I solo farm EE Tor and EE pop daily faster than all but the best groups. Take my advice or find out the hard way, as you'll find out your specs are a bit inefficient as you learn more about shiradi. If you ever want to challenge yourself, listen to what I say.
Saves are importan for both reducing incoming damage (reflex spells, disintegrates) and avoiding CC (dancing balls, feeblemind). There is no attribute more important than superior parrying on bracers. Just doing basic math, +4 reflex is 10% less incoming spell damage from the base damage. It is essential.
Cloak should be jeweled cloak, mabar cloak or ghost cloak. Mabar cloak covers the +3 dodge, adds ghostly and invisiblity guard (which is amazing). Jeweled cloak covers the 10 inherent resist on a swap. So you're basicaly only getting 3% crit chance and losing the best stat bracers have to offer.
Every element adds DPS in shiradi. An extra 10 in fire/cold/elec/acid + 5 inherent resist is far, far, far better than +10 to reconstruct with ring of artifice. Cold is nowhere near as important as fire in shiradi for both the perma dot and meteor swarm. Sonic is also more important than cold, as, it's the second highest damaging shiradi proc.