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  1. #1
    Community Member parowan's Avatar
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    Feb 2010

    Default Forever Knights looking for more

    The Forever Knights Are Looking For More

    The Forever Knights are a long-standing small guild, currently level 95. We've seen the game's ups and downs and even survived the real-life passing of two of our number, including our founder. We enjoy a very low turnover rate and many of us have been playing together for years.

    We're now looking to add a few more active members.

    We avoid pretension and are not elitists, but we do emphasize competence at all levels, including end-game. We do not require strict adherence to a daily raid schedule, but we are looking for motivated players. We want people who prioritize their guild and love to party with guildies, but who are also comfortable on their own and capable of spreading FK's good reputation.

    We're looking for active, quality players, but most importantly we're looking for mature personalities -- people who are good at the game but remember it's a game, who get excited about it but still play it for fun.

    We prefer to already know those looking to join, but we hope our reputation proves we're willing to get to know you. Feel free to contact me here or in-game with your interest and we may ask you to party with us for a while to see if it’s a good fit.

    Recruiting Officer, Forever Knights
    Last edited by parowan; 12-30-2013 at 11:07 AM.

  2. #2
    Community Member
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    Jul 2012


    Based on what you wrote, this sounds like a guild I’d like. I’ll respond to a couple things you mentioned:
    Quote Originally Posted by parowan View Post
    we do emphasize competence at all levels...we are looking for motivated players...who are also comfortable on their own and capable of spreading FK's good reputation...We're looking for active, quality players
    In my experience, to stay motivated to play an MMO after the novelty has worn off, one needs a good group of people to play with. From there one becomes active, competent, and comfortable on their own. Because I don’t currently have a good group of people to play with, I’m somewhat lacking in those things. (You might notice that my account has been active for almost a year, but I’ve only been dabbling with DDO on and off.)

    My highest level character is a 14 artificer. Because artificers start out pretty strong and can disable traps, I was able to do a lot of soloing with him, but that eventually got boring. I also have a level 11 rogue monk acrobat based around Improved Feint to Cleave for AoE Sneak Attack. I’m currently working on a Wisdom-based Dwarf Shintao, level six today. Do you have people who are leveling or do you just do endgame? The biggest difficulty I’m having with DDO is that I’m bored with soloing but almost never see anything in my level range in LFM. Also, I only know a small number of quests well enough to start my own LFMs.

  3. #3
    Community Member parowan's Avatar
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    While we all have epic-level characters, most of us are leveling characters also and regularly TRing.

    We prefer that someone have epic-level experience, but player potential, personality and fit trump all. Go ahead an send me a PM here or look me up in-game on Bartylomaos (recently TRed).

    And in general, I would encourage anyone in your position to go ahead and post that LFM with a note that you don't want to lead or want a guide. I know I sometimes am too lazy to post an LFM, but if one's up I don't mind joining and helping out.

  4. #4
    Community Member Leclaire1's Avatar
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    Default Question about the Guild and Raiding

    I've run with both you and a few of your guildies many times in PuGs over the past year-and-a-half, and you are all decent and competent people. I like your guild's philosophy of always taking the high road in conflicts and the general helpfulness and friendliness of the people in it. Most of my toons are in a small guild composed of myself and several friends from graduate school who were running together regularly until everyone got busy recently, and one toon is an officer in another guild as a gesture of support to a friend I've made in game. While I've enjoyed PUGing a lot, I've hit a bit of an impasse because I'd like to do more raiding, preferably with guildies, but neither of my guilds raid yet, and I am far more active than most of my friends who play. As such, I've been thinking about moving several toons that I play most often into another guild which has more active players and raids on a somewhat regular basis. As such, my main question is what raids do you run and when? I'm most interested in LoB and MA, but I pretty much enjoy all raiding and would like to get more out of this aspect of the game. For reference, here are my main active toons on Orien-

    1) Guerric Silveraxe Lvl 24 Dwarven Pure Cleric (flagged for all raids except Titan, FoT, and LoB/MA (havent done Power Play for some reason))
    2) Lynnarra Stormcleave Lvl 25 Helf Dark Monk (flagged for all raids except Abbott)
    3) Carrianne Taliesin Lvl 19 (2nd Life) Elf Fighter 11/Ranger 6/Rogue 2 Kensei AA Trapper (Flagged for Titan, Shroud, ADQ, VoN, and Abbott)
    4) Jaeille Endemere Lvl 21 Helf FVS, Healing and Melee focus (About to TR very soon)
    5) Ghezali al-Azraq Lvl 18 WF Archmage, CC Focus (flagged for most heroic level raids except LoB/MA, and ToD)
    6) Gwydien Stormcleave Lvl 15 Horc Druid, Wolf Form DPS Focused
    7) Viala Ravenfist Lvl 14 Drow Paladin 11/Monk 3 (flagged for VoN and I think ADQ)

    While I've partied with you and other FK people several times over the year on some of these characters, my most vivid memory was of a hard-earned Xorian Cipher run with Viala when you were an FvS and running with Saranas Pathseer several times with Guerric. Hope that helps us figure things out. Thanks for your time!

  5. #5
    Community Member parowan's Avatar
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    Feb 2010


    I think I remember that xorian run

    We don't actually have scheduled raids right now. We're a small guild, spread across many time zones. We'll raid together, but it's more a spontaneous thing, and always involves pugs.

    Feel free to PM or hit me up in-game to talk more.

  6. #6
    Community Member Phemt81's Avatar
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    Jun 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by parowan View Post
    [b][color=orange]We avoid pretension and are not elitists, but we do emphasize competence at all levels, including end-game. We do not require strict adherence to a daily raid schedule, but we are looking for motivated players. We want people who prioritize their guild and love to party with guildies, but who are also comfortable on their own and capable of spreading FK's good reputation.
    Pretty big changes, improvements actually.
    How to revamp past life reward system <--- working again
    Quote Originally Posted by Vargouille View Post
    We absolutely planned for Fighter to still have Haste Boost. It's absolutely a bug. Any similar issues that look "wrong" to any player should be bugged.
    Developers should fix this <--- 2020 edition!

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