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  1. #1
    Hero Arlathen's Avatar
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    Default Theorybuild - The Stormbringer

    Theorybuild - The Stormbringer

    Yep. Here I go again. So while I Raid with my Whirling Dervish, time to get funky again ...

    Lightning Bolts. Yeah, I'm a sucker for them. Ever since greensteel was introduced to the game, I've always enjoyed the graphics and sounds of the Lightning Strike weapon effect in game. It was always enjoyable knowing that depsite any indifferent melee DPS you might be doing, smashing an enemy with a sudden punishing Lightning Bolt from the heavens was an enjoyable prospect. Then, I remember seing the Epic Charged Gauntlets in action. Of course, it was nowhere near in terms of raw damage, but the sound and graphic ceffect on every Vorpal strike? YAY!

    Back around Update 10 or so, I was enamoured with a build idea that could just deal repeated amount of Lightning Strike type effects. I ran a Ranger14/Fighter4/Monk2 Half-Elf
    build (sound familiar? ) with the full Dragonmark of Storm abilities, and thus was summoning Call Lightning Storm backed up with Maximise & Empower meta-magics. That was back when Call Lightning Storm was a lot of fun, especially when you had dual Lightning 2 weapons and Epic Charged Gauntlets to add into the mix.

    A lot of fun indeed.

    Post U14
    Alas, Druid arrived and the nerf hammer hit the characters Call Lightning Storm. I TR'd the build, and tried a couple of different options around a Lightning themed melee Sorc,
    and all sorts of weirdness. In the end however, I managed to put together a Heavy Melee/Light Spellcaster build that eventually ran as a Draconic Incarnation. Without giving away any spoilers for this build - it was a hell of a lot fun. But no, Draconic Incarnation is not the subject of this Theorybuild. What would be the point of posting a Theorybuild of something that's already completely built?

    Time for an overhaul with some fresh ideas, and so I present to you: The Stormbringer

    Build Goals
    1. Good Melee DPS
    2. Can spit out Lightning Bolts...
    3. Good Ranged Capability
    4. Likes Stormy weather...
    5. Some Measure of Melee Crowd Control
    6. Can throw out Lightning Strikes...
    7. Decent Self-Healing, strong Defense considerations
    8. Did I mention I wanted lots of Lightning Strikes/Bolts/Thunderclaps/Static/Fuzzy Hair moments?

    Key theme: This is a Lightning-themed melee flavour toon with amazing amounts of potential if played right.

    Key Build Concepts and Chocies

    Half-Elf, 34pt
    - Rogue Dilletante for 3D6 Sneak Damage
    - Human Versatility Damage Boost
    - Human Improved Recovery

    Possible Stats
    Str: 50 - 16 Base +4Tome +2Guild +8Item +2Ins +1Exc +1Racial +1Class +2Fury +6Lvls +2Rams +5PrimalS
    Dex: 32 - 14 Base +4Tome +2Guild +7Item +3Ins +2Class
    Con: 35 - 14 Base +4Tome +2Guild +7Item +2Ins +1Racial +5PrimalS
    Int: 13 - 08 Base +3Tome +2Guild
    Wis: 32 - 14 Base +4Tome +2Guild +7Item +2Ins +1class +2Fury
    Cha: 26 - 14 Base +3Tome +2Guild +7Item

    Strength 50. Self-buffed. Remember that!

    Ranger 12
    - Full TWF Feat Line
    - Full Archery line for Versatility
    - Tempest 2 100% Offhand attacks
    - Favoured Enemies
    - High Fort & Reflex Saves
    - Moderate HP
    - Evasion

    Druid 7
    - Fatal Harrier 25% Enhancement Melee Alacrity
    - Strong Self-Healing potential
    - CC Spell Potential
    - Natures Warrior 1 Additional +1D6 Sneak Attack Damage

    Monk 1
    - Bonus Feat
    - All-round base save improvement

    Feat List
    - Dodge, Mobility, Spring Attack
    - Power Attack, IC: Slash, Ex: Khopesh
    - Cleave, Great Cleave
    - Toughness
    - Overwhelming Critical
    - FE: Undead, Evil Outsiders, Giants

    Key Enhancements
    - Human Adaptability 2, Druid Strength 1, Druid Wisdom 1
    - Ranger Tempest 2, Ranger Dexterity 2, Improved Rogue Dilletante 2
    - Druid Nature's Warrior 1, Shifiting Rake 2, Bestial Nature 1
    - Druid Fatal Harrier, Vengeful Hunter 1
    - Druid Eminence of Storm 3, Waxing storm 2, Zenith of Storm 1
    - Human Improved Recovery 2, Racial Toughness 1, Druid Toughness 1
    - Ranger Sprint Boost 1

    Epic Destiny: Fury of the Wild
    - Large Base Melee Damage Improvements
    - Large Base HP Improvements
    - Melee & Ranged Combos
    - Druid & Ranger Caster Levels for Call Lightning and Self-Buffs

