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Thread: Cleric aura

  1. #1
    Community Member msdesign's Avatar
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    Default Cleric aura

    I've noticed a few times already, while playing on my cleric, and when I use the aura ability, sometimes it does nothing. Tough I can still see the toon animation casting the ability and 1 turn is removed from the total available, plus I must wait for the cooldown to goes off so I try again.

    This happened one too many times already without a mob attacking me, so its not concentration issues. I've heard similar cases of wizzys going in some undead form and it happens the same thing: they need to wait for the cooldown time to try again, because it didn't work the first time.

    Now this is not really an important neither critical, but is still VERY annoying and game-breaking when it happens.

    I wanted to know what devs know about it, if its working as intended, is someone taking care of it, and so on.

    Thank you.
    [Nemessi sorcerer][Helenya cleric][Riita cleric][Myrhea artificer][Shunrei monk][Sverlana rogue][Lillyannn paladin]

  2. #2
    Hatchery Hero BOgre's Avatar
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    I can second this. For aura's it's not terribad, but our static-group Pale Master, failing to enter undead form can mean the difference between life and death... uh, death and undeath? uh... success and wipe, let's put it like that. What's more, a failed aura (turn attempt) will regen shortly, while the SP used to assume form on a PM is lost forever. Multiply that by 3 or 4 attempts and you get a very frustrated PM.

    Anyhooo, the issue has been brought up often. Some dev acknowledgement of the issue and progress on the fix would be much appreciated.
    Quote Originally Posted by Towrn
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  3. #3
    Community Member msdesign's Avatar
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    I'm updating some information on this issue:

    This is getting VERY FRUSTRATING!!

    I had my total of 16 turns on my cleric about to face the boss in Diplomatic Impunity quest, clicked the Aura ability... 15 turns left, no aura. I waited, clicked again, 14 turns left, no aura. I clicked AGAIN, still no aura...

    C R A P

    3 times in a ROW???

    Only in my 4th attempt It worked. We started the fight and I had 12 turns remaining...

    This is NOT NORMAL.

    I can state here and now, that altough I'm not a VIP player, I DO pay for stuff from time to time (adventure packs, misc stuff from store like shared bank, etc.). I would REALLY like to know about official feedback on this matter.

    Thank you!
    [Nemessi sorcerer][Helenya cleric][Riita cleric][Myrhea artificer][Shunrei monk][Sverlana rogue][Lillyannn paladin]

  4. #4
    Hero Phoenix-daBard's Avatar
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    Noticed this recently when my daughter needed someone along. I found that after I fired a burst my auras started working again for that session.

  5. #5


    1. There used to be targeting issues. So try to target self.

    2. There was (is?) a lack of client server talking to keep the aura up to date. Server keeps track of the count down timer, but if you "teleport" from one "instance" to another, (such as go into a building then leave a building), the arua will end, HOWEVER, the server does not think it has so if you attempt to have an aura nothing would/will happen. You had to wait for the orginal timeout to happen before you could enable another.

    3. Miscasts of spells are happening a lot more frequent now. Which really stinks.

  6. #6
    Community Member Wanesa's Avatar
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    this issue is not limited to cleric aura. Most of long cooldown spells or skills can fail sometime. Bottomless flask of rum with 5min cooldown does nothing in 1 of 10 uses. spell like abilites can fail similar way, but if they has short cooldown, player will not probably detect failure. it started after U17 so it is probably bug. report and wait for next patch.

  7. #7
    Community Member Drakesan's Avatar
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    In my experience, whenever I have a spell not cast, even though I see the animation on the hotbar (not necessarily the character animation, but sometimes that too), lose the SP for the spell, I spam that same hotbar key and (usually) it goes off. Sometimes, the cooldown is over for the original attempt (not the actual spell happening), and I can recast that spell before the 2nd attempt timer is done.

    So, in short, spam the heck out of your casting that spell and it (usually) works for me.

    On a related note, I see that my Monk is also afflicted with this, in his special attacks, and spamming the key works there too.....

    Oh, and MEGA SIGH for this irritating bug....
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  8. #8
    Community Member Loromir's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by msdesign View Post
    I'm updating some information on this issue:

    This is getting VERY FRUSTRATING!!

    I had my total of 16 turns on my cleric about to face the boss in Diplomatic Impunity quest, clicked the Aura ability... 15 turns left, no aura. I waited, clicked again, 14 turns left, no aura. I clicked AGAIN, still no aura...

    C R A P

    3 times in a ROW???

    Only in my 4th attempt It worked. We started the fight and I had 12 turns remaining...

    This is NOT NORMAL.

    I can state here and now, that altough I'm not a VIP player, I DO pay for stuff from time to time (adventure packs, misc stuff from store like shared bank, etc.). I would REALLY like to know about official feedback on this matter.

    Thank you!
    It is not WAI and is a Bug. The best work around is to target yourself (Hit F1). The Aura will work then.

  9. #9
    Community Member msdesign's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kinggartk View Post
    It is not WAI and is a Bug. The best work around is to target yourself (Hit F1). The Aura will work then.
    And again. I remember when it used to glitch if we didn't had ourselves selected, or if we had another party member selected by mistake. Now its great on that regard, but this *fail* in activating an ability really gets on my nerve.

    Thanks for the replies!

    BTW: I submited a bug report about this.
    Last edited by msdesign; 04-01-2013 at 08:37 PM.
    [Nemessi sorcerer][Helenya cleric][Riita cleric][Myrhea artificer][Shunrei monk][Sverlana rogue][Lillyannn paladin]

  10. #10
    Community Member msdesign's Avatar
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    Update on this matter:

    I was running Eyes of Stone yesterday, and every single time I had my aura ON, before going through a door, it vanished on the other side, and with plenty of time remaining.
    [Nemessi sorcerer][Helenya cleric][Riita cleric][Myrhea artificer][Shunrei monk][Sverlana rogue][Lillyannn paladin]

  11. #11
    Community Member PrettySouljar's Avatar
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    Default aura

    I have this same problem on my cleric - server Khyber.

    might just have to submit a turbine ticket, then again there are so many other pointless things i can think of doing.

  12. #12
    Community Member Flavilandile's Avatar
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    Aura is buggy as hell.

    - Aura will be washed off by going through any portal/DD/etc
    - To launch Aura you need to have something targeted ( yourself, a friendly or a mob ) or it won't lunch ( and you'll waste one Turn Undead )
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  13. #13
    The Hatchery Rawrargh's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by msdesign View Post
    Update on this matter:

    I was running Eyes of Stone yesterday, and every single time I had my aura ON, before going through a door, it vanished on the other side, and with plenty of time remaining.
    That's the case for every aura and epic moment charger.
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