There may already be an answer to this somewhere, in which case I am happy to be pointed in that direction, but I was wondering which of the following elemental absorption effects stack (if any).

Shroud Weapon Tier 1 - 10% single element
Shroud Weapon Tier 2 - 15% single element
Shroud Weapon Tier 3 - 20% single element
Ring of the Djinn - 33% electrical
Primal prefix - 10% all elements
Shiradi elemental absorption (Tier 4) 5/10/15% all elements
Sentinel block energy(Tier 3) 10/20/30% all elements
Any other I missed

Looking to see what the theoretical max is (Stormreaver tanking anyone?) and which I can feasibly stack onto a build. Was wondering if it stacks similarly to heal amp (different values stack). Also interested in the mechanics of how they stack: multiplicative or additive

Thanks all in advance