    Destiny Spec
    - Unbridled Fury, Fury Eternal
    - Sense Weakness Rk3, Overwhelming Force Rk3
    - Acute instincts Rk3,
    - Tunnel Vision Rk3, Primal Scream Rk3, Fast Healing Rk1
    - 2x Strength

    Epic Twists
    - Draconic Incarnation: Energy Burst - Tier 4, Rank 3
    - Unyielding Sentinal: Brace for Impact - Tier 1, Rank 2
    - Primal Avatar: Rejuvenation Cocoon - Tier 1, Rank 3

    What I wish I could fit into this build
    - Quicken: I really would like Quicken for the self-healing and Sleetstorms. Would make a big difference for EE play.
    - Primal Avatar - Stormrage: Signature flavor ability, but Energy Burst is such a better ability to twist in, there's no competition

    So, whats this build all about?
    - TWF Hit Potential: Lots of attacks through 100% Offhand Attacks, 10% Base Melee Alacrity, rising to 25% with Fatal Harrier
    - TWF Damage Potential: Very High Strength, with plenty of Damage 'adders' through Fury's Adrenaline, Tunnel Vision and Sense Weakness
    - TWF Sneak Damage Potential: Improved Deception with 3D6/4D6+13 Sneak Damage for both hands
    - TWF Critical Potential: Khopesh weapons, IC: Slash, Overwhelming Critical, Seeker +15 and Adrenaline attacks, with a guaranteed Double-hit from Tempest2
    - Fast Adrenline Rejuvenation: TWF with the Speed/Attacks listed above

    - Melee Crowd Control: Adrenaline + Great Cleave + Overwhelming Force = Pack of mobs on there backs for 10s, taking +Helpless damage!
    - Melee Crowd Control: Self-buffed Freedom of Movement with Sleetstorm availability
    - Melee Crowd Damage: Sense Weakness + Cleaves to deal horrendous amounts of damage to mobs knockdown from Overwhelming Force

    - Ranged Manyshot/Adrenaline/Fury Unbridled potential: Horrific Damage of Manyshot with Adrenaline-backed power.

    - Dodge Defense: Blur 20%, Dodge 20%, Incorporeal 10% as pretty standard. Sleetstorm on demand or UMD availble for Displacement Scrolls for 50% Concealment.
    - Very Good HP: Approximately at 750HP mark with the benefits of Primal Scream/Rage and Fury destiny.

    - Great Self Healing: Rejuvenation Cocoon, CSW, CMW, CLW, all with Druid/Ranger Spellpower enhancements/items, and some measure of Heal amp
    - Decent Spell Point Pool: Stacking Ranger/Druid SP pool with double benefit from Wisdom.
    - Spell Power Power: Druid enhancements with Epic Bracers of the Wind for relatively high SpellPower/CritChance/CritMultiplier on Lightning Spells
    - Energy Burst: The Finishing theme touch - Smash your enemies Massive Lightning damage in a Burst.

    And thus onto the ultimate build combo
    - Smash your enemies before you with a Adrenaline powered Great Cleave
    - Delivering lots of automatic, +% Boosted x3/x4 Critical Hits
    - Rolled into Overwhelming Force no-DC check knockdown for 10s,
    - Finished off with a impressively powered/crit-chance Energy Burst that benefits from +80% Helpless damage modifier.
    - Do remember to breathe at the end ...

    It's ok, you can go lie down now at the trembling thoughts of owning mobs left, right, and center
    Quote Originally Posted by twinstronglord View Post
    Up to this point we've all been beating around the bush. Lolth has a very small box in which you can hit her.

  2. #2
    Hero Arlathen's Avatar
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    And to Follow Up...

    A quick follow up post on my planned Gear setup

    Potential Weapon Choices
    - Dual GS Lightning 2 Khopeshes
    - Pinion Composite Longbow
    - Dual Air-based Alchemical Khopeshes
    - Dual Ironwood Khopesh (with Shillelagh self-buff) - Truthful One!
    - DR Breakers to taste (Silver/Cold iron/Adamatine +Good)

    There unfortunately isn't much in game at present to replace your Greensteel Lightning 2 Khopeshes. Alchemical Khopeshes are available, of course, but require an in-ordinate amount of grinding to complete!

    Currently Planned Gearset
    - Armour: Cormyrian Red Dragonhide Light Armour
    - Goggles: Cannith Crafted Blindness Ward Goggles of Dodge 2% with Ins Con +2
    - Cloak: Adamantine Cloak of the Wolf T3
    - Gloves: Epic Charged Gauntlets with Exc Str +1
    - Bracers: Epic Bracers of Wind T3 with Con +7, Cha +7
    - Belt: EH Girdle of Giants Brawn with Ins Str +2, Resistance +7
    - Necklace: Pendant of the Storm Reaver with Ins Wis +2
    - Ring 1: Epic Seal of Avithoul with Wisdom +7
    - Ring 2: Epic Ring of the Bucaneer with Enhancement HP+35
    - Boots: EH Treads of Falling Shadow
    - Helmest: GS Helm of +300SP, Exc Cha Skills +6

    So where am I starting from with this build?

