Quest: The Epic Grotto
In this quest, you need to protect a lvl 1 ungeared NPC with no AI through a dungeon.

Quest: Heyton's Epic Rest
Players cannot be raised from the dead in this quest until it is completed. In addition, breaking an altar kills you.

Quest: The Storehouse's Epic Secret
You found a key, but it doesn't work. DC 100 open lock check.

Raid: The Epic Cannith Crystal

Quest: The Epic Collaborator
Refer to Devil's Assault

Quest: Stopping the Epic Sahauagin
You were too late. The Giant Device is a construct that comes alive, and you need to kill it.

Quest: Necromancer's Epic Doom
As soon as you pull the first lever, you get swarmed by bats and get a red dungeon alert, even when running on epic casual.

Quest: Epic Sacrifices
There are Sahaugin Priestesses, who act like the drow priestesses from MOTU

Quest: Epic Redemption
You didn't think you could convince Lars that easily did you?
You have to fight him first, and then protect him.

Raid: Misery's Peak
There are no extra adventurers to lure the dragon away.
You have to split your raid group, and have one team kite the dragon around while the other team searches for the mindsunder.
Afterwards, you have to kill the dragon and mind flayer together, just like in TOR.