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  1. #1
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    Default My Shiradi Sorc Gear

    Updated; Had a bit of a thinking session and swiched some stuff around. Also added info on what I have sloted.

    Hey, I could need some feedback on a few of my slots. I'm a air savant and that's unlikely to change.

    The current plan:
    Helm: Helm of the Blue Dragon +3 Cha. (Augments: +7 saves, Globe of True Imperial Blood)
    Goggles: Greensteel SP ConOp
    Docent: Flawless Blue Dragonscale Docent (Augment: <Empty Blue>)
    Weapon: Twilight, Element of Magic
    Wrists: Bracers of the Sun Soul
    Trinktet: Planar Focus: Erudition (swichable to bauble and eardweller for clickies)
    Cloak: Jeweled Cloak(EE) (Augments: +7 Dex, +35 HP)
    Belt: Arkat's Cord (Augments: +2 insightful Con, 14 PRR)
    Ring #1: Ring of the Jinn
    Ring #2: Ring of Master Artifice (Deathblock, +7 Str)
    Boots: Epic Rock Boots (Augments: Blindness immunity, +7 Con)
    Gloves: GS HP, MinII (Heavy fort)
    Neckie: torc, not so useful in EE (I have all but the seal for the epic one, that one I'd keep on)

    Got most of these, gotta farm the cannith challenges a bit though.

    Stat bonuses from gear:
    +8 Str
    +8 Dex
    +10 Con
    +8 Wis
    +1 Int
    +12 Cha

    Hp bonuses:
    +35 False life
    +45 GS HP
    +20 Toughness

    Sp bonuses:
    +450 GS SP (double due to sorc)
    +50 (set bonus planar focus -150 that's covered by GS)


    So, please tell me what you guys have in those slots or what you think I need to do with my gear.
    Got a few augments undecided still.
    Last edited by thenalim; 04-17-2013 at 02:45 AM. Reason: updating post

  2. #2
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    If your sorcerer is warforged, reconstrcution should be somerwhere on your gear. Get the Epic Ring of the Master artificer or something.

    If your sorcerer is a fleshie, get some good healing amplification items.

    I don't see any saves gear. Did you give up on them? Resistance, Superior Parrying, good luck, off stats...

    Where is your defensive stuff? If you can fit ghostly and some PRR into your build, you should.

    Do you have the important swap-ins? Noxious embers, cove dagger, Pale lavender Ioun Stone, Jeweled cloak, cannith boots of propulsion...
    Kmnh * Kmn * Kmm * Knn * Knm

    Leader of Templar

  3. #3
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    Gloves of Titan's Grip: Suppressed Power: Upgrade adds: Reconstruction +84, Major Repair Lore, Repair Systems and binds the item to the current character.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kmnh View Post
    If your sorcerer is warforged, reconstrcution should be somerwhere on your gear. Get the Epic Ring of the Master artificer or something.

    If your sorcerer is a fleshie, get some good healing amplification items.

    I don't see any saves gear. Did you give up on them? Resistance, Superior Parrying, good luck, off stats...

    Where is your defensive stuff? If you can fit ghostly and some PRR into your build, you should.

    Do you have the important swap-ins? Noxious embers, cove dagger, Pale lavender Ioun Stone, Jeweled cloak, cannith boots of propulsion...
    Major arcane lore and 80 potency from docent means no need for repair lore or reconstruction.
    Sloted +7 saves, deathblock and heavy fort.
    Got the clickies/swap-ins i want except pale lavender.
    The bracers have blury and i buff displacement so ghostly doesnt do much(but its not entirely useless).
    PRR is close to useless inEE but i would slot it if i get a spare augment slot.
    Last edited by thenalim; 04-11-2013 at 03:30 AM.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by thenalim View Post
    Major arcane lore and 80 potency from docent means no need for repair lore or reconstruction.
    Sloted +7 saves, deathblock and heavy fort.
    Got the clickies i want except pale lavender.
    The bracers have blury and i buff displacement so ghostly doesnt do much(but its not entirely useless).
    PRR is close to useless inEE but i would slot it if i get a spare augment slot.
    PRR is one of those sensitive stats.

    If you can get enough PRR to go from dying in 3 hits to dying in 4, it's well worth it. Depends on your HP and the content you are running.
    Kmnh * Kmn * Kmm * Knn * Knm

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  6. #6
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    Edit: My point is invalid, PRR seems a good choice for several slots, I have changed some stuff around.
    Last edited by thenalim; 04-15-2013 at 03:52 AM. Reason: better wording

  7. #7
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    Changed a lot of things, I think it's looking a lot better now. Still would love for people to point out any stupid things I might have missed.

  8. #8
    Community Member AtomicMew's Avatar
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    Not bad, but could still use some improvement

    Superior parrying on the bracers or balizarde is essential in EE

    You have 14 PRR augments listed twice

    Mantle of the dragonfiend is a waste, provides nothing

    Ring of artificer provides almost nothing - better would be ring of elemental essence or a 108 spellpower ring with concentration and/or slot.