    Thankfully, I'm not starting from scratch with this build. My character, Furiyen, is already the requisite level 25 Half-Elf, Ranger 12/Druid 7/Monk 1 character split, and has a great deal of the items in the list already. I will however need to double check

    I do need to work on his destinies though, to unlock the wanted twists. If I remember correctly, he currently has Haste Boost and Rejuvenation Cocoon twisted, so I'm not too far away from unlocking the needed twists.
    Quote Originally Posted by twinstronglord View Post
    Up to this point we've all been beating around the bush. Lolth has a very small box in which you can hit her.

  3. #3
    Community Member whereispowderedsilve's Avatar
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    Default The Stormbringer: Mark 2/II or something :D :P :)(not trolling, yanking your chain!)

    Revise the name to: The Stormbringer: Mark 2/II or something :P (not trolling, yanking your chain!)

    Looking forward to it! Have all of these bookmarked! Keep up the great work! Cheers! :P! ! xD! Sign this!!!:

    DDO toll free support phone#: 855-WBGAMES (855-924-2637)

  4. #4
    Hero Arlathen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by whereispowderedsilve View Post
    Revise the name to: The Stormbringer: Mark 2/II or something :P (not trolling, yanking your chain!)

    Looking forward to it! Have all of these bookmarked! Keep up the great work! Cheers! :P! ! xD!
    Heh, indeed, but its almost a year old and is reflected in the opening of the post as 'that old Dragonmark build'.

    Time for a new coat of paint, so to speak.
    Quote Originally Posted by twinstronglord View Post
    Up to this point we've all been beating around the bush. Lolth has a very small box in which you can hit her.

  5. #5
    Hero Arlathen's Avatar
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    The Story So Far..... Level 25

    Well, Furiyen, as the character is called, is already levelled to 25 as a 12 Ranger/7 Druid/1 Monk build. As he was TR'd and rebuilt from the old Dragonmarked build to this character split around U14, I've also acquired most of the gear and searching through my bank stores has proved fruitful for re-gearing the toon to the provisional finished gear list as posted out above.

    (No Ship Buffs, No Personal Buffs, No Epic Destiny abilities (GMoF at Lvl 0)).

    Current Gear List
    - DONE - Armour: Cormyrian Red Dragonhide Light Armour
    - DONE - Goggles: Cannith Crafted Blindness Ward Goggles of Dodge 2% with Ins Con +2
    - DONE - Cloak: Adamantine Cloak of the Wolf T3
    - DONE - Gloves: Epic Charged Gauntlets with Exc Str +1
    - DONE - Bracers: Epic Bracers of Wind T3 with Con +7, Cha +7
    - DONE - Belt: EH Girdle of Giants Brawn with Ins Str +2, Resistance +7
    - DONE - Ring 1: Epic Seal of Avithoul with Wisdom +7
    - DONE - Ring 2: Epic Ring of the Bucaneer with Enhancement HP+35
    - DONE - Boots: EH Treads of Falling Shadow
    - Necklace: Pendant of the Storm Reaver with Ins Wis +2
    - Helmest: GS Helm of +300SP, Exc Cha Skills +6

    That's nice and fortunate really, as a SP Helm isn't really required for the destiny farm (I have 750SP already!) and I can craft a basic necklace to slot in Ins Wis +2 - apart from Thunderstruck, I have all the other mods from the Stormreaver's Pendant covered already.

    Destiny & Twist Progress
    Primal Avatar - Lvl 5 & Capped
    Shiradi Champion - Lvl 4
    Legendary Dreadnought - Lvl 4
    ShadowDancer - Lvl 0
    FateSinger - Lvl 1
    Draconic Incarnation - Lvl 5 & Capped

    19 Destiny levels = 6 Fate Points
    Required Fate Points for 4/1/1 Twists = 15 Fate Points

    Eeck. Still a good amount of work to get done then to fully unlock all the twists I want.
    I skipped through ShadowDancer and FateSinger to get to Draconic Incarnation a while back, but I have access to Fury to begin levelling it atleast. However...

    1. Finish Legendary Dreadnought to Level 5 (+1 Lvl)
    2. Swap to Grandmaster of Flowers, Level to 4 (+4 Lvl)
    3. Swap to Unyielding Sentinal, Level to 4 (+4 Lvl)
    4. Swap to ShadowDancer, Level to 4 (+4 Lvl)
    5. Swap to FateSinger, Level to 3 (+2 Lvl)
    6. Swap to Fury of the Wild, Cap it (+5 Lvls)

    39 Destiny levels = 13 Fate Points, and to save my sanity a +2 Destiny Tome

    Hmm, ok, that's some work to do. Best crack on!
    Last edited by Arlathen; 04-06-2013 at 06:43 AM.
    Quote Originally Posted by twinstronglord View Post
    Up to this point we've all been beating around the bush. Lolth has a very small box in which you can hit her.

  6. #6
    Hero Arlathen's Avatar
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    Carry On Grinding!

