I was wondering if I should splash.
Two paladin, or not two paladin, that is the question.
Any suggestions welcome
I was wondering if I should splash.
Two paladin, or not two paladin, that is the question.
Any suggestions welcome
What race?
If Anything but helf, I'd go 2 Pally, yes.
If Helf, get pally dilly.
Hossa / Darree ~Khyber~ Doom Legion (Level 75)
Proud Host of the DDO Hunger Games Along with Fawngate.
Originally Posted by Jendrak
Why limit yourself to pally dilly? That is a +5 and a sorc would have probably +20 if they took 2 paladin levels minimum to those saves.
Huge difference in the two, especially if you are thinking of giving up the capstone already. FvS dilly would make more sense as then you would get earlier access to divine healing if going fleshy over WF.
I'm jut not a fan of the pally splash on a sorc. IMO the synergy just isn't there like the rogue splash on a wizzy.
What do you really get? A nice big boost to saves and that is about it. A lay-on-hands that could be good in a pinch.
Other than that ; a handful of Hp, armor prof that you will never wear, access to Some divine wands and scrolls that your massive charisma will allow you to UMD anyway.
So you can swing tersus and wear an adhearent pendant.
Is that really worth giving up something like 200sp, 2 9th level and an 8th level spell?
And the capstone of +20% empowerable spell damage.
Move along , Nothing to see here
Yes, having every save in the mid-50s is worth it.
The capstone by itself is a bad reason to stay pure - 20 spellpower is not really worth 2 levels, and I would only go for it if it's a bonus - I would never alter my build to get it unless I would already get it.
200 spell points out of 4k? Don't think anything needs to be said there.
2 9th-level spells - not that painful unless you're the rare DC-focused sorc: energy drain is well replaced by enervation (or even enervation scrolls), PW:K may be nice but the 4-minute timer kinda kills it, and meteor swarm is only really nice if you're a shiradi (where it's very nice). If you really want Summon Monster IX, there's a clickie...and for Mass Hold, if your DC is high enough for it to work, you're probably not looking at anything else for this slot anyways.
1 8th-level spell - most painful to ice savants, who'd want polar ray/dance/PW:S, but can do fine without PW:S.
From 2 paladin levels, you gain 22 HP (10 from toughness enhancement), quite easily +16 or more to saves (40 Cha is easy to hit, and you get +1 from aura of good), and an instant heal for when fecal matter and fan collide, +3 concentration (useful if you're a shiradi), and access to Devotion 1 enhancement (useful if you're not WF, for example if you twist Rejuvenation Cocoon).
Personally, I'd recommend it like this: if you KNOW your saves will be up to the 60s without a paladin splash, go monk splash...if you can't get them there without it, go paladin splash - regardless of race. There is little significant reason to go pure on a sorc now.
Last edited by WruntJunior; 03-31-2013 at 12:01 PM.
Pestilence: Wruntjunior ~ Dragonborn Fire Sorc (finished completionist project) // Wruntarrow ~ HW Archer // Youngwrunt ~ SWF SDK Bardbarian // Wruntstaff ~ Stick Melee (current tr project)
Well, "two paladin or not" is the answer. The question is what you want to do with your sorc. For example, I play my sorc when I want to solo epic elites. For most epic elites, like the ones where you have to face casters, that means you absolutely want the two paladin levels. If you're not setting foot in epic elite, then do whatever you like, it doesn't make a big difference either way.