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Many have reported this bug, I'm sure hundreds of times by now, and it's been present in the game for many years.. Really needs a proper thread in this forum, and a fix as it's a very annoying bug that affects everyone.
What happens is your mouse wheels focus gets stuck in your ingred/gem/soul/collectable bags. Can tell it's this, as after you lose control, if you re open the same bag, the wheel will still work to scroll the bags scrollbar, but nothing else. Additionally, you can occasionally fix it while re-opening the same bag, focusing the search box in it, and spamming backspace while you close it, though this doesn't always fix it.
If you never open them, it wont happen.
If you need to open one, you can sometimes avoid it, if you don't touch the wheel. But not always, sometimes it will just break as soon as you touch any bag.
Only work around is to kill the client and log in again. A simple relog won't even clear it.
Steps to reproduce for devs:
1. Get any type of bag that uses the standard bag tech that was introduced with collectable bags (thats when this bug was added to the game, was fine prior to the release of them). Collectable, Ingredient, Soul, Gem, Tapestries, etc - anything that uses the same ui all have this issue.
2. Fill it with many different things so it has a long scroll bar. (mass generating shroud loot may be an easy way to achieve this)
3. Open it, use your mouse wheel to scroll the contents a bit, type anything into the search box, close it while scrolling the mouse wheel with the esc key.
4. Likely will be broke, but if not repeat step 3 a few times and it will happen eventually. (Broke = No view zooming or hotbar scrolling via mousewheel)
5. Also more likely to happen if your client memory is up over 2gb (memory leak causes further lag and bugs like this. You can quickly achieve this by loading in the desert and back out 3-4 times. Or desert + vale to really get the client maxxed out (3gb on a x64 system).
Some players have reported it happening without opening a bag, but I believe this is just user error. We are required to use bags in this game for so many functions and so often that pretty much everyone will get affected, and not be exactly sure why or when it happened, as they are very commonly used without a second thought.
Ideal fix:
Mouse wheel never breaks. Focus is not lost or stolen by objects, but instead assigned dynamicly depending on your cursor location.
Potential easy/lazy fix:
Disable mouse wheel interaction with all bags, but instead enable up/down arrows and page/up down for quick scrolling.
Anyone reading this: If you think this is an annoying bug that should be fixed ASAP, please reply with your experiences. Somewhere around 50 replies they might even attempt to fix it (worked for madstone boots, partially).