    Ok, got a bit mad, and Stormed (hehe) through the destiny grind over the past 3-4 days. Done, done and done. I don't want to see Impossible Demands/Dun'Robar/Battle for Eveningstar for quite sometime now, thank you very much!

    Destiny & Twist Progress
    Primal Avatar - Lvl 5
    Shiradi Champion - Lvl 4
    Fury of the Wild - Lvl 1
    Legendary Dreadnought - Lvl 5
    Grandmaster of Flowers - Lvl 4
    ShadowDancer - Lvl 2
    FateSinger - Lvl 3
    Draconic Incarnation - Lvl 5
    Magister - Lvl 3
    Unyielding Sentinal - Lvl 3
    = 35 Destiny Levels, 11 Fate Points
    Destiny Tome +2
    = 13 Fate Points, twists of 4/1/0 currently (Energy Burst & Rejuvenation Cocoon).

    Edit: Dang it, still need another 3 Fate Points for that final Twist slot. With another 4 levels of Fury of the Wild to go, I'll need another 3 Destiny levels to finish. *Groan*. *Slaves off back to see his favourite Drow Mistress Vicala Szind*

    Current Gear List
    - DONE - Armour: Cormyrian Red Dragonhide Light Armour
    - DONE - Goggles: Cannith Crafted Blindness Ward Goggles of Dodge 2% with Ins Con +2
    - DONE - Cloak: Adamantine Cloak of the Wolf T3
    - DONE - Gloves: Epic Charged Gauntlets with Exc Str +1
    - DONE - Bracers: Epic Bracers of Wind T3 with Con +7, Cha +7
    - DONE - Belt: EH Girdle of Giants Brawn with Ins Str +2, Resistance +7
    - DONE - Ring 1: Epic Seal of Avithoul with Wisdom +7
    - DONE - Ring 2: Epic Ring of the Bucaneer with Enhancement HP+35
    - DONE - Boots: EH Treads of Falling Shadow
    - DONE - Helmest: GS Helm of Air3, +300SP, Exc Cha Skills +6
    - Necklace: Pendant of the Storm Reaver with Ins Wis +2

    Got the helm crafted. Traded for the last LDS I needed and managed to pull the missing Supreme Shard I wanted. Haste clickie alot more useful than I thought it would, finding uses for it all over the place, especially while Destiny grinding or duoing with the Missus when she's playing her Rogue. UMD took a healthy shot in arm, Teleport scrolls ftw.

    FoT runs are a bit sketchy in PuG land at the moment, so only the one further FoT completion since last time. No Amulet yet - look slike it could be one to set aside and grind for while enjoying the build. I just have a necklace of Exceptional Fort 25% for now, to counter act Tunnel Vision.

    So, about Fury of the Wild...
    First 6 Destiny points went straight into maxing out Primal Scream and Tunnel Vision. Tunnel vision provides a nice healthy DPS boost per hit, that seems to work on everything I've tried.

    And who can argue with +5 Str & Con? Hitting 47Str when 'raged' now, so feeling a bit ... furious. Bought myself a couple of stacks of Rage pots, so I can keep my Tunnel Vision bonuses in those rare times when my Primal Screams run out.

    I do miss the old Haste Boost from LD that I used to have twisted. But keeping the faith for now - lots more to play with in Fury destiny, and the real goodies are yet to come.

    And the Adrenaline's. I only have 2 uses of the baby version at the moment, but I've critted a 1K Damage main hand Khopesh attack with it. Color me impressed - want to see more with the better versions of it. Not played with Adrenaline with Pinion yet, will save that fun stuff for a future post
    Last edited by Arlathen; 04-09-2013 at 02:22 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by twinstronglord View Post
    Up to this point we've all been beating around the bush. Lolth has a very small box in which you can hit her.

  7. #7
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    Would the build be better off ditching monk and taking that class as fighter?

    I have tossed and turned over a 12Ranger/7Druid/1Mnk - WSS Longsword build Vs. a 12/7/1Fighter - Khopesh build.
    That one level of fighter nets Haste Boost I, which maybe be superior to what monk brings....

    Just a thought, as I have the same general split in mind for a build
    Smallmans Syndrome, Rovac, Dragnipur, Prettyhater Machine, Lubed, Castinfist
    Emmpeethree, Hyperkill Hyperthrill and Greyvegas (All on Khyber)

  8. #8
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    He isn't using WSS anyways.

    After looking at it some it is actually a fairly close decision, and I'm not sure anymore that monk actually is better - Usually at least I always think monk > fighter splash, but here you really only gain +2 ref and will (which is fairly nice, but fighter would give you haste boost which is a really good as well).

    Basically it comes down to +2 ref and +2 will save for monk
    Or Haste boost 1 and 2 HP for fighter. Either should be fine though

  9. #9
    Hero Arlathen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CoasterHops View Post
    Would the build be better off ditching monk and taking that class as fighter?

    I have tossed and turned over a 12Ranger/7Druid/1Mnk - WSS Longsword build Vs. a 12/7/1Fighter - Khopesh build. That one level of fighter nets Haste Boost I, which maybe be superior to what monk brings....

