taken as common, and is certainly not common among the people I group with. And I'm hardly a power-gamer/self-sufficient solo elite type.

    Even in a pure pug, I'd be quite surprised to see that behaviour with that party makeup.

  5. #5
    The Hatchery samthedagger's Avatar
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    I play my melee cleric about the same as I play my caster cleric. I heal when it is needed and I DPS when it is not; only the method of DPS differs. I never bother to even tell people my build or the way I play. They see cleric, they expect healing, it takes a minimum investment on my part to make it a part of my build, so I do. No one complains when my dwarf cleric is swinging an axe and bursting/aura healing/mass healing at the same time as swinging an axe. Nor does anyone complain when I DoT and toss light spells on my caster.

    Just play your toon. If someone sees you have some fighter levels splashed or something like that and asks about your build, you just say "healing specced." Even if you spend the majority of your time doing DPS (which is contributing something major to the group), no one will ever notice so long as you are healing in between. People who expect clerics to be nanny's don't understand that you don't have to be limited to only one schtick.

  6. #6
    Community Member Flavilandile's Avatar
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    The problem is with LVL 25 Wiz Palemaster , not with healing.

    A PM in form cannot be healed by you unless you have taken harm or the cause wound spells. ( which you usually don't, especially as you have to face the idiot to be able to heal him )
    To add to the injury, a PM has 3/4 spells on his own that are quite good at keeping him alive.

    As other said : squelsh him and just move one.
    On G-Land : Flavilandile, Blacklock, Yaelle, Millishande, Larilandile, Gildalinde, Tenalafel, and many other...

  7. #7
    Community Member ~Erzmeister's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FranOhmsford View Post
    I was in a 6 man group.
    Wiz25 Palemaster
    Arti robot22
    Me... CLR17/WIZ1/FTR2

    A 23 FavSoul AND a 23 Cleric in Party?

    And the PALE MASTER goes off on one because the 17 Cleric / Fighter-Wiz Splash wants to melee?

    Yeah - Add said PALE MASTER to your squelch list and move on.
    /this x3

    Wizards grow like leafes on trees. YOU on the other hand are a Divine. Who are the last sots the raids always wait to fill? ... Guess: Not Arcanes ;-)

    YOU honor them with your presence. Groups with a Divine fill up asap, while groups without one easily sit around for 10min patiently waiting for one of those Devine Demigods to finally show up once the content they want to run stops being trivial.

    THEY should feel gratefull that it suits your fancy to throw them a heal or three in between doing whatever you want. Looking at those melees fighting, necroploding enemy Casters, bashing in skulls, or all of the above.
    Last edited by Erzmeister; 05-08-2013 at 06:24 AM.

  8. #8
    Community Member ~kruemeli's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by firemedium_jt View Post
    copy and paste....................


    Everyone knows what they are. Don't play dumb. If 11 out of 12 players think you are going to heal and you don't then you are being a d!ck.

    Well I do ask the wizards which ones are being PM form....
    And I do carry Harm.

    I manage to avoid drama by simply not talking about whether or not I am going to be holding a sword...
    Sometimes we even complete!
    kruemeli - Orien. Leader of the "Merry" Hobbits
    It's OK to be "merry":

  9. #9
    Community Member Skeptisaurus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by samthedagger View Post
    I never bother to even tell people my build or the way I play.
    Exactly - on my three cleric lives I never told anyone what I was going to do - I just kept them alive, throwing mass heals from the center of the Melee while doing all the Melee damage I could. Natch it helped (and even became necessary) once I got my Torq - but never got any complaints when the bars stayed red.

    Gotta know when to dial it back though, IE: staying in the blades in Shroud elite may not always be smart...

    Heal 'em, and if they complain, stop healin' em and see if they like that better...
    Tip of the day: "When pugging, never enter a quest you can't solo..."

  10. #10
    Community Member bsquishwizzy's Avatar
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    Yeah, the PM throwing a fit over the cleric doing melee was a bit of a hoot. The one guy who really doesn't need healing from a cleric whining about healing. If you're waiting for lvl 12 for Wraith form, fine. You'd better have a stack of CSW pots available anyways. You've chosen to not go Zombie form (which is very workable despite the fact that your guy runs around looking like he took a major dump in his or her pants), you need to compensate. Either that you'd better step up and make sure that nothing gets past the line of scrimage (wherever that may be in a group without frontline melees).

    I'm a big believer that Divines - who have the best general-purpose healing spells of the game - should be willing to use some of that blue bar for the good of the group; lust like a wizard should do buffs when asked. However, everyone needs to be flexible.

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