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  1. #1
    Community Member Valgron's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2006

    Default So...think it's time to look for a guild

    What's up folks.

    As the title says, I am looking for a guild.

    A little about me....I started playing the game at launch. I have a few characters I have TRed, and I have ran mosy of the content. I helped create a couple of the guilds still running around out there, as well as I ran Legacy of the Brotherhood for a long time. Real life became involved, so I wasn't able to be on for a while.

    After a decent break, I came back, and still run with the friends I met "back in the day".

    As of today, I play when I can. Normally a couple times a week. Usually in the evenings around 8-9EST. I play for a few hours, then call it a night. Unfortunately, I don't have the time that I used to. I curently am in a small guild with long time friends, but with our schedules, it's hard for us to get on and run much together.

    I am not needing an "end game" guild, or anything like that. I am also not wanting one of those guilds that have a completely full roster that are nothing more than smaller versions of a "Who" list. I don't want to be invited into a guild just to be a number. I don't need a guild just to have the title over my name. I can make my own if that's what I wanted.

    I am well versed in most aspects of the game, love helping those when I can, and just having fun. I played 2nd edition PNP for a long time when I was in school, so I fall in line with the "old schoolers" lol. I just want a place that I can log onto, find help, or help others, enjoy my time spent in game, and make this "VIP" status I have been paying for for a long time worth it.

    I hope to find a good fit somewhere that allows me to use my knowledge to assist the guild in any way I can.

    I am as layed back as they come.

    If you think I might be someone you would be interested in, give me a yell.

    Thanks again for taking the time to read this.

    Ryxer 23 Artificer (TR)
    Nightvixen 19 Cleric/Sorc
    Captnrocks 18 Fighter/Monk (TR)
    Obnoxious 18 Bard
    Rocks 18 Barbarian
    Tanktanker 15 Barbarian (Retired)
    Nuggets 6 Monk
    Enfuego 6 Druid
    Kieldorn 5 Paladin (TR)
    Aalabaster 4 Fighter

  2. #2
    Founder & Build Synthesis Battlehawke's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2006

    Default oldtimers guild

    Hey Valgron,

    We've run together quite a bit, although not much recently. Take a look at the link in my signature and apply if you are interested. You will find that most of us Oltimers are on at your time, but we have people on throughout the day. Lots of good guilds on our wonderful server so don't feel pressured. However there's always welcome arms in OTG and you know how we play. "Laid Back and all About the Fun"

    We have Raid Night, Powegamers & Casual, Static Groups and Permanent Death and communicate mostly through "mumble". Tons of high level groups. A few low level ones. And a few regular TR Groups (but they fill fast).

    Whatever you decide, let me know if you ever need anything and always feel free to join our groups....

    The Best Server: Gallhanda

    Looking for a great guild? Check Out Our Guild:

    Looking for some good builds to play?

  3. #3
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2010

    Default Cult of the Fallen

    Hi Valgron,

    It seems we may be a good fit.

    Cult of the Fallen is a small guild, so you won't have to worry about becoming a number. The downside right now is until we get some more members, you won't be able to do 6man groups having only guildies. Though we do run 2 and 3 man groups and even raids when people are on and don't have time to wait for lfms to fill.

    I'm certainly willing to let you try it out for a while, and if you decide you want to stay you'd be fully welcome to bring in other friends or players who you find yourself questing with regularly or wanting to help.

    Feel free to send me a /tell in game if you have any questions. My play times can vary a lot, but a lot of tuesdays, wednesdays, and thursdays I'll be on at your 8/9EST. I'll usually be on as Sulatain or Fiakra.

  4. #4
    Community Member Arnhelm's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    Hiya. Check out the guild web page in my sig, see if you might be interested in joining us. Your primary hours usually have our highest number of people online. Feel free to hit me up in-game on Ghaelii (pronounced like Kelly) if you'd like to voice chat a bit about Tyrs. Send a PM here or in-game mail to her if you'd like to arrange a day/time rather than play hit-and-miss.

    Happy Hunting!
    Once upon a time, I was part of a team, and we saved some children. That was long ago and far away, and, yes, I am that old.

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