    Just a thought, as I have the same general split in mind for a build
    Quote Originally Posted by Fecerak View Post
    He isn't using WSS anyways.

    After looking at it some it is actually a fairly close decision, and I'm not sure anymore that monk actually is better - Usually at least I always think monk > fighter splash, but here you really only gain +2 ref and will (which is fairly nice, but fighter would give you haste boost which is a really good as well).

    Basically it comes down to +2 ref and +2 will save for monk
    Or Haste boost 1 and 2 HP for fighter. Either should be fine though
    Either/Or, really. Can't really go wrong with either choice, so just choose if you want a couple more points of Saves or a Haste Boost.

    It's close enough that I started with Fighter and then swapped to Monk in the original Post-U14 version of the Stormbringer, which went Draconic Incarnation and twisted in Haste Boost from Legendary Dreadnought.

    Now that I'm progressing through Fury of the Wild (Only regular questing now, so just hit Level 2) I'm finding that I miss having a Haste Boost, even just a level 1 version. So when I get some more TP , I'll likely sack off the Monk level and swap it back.

    Chaos Hammer Slow effect also blows, and there's plenty of it around in End Game for me to get annoyed with it. Going back to Fighter would allow me to swap over to TN as an alignment, and avoid this.
    Quote Originally Posted by twinstronglord View Post
    Up to this point we've all been beating around the bush. Lolth has a very small box in which you can hit her.

  10. #10
    Community Member ~Furiyen's Avatar
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    Default So, what's the next chapter for the Stormbringer?...

    Tis I, Arlathen!
    Yes, I know my forum persona has changed with all the muck around, loss of post count and and no Avatar, but it is me

    Stormbringer V2 - Complete!
    Done, dusted, happy with it for now. I'm really quite happy with the end result, for what I use him for. He was never going to be the best 'end game' build by a long shot (I'll leave my Whirling Dervish to deliver the goods in EEs), but he is a fantastic lot of fun with a great deal of angle's to play from.

    Fury of the Wild...
    Fury of the Wild really is quite mad, isn't it? The power of the destiny alone certainly has done alot for my characters prowess in Melee and of course the ubiquitous Fury Manyshot delivery he has. But all the obvious peices aside, my real favourite parts are my regenerating Adrenaline strikes and Overwhelming Force.

    Now, it doesn't quite work as well as I hoped (Adrenaline + Great Cleave + Overwhelming force only knocks down one mob, not multiple), but I can regenerate Adrenaline strikes very quickly with full 100%/100% TWF. Having 7 strikes to start means I can spam the strikes regularly in combat and be confident of regenerating the uses easily over time.

    Best Record so far for an Adrenalien strike? Is current 2.1K damage. That's not bad for a gimpy non end game toon

    What's to come in the future?..
    Well, I've spent a considerable amount of time on Lammania looking at the Enhancements Alpha Test and I have to say I'm 'midly' impressed at present. There's obviously alot of leg work to be done but I'm seeing synergies available that will take the Stormbringer in an entirely different direction in terms of Class build & Enhancements.

    ...12 Ranger/Tempest
    Typically, I'll be staying with the Ranger 12 base platform, and taking the Tempest Prestige tree. Getting some additional Dodge, better PRR, maintaining the +20% offhand attacks but also getting native access to Haste Boost, Class Strength enhancements and that lovely lot of bonus damage when Two-Weapon Fighting seems a good deal. I currently find the top Tier 5 abilities for Tempest a bit Groan worthy, due to there extremely short durations. Maybe they'll change my mind over that with future Enhancement Beta tests, but colour me a fairly satisified 3/5 with the Tempest tree.

    ...6 Sorcerer/Air Savant
    Additionally, I'll be going for 6 levels of Sorcerer. Yes, the Druid element will get a right royal dumping and I'll be going Sorcerer for some proper Air Savant action. There's lots to play with this split - native access to some Arcane buffs, native access to Spellcraft, 30% bonus Spell Points, retaining improved Will Save through Sorcerer class. It fits the theme excellently. Where this really wins though is in the Air Savant tree - Native Lightning Bolt SLA could prove useful, Wind Dance, ability to bypass Elemental Resistance, and of course Awaken Elemental Weakness. +15% Bonus Damage to Energy Burst/Lightning Strike/Thunderstruck/Greater Shocking Blow?

    ...2 Fighter/Kensai
    Finally, I'm looking at 2 levels of Fighter to improve the Feat Situation and also open Stunning Blow on the character. I'm currently building dual Alchemical Air-Air-Air Khopeshes (purely for the theme and flavour, you understand), but I figure taking advantage of that +10 Stunning bonus from Tier 1 Alchemical, +3 Fighter PL bonuses, +3 Fighter Kensai Tactics, chuck in an +Exceptional Bonus in my gear somewhere and then build that rediculous Strength that Fury of the Wild will allow me to reach and get a very tasty Stunning Blow DC.

    And finally, one more importnat note - I'll be taking the Dragonmark Feat, and hopefully squeezing in the Half-Elf DM Enhancement improvements. The Mark of the Storm enahncement looks very interesting, and my testing of the Call Lightning Storm DM proved very fun and moderately useful instead of the gimped mess that Call Lightning Storm is in live right now. Maybe I got lucky with testing it. Who knows?

    Of course, I'm not rushing out to build this right now, but the Stormbringer will likely go through a couple of Fighter PL TR's, with the goal of having 3x Fighter Pls and then back to a variant Ranger build by the time the Enhancements go live.

    Hope that's a little insight to possible future plans...
    ~~ The Theorybuild Author ~~
    ~~ Links: ~ The Stormbringer v2 ~ The Whirling Dervish ~ The Angel of Death ~~

  11. #11
    Community Member
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    Default Very fun idea

    Quote Originally Posted by Arlathen View Post
    Theorybuild - The Stormbringer
    I must wonder how Power of the Storm will interact with all the strikes. I really hope that there aren't any negating interactions between Greater Shocking Blow, Thunderstruck, Power of the Storm, and Lightning Strike.

    Thematically, I think it'd be really cool to make a scimitar-based variant so you could use eKron'Zek's Cruelty (lightning strike, shocking burst) and offhand Fang of Siberys for some fun Cloudbursts. Sure, another epic lightning strike weapon in the offhand would be nice, but having the following able to proc:

    Shocking Blow (10d6 electric on vorpal, DC 22 reflex?)
    Greater Shocking Blow (20d6 electric on vorpal, DC? type?)
    Thunderstruck (vorpal 25d2+10 electric + 25d2+10 sonic)
    Lightning Strike (1.5% chance 20d20+400 -- 610 average, 9.15 average per hit)
    Power of the Storm (Power of the Storm: Greater Dragonmark activate: Your attacks gain shocking, +25 electrical spell power, and you gain 10 temporary spell points any time you take damage from a spell. You also gain +2 to reflex save but -2 to caster level of eath spells and -2 to fortitude saves. This effect lasts for 2 seconds per point of concentration you have. (1 min cooldown))
    Stormrage (1d100 electric, reflex half DC 50, 12s duration)
    Cloudburst (proc 9% 10d3+30 lightning / average 50 or 4.5 per hit, +100 sonic in AoE)
    Peals of Thunder (~3% chance for 2d4 every 2s for 6s, stackable three times)
    Reign (7/9/11]d20 Sonic + [7/9/11]d20 Electrical on vorpal, duration 180 s)

    seems so thematically awesome that I'd be willing to use a heroic weapon in offhand sometimes.

    That's NINE storm effects! Add in Freezing Ice from a Frozen Tunic and you've got yourself a veritable hurricane of a character.

    Note that [URL=[QUOTE=Arlathen;4972006]Theorybuild - The Stormbringer[/QUOTE]

    I must wonder how Power of the Storm will interact with all the strikes. I really hope that there aren't any negating interactions between Greater Shocking Blow, Thunderstruck, Power of the Storm, and Lightning Strike.

    Thematically, I think it'd be really cool to make a scimitar-based variant so you could use eKron'Zek's Cruelty (lightning strike, shocking burst) and offhand Fang of Siberys for some fun Cloudbursts. Sure, another epic lightning strike weapon in the offhand would be nice, but having the following able to proc:

    Shocking Blow (10d6 electric on vorpal, DC 22 reflex?)
    Greater Shocking Blow (20d6 electric on vorpal, DC? type?)
    Thunderstruck (vorpal 25d2+10 electric + 25d2+10 sonic)
    Lightning Strike (1.5% chance 20d20+400 -- 610 average, 9.15 average per hit)
    Power of the Storm (Power of the Storm: Greater Dragonmark activate: Your attacks gain shocking, +25 electrical spell power, and you gain 10 temporary spell points any time you take damage from a spell. You also gain +2 to reflex save but -2 to caster level of eath spells and -2 to fortitude saves. This effect lasts for 2 seconds per point of concentration you have. (1 min cooldown))
    Stormrage (1d100 electric, reflex half DC 50, 12s duration)
    Cloudburst (proc 9% 10d3+30 lightning / average 50 or 4.5 per hit, +100 sonic in AoE)
    Peals of Thunder (~3% chance for 2d4 every 2s for 6s, stackable three times)
    Reign (7/9/11]d20 Sonic + [7/9/11]d20 Electrical on vorpal, duration 180 s)

    seems so thematically awesome that I'd be willing to use a heroic weapon in offhand sometimes.

    That's NINE storm effects! Add in Freezing Ice from a Frozen Tunic and you've got yourself a veritable hurricane of a character.

    Note that cached thread (cached because the craptacular forum migration screwed all the old stuff up) confirms that regular and greater shocking blow stack.
    Last edited by TuskCouncil; 05-09-2013 at 02:50 AM. Reason: forgot 'Reign'

  12. #12
    Community Member
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    Default Reorganized

    Stormy procs

    Per hit
    Power of the Storm (Shocking assumed to function like Velah red scale effect which simply adds flaming burst to weapon attacks)

    On Vorpal
    Shocking Blow (10d6 electric)
    Greater Shocking Blow (20d6 electric)
    Thunderstruck (25d2+10 electric + 25d2+10 sonic)
    Reign ([7/9/11]d20 Sonic + [7/9/11]d20 electrical)

    % chance
    Lightning Strike (1.5% chance 20d20+400)
    Peals of Thunder (~3% chance for 2d4 every 2s for 6s, stackable three times)
    Freezing Ice (5% DC 35 9s)
    Cloudburst (proc 9% 10d3+30 lightning +100 sonic AoE)

    Per second
    Stormrage (1d100 electric to one target once per second)

    Obviously, the per hit effects are neat but not flashy and awesome the way the on vorpal/%/per second effects are.
    The absurd forum change has forced 'SealedInSong' to become 'TuskCouncil' temporarily.

    Thanks for shaking up the forums until they're unreadable and unusable instead of fixing all the bugs and releasing a coherent enhancement alpha!

  13. #13
    Community Member ~Furiyen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TuskCouncil View Post
    Stormy procs

    Per hit
    Power of the Storm (Shocking assumed to function like Velah red scale effect which simply adds flaming burst to weapon attacks)

    On Vorpal
    Shocking Blow (10d6 electric)
    Greater Shocking Blow (20d6 electric)
    Thunderstruck (25d2+10 electric + 25d2+10 sonic)
    Reign ([7/9/11]d20 Sonic + [7/9/11]d20 electrical)

    % chance
    Lightning Strike (1.5% chance 20d20+400)
    Peals of Thunder (~3% chance for 2d4 every 2s for 6s, stackable three times)
    Freezing Ice (5% DC 35 9s)
    Cloudburst (proc 9% 10d3+30 lightning +100 sonic AoE)

    Per second
    Stormrage (1d100 electric to one target once per second)

    Obviously, the per hit effects are neat but not flashy and awesome the way the on vorpal/%/per second effects are.
    Thanks Tusk, that's a handy list there.

    There's some other handy bits to add in as well, off the top of my head:

    Shocking Burst
    Shocking Blast
    Electrifying Storm
    Ruby of Shock (Red Augment Slots - upto 1D10)

    And then of course, there's every and any spell you can think, including

    Electric Loop
    Lightning Bolt
    Ball Lightning
    Chain Lightning
    Call Lightning
    Call Lightning Storm
    Blue Dragon Breath
    Energy Burst
    Energy Vortex

    So all in all, there's plenty of scope to customise up your own Stormbringer.

    I think I mentioned that when I started this build, I specifically went for the item effects that actually showed the Lightning Strike effect, so I started with Lightning Strike weapons and Epic Charged Gauntlets, and then added in Call Lightning Storm through the Dragonmark.

    And since then, it's got totally out of control

    I've gotten back on the horse though with running Lord of Blades for my Alchemical Khopeshes. I rather enjoy the Fiery Detonation proc on my Whirling Dervish's Celestia, so its given me a bit more enthusiasm for creating my triple Air Khopeshes and going Shock/Lightning Strike/Electrfying Storm, and then slot a Sovreign Ruby of Shock for another D10 Shock damage per hit. It's about time my Greensteel got retired on my character.

    And as mentioned above, I have some long term plans for a coupel of TRs and what may be when the new enhancements come around.
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  14. #14
    Community Member ~Furiyen's Avatar
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    And, oh, I still haven't gotten my Pendant of the Stormreaver yet!
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  15. #15
    Community Member ~Furiyen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Furiyen View Post
    I've gotten back on the horse though with running Lord of Blades for my Alchemical Khopeshes.....
    Well, i certainly have. I've run 4 Heroic Normal LOBs in the past two days to take me to my first 10th completion of LOB. With the Martial Cell off the end reward, I've not got both Alchemical Khopeshes done to Tier 1 Air (Shocking Burst, Heightened Awareness +4, .Stunning +10).

    They look so funky

    Time to progreess onwards to Heroic Hard and hopefully some Refined Spirits of Air. Likely be another update when I've 20th Completion.

    Or when I finally get my Amulet of the Stormreaver....
    ~~ The Theorybuild Author ~~
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  16. #16
    Community Member SealedInSong's Avatar
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    Default Tusk here

    Quote Originally Posted by ~Furiyen View Post
    Thanks Tusk, that's a handy list there.

    There's some other handy bits to add in as well, off the top of my head:

    Shocking Burst
    Shocking Blast
    Electrifying Storm
    They finally fixed my login issue, phew.

    Does Electrifying Storm have a graphic? I haven't experimented with those weapons because I heard they provide pretty poor DPS, but for me, your Stormbringer notion jives well with my flavor concerns of having as many BOOM effects as possible.

