I suspect the 114/117 for Haste/AoS is a measurement error tbh. You're getting a single volley's worth of difference over 60seconds, which is an easy error to make*. When I did similar testing a while back, I started using 2+mins as my test period because I suspected that I was getting errors up to +/-3 bolts per min, and tbh if you're testing the autoattack rate I'd be tempted to say that its best to run each test for 5 mins, as this will dramatically reduce errors (I was testing twitch firing, which is harder to maintain for long periods, as even momentary lapses of concentration can cost you 1-2volleys worth of shots).
Needle's alacrity doesn't stack with haste (afaik, the only bonuses that would stack with haste / AoS are the ranger capstone, and the two ranged sets from ToD).
As Dandonk notes, haste is technically a 22% bonus, which ends up being an effective 15% (at least I think it is; I can't remember the exact numbers, but its around 2/3 of the nominal haste bonus). In other words, alacrity from Needle is very slightly worse than having AoS or Haste up.
The numbers you get for haste/AoS/twitch firing are about what I was seeing. Basically, I found that if you are twitch firing, you can ignore haste / AoS entirely (even feats like rapid shot may not be adding much to your effective rate).
However, and this is a huge caveat, twitch firing is hard to do when things get busy, so if you want to maintain constant dps, its best to keep AoS or haste up at all times (if not using Needle), and take rapid shot as a feat.
*One other source of error was the first volley. My methodology was to destroy all bolts, conjure up 1000, and click once to load them. What I was seeing was that sometimes, loading up the bolts with a left click actually fired 3 bolts, so if you just took the count as 1000-no of bolts you had left at the end of the time period, you'd be overestimating by 3 bolts. I started checking the exact numbers when the bolts were properly loaded before starting the 2 mins (or whatever) of firing.
Edit: for clarity, Haste and AoS should be giving identical fire rates, and I never had reason to suspect this wasn't the case in the fire rate tests I did.
Edit 2: I misremembered it seems, re: rapid shot; it is worthwhile taking this when twitch firing. For reference, my testing is recorded in the following thread: