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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2006

    Default Wisdom monk twists/stance for epic elite?

    For the high stunning fist requirement it seems like a lot of my setup is predetermined? What do people run with for twists, stance, and PRR (with breakdown)?

    I'm thinking I have to use brace for impact for the fort and ocean/GMOF/tactics +6 for the stun. And one twist for either sense weakness, lithe, or cocoon. But that doesn't leave much room for PRR (15 + 14 + 10?).

    What are wisdom monks running with on EE?

  2. #2


    Quote Originally Posted by maddong View Post
    For the high stunning fist requirement it seems like a lot of my setup is predetermined? What do people run with for twists, stance, and PRR (with breakdown)?

    I'm thinking I have to use brace for impact for the fort and ocean/GMOF/tactics +6 for the stun. And one twist for either sense weakness, lithe, or cocoon. But that doesn't leave much room for PRR (15 + 14 + 10?).

    What are wisdom monks running with on EE?
    One of my TR1 Monks (pure) has this going for PRR:

    *Ultimate Mountain Stance (15 PRR, 20% overall AC bonus)
    *Legendary Dreadnought: Improved Combat Expertise (20 PRR) (Twisted), requires Combat Expertise active (10% AC bonus)
    *Grandmaster of Flowers: Standing with Stone (15 PRR)
    *Epic Ring of the Buccaneer (12 PRR from augment gem)
    Total: 62 in GMoF, or about 30% damage mitigation

    Unyielding Sentinel's Brace for Impact is a no-brainer to twist since its a Tier 1 ability that's easy to train for 40% stacking fortification and a +2 bonus to Reflex saves. With this (and Heavy Fortification on) you'll have 140%, suitable for most content. A 25% Exceptional Fortification item adds it up to 165%.

    I have handy the Fabricator's Set for an additional stacking 25% and can see a maximum of 190% fortification (at the expense of some healing amp loss on removing my PD Gauntlets and WIS, I think, with removing the Bracers of the Sun Soul).

    Since Ultimate Mountain Stance and Combat Expertise's AC bonuses stack, I get a 30% AC bonus, which gives me a standing 101 AC without buffs in GMoF mode. I play about with this in LD mode to gain greater attack options and twist what I can from GMoF, but overall the GMoF mode with LD/US twists is the better mode for EE (especially with the Everything is Nothing "that was easy" button for emergencies).

    I've been trying to add Lithe from Shadowdancer, but as you might notice, this requires you to grind like crazy to open up that third Twist slot while still keeping Brace for Impact and Legendary Tactics in place in the first two slots (presuming you're using GMoF; recommended since the completed destiny adds an additional 3 to stunning DCs). I've given up on doing this for this life but certainly open it up for later. I'd definitely strive to get your Reflex saves as high as you can.

    I've learned my lesson from forum threads on stunning DC. I have a 52 and can get it to 56 but at a compromise to PRR or fortification. Most folks here say 55+ for this, and I "cheat" by level-draining foes with the Grave Wrappings before I stun. The challenge is adding back in that Exceptional Combat Mastery, which I hope to get from the right Dun'Robar ring since getting my Cloak of the Bear upgraded is problematic.
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  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2006


    Don't you need a 60 dc for epic gianthold though? You think it is better to get the prr instead of the +2 dc? In an ideal world you would keep the prr over lithe? Thanks for your input!

  4. #4
    Community Member Miow's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by maddong View Post
    Don't you need a 60 dc for epic gianthold though? You think it is better to get the prr instead of the +2 dc? In an ideal world you would keep the prr over lithe? Thanks for your input!
    Honestly i can reach 67 with ship buffs and yugo...still sometimes fail in EGH but it's monk is only a first lifer with a little work and a few pl i can see how you can reach 70

  5. #5
    The Hatchery Wipey's Avatar
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    Brace for impact, sense weakness, legendary tactics.

    Shahang (hjealme), Wipekin (kotc), Nezhat (barbie) Ghallanda/Devourer

  6. #6
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    I do ultimate water stance

    Brace for impact

    Legendary tactics

    I plan on sense weakness as soon as I can grind out that slot

    I prefer the boost to dodge and dc boost to the xtra PRR

    I don't use yugo or store pots

    Beware the Sleepeater

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Encair View Post
    Brace for impact, sense weakness, legendary tactics.
    This ^ When I run legendary for blitzing though I twist dance of flowers Instead of tactics.

    PRR : For prr I run around with +14 slotted +15 GMoF + 15 Earth stance for a 44 prr in GMoF and 29 in LD. I plan on getting antipode eventually to get an extra +15 from the set, but I would only use these when I need prr for tanking, otherwise I would stick with alchemicals.

    Stance : Earth stance or wind stance. If you are a wisdom based monk you could use ocean stance but I don't see a real need for it since you should have over a 63 + stun dc without much work. Fire isn't to bad but you lose on your stunning fist dc. Earth and wind stance are the better stances IMO. Earth gives you +15 prr another +15 prr if your in GMoF + 50 hp +2 fort saves + ac + 1 critical multiplier -2 dex. Wind gives 13% double strike - 2 con +4 dex.

    Earth is the clear winner to me, sure wind is a bit more dps, not by much though. But earth gets far more befits. If your running gmof 30 prr by itself is much better than any other stance.

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