  9. #9
    Community Member DynaTheCat's Avatar
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    My idea of ideal shiradi wizard gear. :O

    Head: Flawless blue dragonscale helm +3 insightful Int
    Goggles: Intricate Field optics +8 int
    Neck: Epic Torc of Raiyum
    Trinket: Litany of the dead
    Cloak: Mabar's Epic Night Cloak OR, Ghost Waking Cloak (Ghostly + Displacement grants 55% miss (1-0.5*0.9 = 0.55).
    Armor: Flawless Blue Dragon Docent
    Belt: Epic lion headed belt
    Boots: Epic Rock boots T3
    Gloves: Supreme Tyrant Gloves of Concordant Opposition
    Bracers: Mineral II Bracers
    2-hand Weapon: Twilight, Element of Magic
    Ring1: Master artificer ring
    Ring2: Rand Gen / Crafted Exp fort ring.

    Maybe... it help with sorc version? :O
    Last edited by DynaTheCat; 04-15-2013 at 06:08 PM.

  10. #10
    Community Member cdr's Avatar
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    One of the most successful soloist sorcs in the game, draconic/earth:

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by AtomicMew View Post
    Not bad, but could still use some improvement

    Superior parrying on the bracers or balizarde is essential in EE

    You have 14 PRR augments listed twice
    Yeah saw that, my misstake.

    Sup parrying could be nice but I'd be giving up 3% dodge, 3% crit chance to lightning, 10 inherent lightning resist (very nice in FoT and EE Tor) and 2 augment slots. Not sure if it's worth it, especially as I am immune to trip due to air savant and can slot most important immunities.

    Quote Originally Posted by AtomicMew View Post
    Mantle of the dragonfiend is a waste, provides nothing
    Dipplo 20 on a shiradi and cha 8 for when I swich from planar focus to other trinkets during fights. Though I have been thinking I might only keep this as a swich in cloak. I guess mabar cloak would be nice but the event is not on right now so I cant get it.

    Quote Originally Posted by AtomicMew View Post
    Ring of artificer provides almost nothing - better would be ring of elemental essence or a 108 spellpower ring with concentration and/or slot.
    Twilight will when I'm finished with it give me Force: 120, Lightning: 120 and Cold 114
    Fire and acid is not all that interesting to me as I'm an air savant shiradi.

    With that said Ring of master artifice vs, Ring of elemental spell power:
    Archmagi - Archmagi
    Reconstruct 90-No reconstruct
    Repair system-No repair system
    Greater auto repair-No auto repair
    Geen slot-Yellow slot
    Colorless slot-No colorless
    No inherent resistance- inherent resistance

    So Elemental spellpower only wins the resist, and I already have the 5 inherent lightning which is the most important.
    108 spellpower ring would do very little for my over all damage. The only element that would get a significant boost is fire, an element I have no enhancements for and only use one spell based off (meteor swarm).

    Quote Originally Posted by cdr View Post
    One of the most successful soloist sorcs in the game, draconic/earth:
    He has very nice stat's and I'm sure he's awesome in all sorts of ways but I think what gets his stats up above mine are earth savant (for hp) and draconic (for cha). Quite different build than me and I don't think that I'd benefit from changing the gear on the list in my first post to the same as his. I'd actually end up with less cha than now and only 1 higher con, putting me on a odd number of con. Furthermore I'd loose a lot of spell power (more than 30 of all types).
    Last edited by thenalim; 04-16-2013 at 02:06 AM.

  12. #12
    The Hatchery SHOCK_and_AWE's Avatar
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    From what I've seen, some of the most dangerous things for a Warforged Shiradhi Sorcerer in Epic Elite are the spells and attacks that immobilize you or otherwise put you into a crippled/helpless state and the spells that do extreme amounts of damage. Your choice of Air Savant automatically makes you immune to most forms of one of the most common immobilization effects: knockdown. If we focus our defense on mitigating both spell and attack damage and these effects, perhaps this gearset may be to your liking;

    The docent covers +6 Resistance, Toughness, and Power Store. The Bracers of Wind get you Superior Lightning Lore, Blurry (don't need to cast it on yourself now), a dodge bonus, and two slots. Spiked Boots give you immunity to slippery surfaces and a boost to Balance (for the knockdown attacks air savants aren't immune to). The Ring of Djinn provides good DR (it can be bypassed by some devils, so their attacks will be affected by your DR7/Cold Iron from Fey Form) and supplements your already-boosted electricity resistance.

    You'll have three blue slots, enough for Good Luck +2, PRR +14, and False Life +35 if you want to drop the Pirate Hat for something else (Cove isn't around all the time and Concentration doesn't help much in Epic Elite as compared to Epic Hard). You'll have plenty of other slots for off-stats and deathblock as well.
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  13. #13
    Community Member AtomicMew's Avatar
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    I solo farm EE Tor and EE pop daily faster than all but the best groups. Take my advice or find out the hard way, as you'll find out your specs are a bit inefficient as you learn more about shiradi. If you ever want to challenge yourself, listen to what I say.