    If Electrifying Storm does indeed have a graphic, I'll definitely have to replace my first scimitar with a T3 air/air/air alchemical to take advantage of all this stormy goodness.
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  17. #17
    Community Member SealedInSong's Avatar
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    Default Storm procs v2

    Assumed dual wielding:
    Alchemical Air-Air-Air Scimitar {ML20 Scimitar, (augmented weight) 2[1d6], Flametouched Iron; +6, Shocking Burst, Stunning+10, Heightened Awareness: ins-AC+4, alc-Dexterity+2, LIghtning Strike, mor-Doublestrike+5%, Electric Storm, Red Slot: 1d10 Electric}
    Fang of Siberys {ML16 Scimitar; +5, Peals of Thunder, Cloudburst, Pure Good}

    • Per hit
    • Shocking Burst: [1d6 on hit] (Alchemical AirI)
    • Shocking: [1d6, critical burst] ("Power of the Storm" greater Lyrandar dragonmark: "Shocking" assumed to function like Velah red scale effect which simply adds flaming burst to weapon attacks)
    • Sovereign Ruby of Electric: [1d10] (Alchemical T3 red slot)

      On Critical
    • Shocking Burst: [1d10] (Alchemical AirI)

      On Vorpal
    • Shocking Blow [10d6] Reflex DC22 electric (Greater Bold Trinket)
    • Greater Shocking Blow [20d6] Reflex DC?? electric (eCharged Gauntlets)
    • Thunderstruck 25d2+10 Save?? electric + 25d2+10 Save?? sonic (Pendant of the Stormreaver)
    • Reign [7/9/11]d20 Sonic + [7/9/11]d20 electrical (T3 Fatesinger Twist)
    • Electric Storm [15d6] Reflex DC39 (Alchemical AirIII)

      % chance
    • Lightning Strike (1.5% chance 20d20+400) (Alchemical AirII)
    • Peals of Thunder: proc ~3% chance 2d4 sonic every 2s for 6s, stackable three times (Fang of Siberys)
    • Freezing Ice: proc 5% Fortitude DC35 duration 9s (Frozen Tunic)
    • Cloudburst: proc 9% 10d3+30 lightning +100 sonic AoE (Fang of Siberys)

      Per second
    • Stormrage: 1d100 electric to one target once per second (T4 Primal Avatar Twist)

    Summary: 14 effects, 7 of which I can confirm have some snazzy graphical effects. Need confirmation that Thunderstruck, Electric Storm, and Peals of Thunder have graphical effects--that'd bring it up to 10.

    I do not include cast spells--these are purely melee procs, as I'd assume that any dedicated lightning spellcaster (be they savant or otherwise) will probably do better DPS casting and forsaking melee 99% of the time.
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  18. #18
    Hero Arlathen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SealedInSong View Post
    They finally fixed my login issue, phew.

    Does Electrifying Storm have a graphic? I haven't experimented with those weapons because I heard they provide pretty poor DPS, but for me, your Stormbringer notion jives well with my flavor concerns of having as many BOOM effects as possible.

    If Electrifying Storm does indeed have a graphic, I'll definitely have to replace my first scimitar with a T3 air/air/air alchemical to take advantage of all this stormy goodness.
    Yay for having names returned

    Anyways, yes, Electric Storm does have an in-game graphic, and I believe its pretty much the same as the Ball Lightning spell graphic, a quickly exploding ball of electricity against your target. I picked up a trash weapon with the effect and gave it a test against the Ship Dummy. Also to note, is that it stacks with Greater Shocking Blow as a on Vorpal effect.

    As for overall DPS, my comparison is Triple Air Khopesh vs. Greensteel Lightning 2 Khopesh, and *if* you slot a Ruby of Sovereign Shock in the Alchemical, the Alchemical is clearly ahead - not by a great deal, but a good 10-15%.

    That's not counting any critical base damage, only base weapon damage and on hit/crit/vorpal effects, which doesn't take into account that Electric Storm is an AoE effect. When I finish my Triple Air Khoepshes, I will look at if I can get lucky with some Cormyrian Khopeshes that have Lightning Strike and some other nice effects.

    And that's actually the direction I want to explore at the moment - moving away from Greensteel and opening up more AoE potential with the build. That means Cleave, Great Cleave, Electric Storm and eventually Call Lightning Storm when they bring the new enhancements to live through a single feat and enhancements (Christmas time maybe?).

    I've been running the numbers on a newer 12 Ranger/6 Sorc/2 Fighter build above with the new enhancements in mind, and it will mean I can also get a DC59 Stunning Blow if I'm running with Alchemical Air Weapons. Overwhelming Force is a great Destiny enhancement from Fury of the Wild, and combining that with off-adrenaline strike Stunning Blow will mean I can deal with a great deal more trash even faster, and will open up the Energy Burst +80% Helpless damage combo more often.

    Fury of the Wild is definitely the destiny of choice for this character, and all in total that will give me a massive amount of options for Single Target DPS, AoE DPS and some Crowd Control options.
    Last edited by Arlathen; 05-18-2013 at 08:38 AM. Reason: Poor formatting by Forum
    Quote Originally Posted by twinstronglord View Post
    Up to this point we've all been beating around the bush. Lolth has a very small box in which you can hit her.

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