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  1. #1
    Community Member baylensman's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2006

    Default thinking about coming back?

    first let me say I left for reasons outside the game (Real Life). When I was last on regularly was just after the paid expansion release (august 2012). I still don't have oodles of time, but thought it'd be nice to pop in once or twice a week for a quest or two. My main is a WF barb lvl 17 or so on his first TR. I haven't made the trip through the forest (is it still necessary?) or been back to the battle plain.
    I'm sure most of my friends and guildmates are so far over my current position that they would find coming back to my level like trying to drive a Corvette on a go kart track, and me linking up with them would be like a golf cart on the interstate.

    So what would be my best plan of attack considering my current level and my limited play time?

    Sarlona Guild of the Black Dragon
    Egrofraw, Eighttrack, Fearstryker, Foecleaver, Ferricgnome, Rustoleum, SoPretty

  2. #2
    Community Member Mathermune's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by baylensman View Post
    first let me say I left for reasons outside the game (Real Life). When I was last on regularly was just after the paid expansion release (august 2012). I still don't have oodles of time, but thought it'd be nice to pop in once or twice a week for a quest or two. My main is a WF barb lvl 17 or so on his first TR. I haven't made the trip through the forest (is it still necessary?) or been back to the battle plain.
    I'm sure most of my friends and guildmates are so far over my current position that they would find coming back to my level like trying to drive a Corvette on a go kart track, and me linking up with them would be like a golf cart on the interstate.

    So what would be my best plan of attack considering my current level and my limited play time?
    Being a limited time player myself I recommend:

    Swagger round, do the quests you love, create your own lfm's and don't stress. Life's too short.

    Play the quests you enjoy and the XP will find it's way on it's own. May take longer but in a limited time frame xp grinding is zero fun.

  3. #3
    Community Member count_spicoli's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2010


    I would say keep a hard streak. Trying dto keep an elite streak going at that level on part time player will be tough.hard streak offers decent bonus at less of a chalenge. Things in reavers reach iq and amarath are much zeasoer on hard than elite and can still get you there especially on first tr life.

  4. #4
    Founder & Hero Jastron's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2006

    Default Welcome back!

    I remember Ferricgnome, I'm sure we've quested together in the years past.

    As was already stated, take your time, re-familiarize yourself with the game and all the changes. DDO is not perfect, but I'm sure you'll still find it entertaining, and there is more to do in it every year.

    If you come back as a VIP, they get a 10% XP bonus now so it's a little bit easier to get back to 20. Hard difficulty is much easier than Elite, so as others have said a Hard streak might also aid you while you are getting familiar with everything again. There are also a few L17 range quests in Eveningstar now if you can get over there, for more variety and fun while you level.

    Hopefully your friends and great guild have taken you in and are assisting you in your journey back to Epic. If not, let me know, we have some members in the upper teen level range who would be happy to help you.

    Good luck!
    On Sarlona: Justin, Bry, Karoneth, Koto, Combatant, Kendu, Narnak, Mythanthor, Jastron, Brendin.
    Guildmaster, The Brotherhood of Redemption

  5. #5
    Community Member CaseStringer's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2006

    Default Questing...

    Reaver's Refuge arc, Amarath, Inspired Quarters I & II, House Cannith explorer & quests to unlock Master Artificer/Lord of Blades raids & (with access to Eveningstar) The Riddle, Murder by Night and the Druid's Deep heroic chain.

    Do all that on hard streak, with some elites when you can, and you should be getting pretty near to your Epic Destiny!
    SARLONA: Mithral Hall- Kace, Axle, Boarshead, Braizer, Dweomer, Imperel, Shaydes, Sheath. WithoutFear. Lloth's Children- Grumph. ARGO: DRAGON- Drygaien, MPAKT. Warrior's Soul- Dweomer, Phealer, Quickkick, UrsaMajor. THELANIS: Mror Hold- Razorred, Halisstraa, Mhjolnir, Ollyver, Tuskso. KHYBER: Dwarven Defenders- Numberz, AlphaBits, Corrigia, DeuxNombres, Lilbastich, Rowaan.

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