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  1. #1
    Community Member Ghwyn's Avatar
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    Default Best dps for animal form

    I am unhappy with the amount of dps I have in animal form. What is the best feats, enhancements, and weapons to maximize animal form dps?

    Right now it seems like a good random loot weapon is better than named, but I would like to hear from others on this.

  2. #2
    The Hatchery psteen1's Avatar
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    Oct 2009


    I'm no expert, but I'm throwing this out for discussion.

    I would think that you should hold a shield and take shield mastery feats for the doublestrike bonus, and also take 3 natural weapon fighting feats for more doublestrike. By the time you hit level 20 you could have around a 30% sustainable doublestrike.

    As far as what weapon to hold, I'm curious to hear from others also.

  3. #3
    Community Member
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    Nov 2009


    The two shield masteries, 3 natural fighting, precision so your sneak attack hits can land on monsters with fortification, and Improved Crit Blunt (animal form attacks are considered Blunt).

    Weapons.. i used whatever i could find through my druid lives. Doesn't matter as long as its one handed. Various Smiting/Disruption/Banishing for level 8+ (or at 6 if you find a race restricted one). Lacerating can be good at low levels, even against most types of oozes. I don't recall many named items that really stuck out as must haves. If you're into the raiding stuff the greensteel items would probably be a good bet, though their increased damage does not work with animal form.

    Worth mentioning too: Don't forget a druid in wolf form can cast too. If you're not using regular spells in addition to the animal form spell type attacks you miss out on a good chunk of damage.

  4. #4
    Community Member Ghwyn's Avatar
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    Most of my damage does come from spells while in animal form. I don't have precision, so I might look into that.

  5. #5
    Community Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ghwyn View Post
    I am unhappy with the amount of dps I have in animal form. What is the best feats, enhancements, and weapons to maximize animal form dps?

    Right now it seems like a good random loot weapon is better than named, but I would like to hear from others on this.
    What is your build at the moment ?
    What is your race, aligment, levels ?

    I am using 17 druid / 3 monk.
    Feats : 3x Natural Fighting, Power Attacks, Cleave, Greater Cleave, Stunning Fists, Empower Healing, Improved Crit Blunt.
    Enhancements : Nature's Warrior II, Essence of the Shriek II, Druid Celerity, Vengeful Hunter III, Fatal Harrier or Reaving Roar (roar only low and mid lvl explosion can clear packs of mobs really fast a specially oozes) and Human Versatibility for DMG boost.
    Weapons : From my position Handwraps on high level because dice boost. Other weapons looks like they not add dice boost to your attacks. (not confired from game masters but tested) If you are not monk i will recomend weapons like Epic Noxious Fang for they +9 enhancement to attack and damage.
    Epic destiny : ??? (still testing and leveling them up)

    With this buid i usually crit Jaws of Winter around 580-720 depand on if i target is stunned and i have damge boost on. Oh dont forget Sleet Storm is your friend so you can sneak attack even if you they attacking you. (but also pass Freedom on your friends)

  6. #6
    Build Constructionist unbongwah's Avatar
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    Tips for upping wolf DPS:

    • Take Natural Fighting feat three times; this adds +18% doublestrike.
    • If you're going S&B, take Shield Mastery & ISM; twist in Legendary SM if possible.
    • If you're going (centered) Drunk, you'll probably want Wind stance + Running w/Wind for extra doublestrike. [Fire stance + Dancing w/Flames for +0.75[W] is another option, except DwF is a T5 GMoF ability, so it can't be Twisted, which limits your ED options.]
    • Take IC:Blunt and Power Atk and/or Precision; if you take PA, Twist in Imp PA. [Generally speaking, PA is better for low-AC low-fortification targets while Precision is better for high-AC high-fort targets.]
    • Max out Essence of the Shrike; use those temp SPs judiciously to power your wolf atks & spells.
    • Remember that the base weapon type doesn't matter while shapeshifted; so pick your gear based on the effects / bonuses, not the base dmg / crit profile. Also, if you have a wood weapon equipped in your mainhand, the +[W] from Shillelagh will carry over to wolf (thanks to hermespan for that tip).

    Unfortunately, we're talking about a lot of feats to max out wolf DPS, leaving little room for anything else, esp. if staying pure for capstone. So the needs of your melee DPS need to be balanced out by other concerns, like any metamagics you want.
    Semi-retired Build Engineer. Everything was better back in our day. Get off my lawn.

  7. #7
    Community Member HatsuharuZ's Avatar
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    Feb 2011


    How about taking some rogue levels for evasion and extra sneak attack damage?

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