    Quote Originally Posted by thenalim View Post
    Sup parrying could be nice but I'd be giving up 3% dodge, 3% crit chance to lightning, 10 inherent lightning resist (very nice in FoT and EE Tor) and 2 augment slots. Not sure if it's worth it, especially as I am immune to trip due to air savant and can slot most important immunities.
    Saves are importan for both reducing incoming damage (reflex spells, disintegrates) and avoiding CC (dancing balls, feeblemind). There is no attribute more important than superior parrying on bracers. Just doing basic math, +4 reflex is 10% less incoming spell damage from the base damage. It is essential.

    Cloak should be jeweled cloak, mabar cloak or ghost cloak. Mabar cloak covers the +3 dodge, adds ghostly and invisiblity guard (which is amazing). Jeweled cloak covers the 10 inherent resist on a swap. So you're basicaly only getting 3% crit chance and losing the best stat bracers have to offer.

    So Elemental spellpower only wins the resist, and I already have the 5 inherent lightning which is the most important.
    108 spellpower ring would do very little for my over all damage. The only element that would get a significant boost is fire, an element I have no enhancements for and only use one spell based off (meteor swarm).
    Every element adds DPS in shiradi. An extra 10 in fire/cold/elec/acid + 5 inherent resist is far, far, far better than +10 to reconstruct with ring of artifice. Cold is nowhere near as important as fire in shiradi for both the perma dot and meteor swarm. Sonic is also more important than cold, as, it's the second highest damaging shiradi proc.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by AtomicMew View Post
    I solo farm EE Tor and EE pop daily faster than all but the best groups. Take my advice or find out the hard way, as you'll find out your specs are a bit inefficient as you learn more about shiradi. If you ever want to challenge yourself, listen to what I say.

    Saves are importan for both reducing incoming damage (reflex spells, disintegrates) and avoiding CC (dancing balls, feeblemind). There is no attribute more important than superior parrying on bracers. Just doing basic math, +4 reflex is 10% less incoming spell damage from the base damage. It is essential.

    Cloak should be jeweled cloak, mabar cloak or ghost cloak. Mabar cloak covers the +3 dodge, adds ghostly and invisiblity guard (which is amazing). Jeweled cloak covers the 10 inherent resist on a swap. So you're basicaly only getting 3% crit chance and losing the best stat bracers have to offer.

    Every element adds DPS in shiradi. An extra 10 in fire/cold/elec/acid + 5 inherent resist is far, far, far better than +10 to reconstruct with ring of artifice. Cold is nowhere near as important as fire in shiradi for both the perma dot and meteor swarm. Sonic is also more important than cold, as, it's the second highest damaging shiradi proc.
    I'd get better dps than your suggested ring trough putting 120 sonic and 114 fire spell power in Twilight. Good thing you brought it up however as that made me reconsider what to put on the staff.
    Also, I solo EE PoP daily, EE Tor now and then (faster in good group though). Not saying that I don't appreciate the advice, I find it to be valid critique and I am considering swiching the bracers as you suggest.
    If I had access to the Mabar Cloak I would probably swich to this, unfortunately I don't. Jeweled is a good one and I'm considering it.
    Last edited by thenalim; 04-16-2013 at 06:13 AM.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by AtomicMew View Post
    Every element adds DPS in shiradi. An extra 10 in fire/cold/elec/acid + 5 inherent resist is far, far, far better than +10 to reconstruct with ring of artifice. Cold is nowhere near as important as fire in shiradi for both the perma dot and meteor swarm. Sonic is also more important than cold, as, it's the second highest damaging shiradi proc.
    It was my impression that all sirardi procs are enhanced by the element of the spell you are casting and not what type of proc it is (i.e. MM = force, Meteor Swarm = fire). Think this was posted somewhere else on the forum as well.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by jskinner937 View Post
    It was my impression that all sirardi procs are enhanced by the element of the spell you are casting and not what type of proc it is (i.e. MM = force, Meteor Swarm = fire). Think this was posted somewhere else on the forum as well.
    That was what I thought aswell, but I googled a bit and found that it seems to be the spell power of the element that procs that decides base dmg. The crit chance/dmg of the spell that causes the proc decides the crit of the proc.

    So if MM(force) causes a Tar(fire) proc your fire spell power and your force crit chance/dmg is used

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by thenalim View Post
    That was what I thought aswell, but I googled a bit and found that it seems to be the spell power of the element that procs that decides base dmg. The crit chance/dmg of the spell that causes the proc decides the crit of the proc.

    So if MM(force) causes a Tar(fire) proc your fire spell power and your force crit chance/dmg is used
    I have no fire enhancements bought and no arcane or fire lore item on, while remain full force spec and see big number hit on fire procs all the time. Think there might be some misunderstanding somewhere.

  18. #18
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    As I said, force lore would affect crits. But fire spell power. I have 80 potency from my dragonscale armor and I too see quite nice numbers on fire and sonic procs. I'll do some testing today to make 100% sure that I understand this correct.

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