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  1. #1
    Community Member Todkaninchen's Avatar
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    Nov 2011

    Default Quiver of Poison insta-bind from Auction House

    A couple of days ago I purchased a Quiver of Poison (heroic hard version) off Auction House for another character of mine and it instantly bound. This is both annoying because of the price and the fact I already had a Quiver of Poison (heroic elite) equipped on this character.

    I put in a bug report several days ago and got an autoreply by e-mail but nothing's changed. I put the quiver in my bank (and mentioned that in the bug report) as well as my intention on buying it (to send it to an alt of mine).

    I do not have an account bank and I am a premium player.

    Is there something else I should do?

    It's a "simple" resolve...

    Either "unbind" the item and return it back to "bind to character on equip" like it's supposed to have done or move it to the inventory of the character I had planned on using it for, then fix the BtCoE issue for Quivers of Poison later.

    (And, yes, I did point out both of these and yes, I verified as soon as I saw "Bound to Character" on the Quiver that it was indeed the heroic hard version I just bought and not the heroic elite I already had equipped and that had stayed equipped the entire time.)

    So, any other advice on how to get this fixed or do I have to try and sell the damned thing on Shard Exchange and HOPE I can get a replacement that won't instantly-bind-when-detached-from-AH-mail?

  2. #2
    Community Member Todkaninchen's Avatar
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  3. #3
    Community Member scoobmx's Avatar
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    You don't understand how shard exchange works. If you buy a bound item it will bind on purchase. This is WAI. You are SOL.
    Scoobmx Scoobshot Arcscoob Beefscoob : Imperial Assassins : Argonnessen
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  4. #4
    Community Member Todkaninchen's Avatar
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    Nov 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by scoobmx View Post
    You don't understand how shard exchange works. If you buy a bound item it will bind on purchase. This is WAI. You are SOL.
    No, I bought the Quiver of Poison (Heroic Hard) off the Auction House. I figure if customer service isn't helpful, I could sell it on Shard Exchange for at least something out of it. Just annoyed that it was supposed to be BtCoE and it instantly bound. My other Quiver of Poison (Heroic Elite) I bought off the trade channels. So, I figured they had fixed the insta-bind thing. Additionally, until after it was bound, I never put it in any vault.

    It's just really annoying because I now have two of the **** things bound to one character.

  5. #5
    Community Member Todkaninchen's Avatar
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    Other than an in-game bug report, is there something else I should try doing?

    Although I could probably sell it for shards, I would really rather just have the thing work as intended and bind on equip.

    If there's some other place or thing I need to do to get it fixed, I would really appreciate the information.

    Thank you.

  6. #6


    There is a bug with how the quiver loves to bind. There is nothing further that you can do. Well...

    Besides selling it for shards, there is something else. It is a long shot.

    CS should be able to look at records about what is purchaced from the AH. (this is an assumption) If they can, they can verify what happened. CS could then watch you delete the quiver then create a new one for you. This new one shouldn't be bound.

    Now, that is what could happen. It will NOT currently. Here is the long shot. Contact CS (how? probably email). Make a request for a change of procedures to handle the special nature of the quiver at current time due to the bug of binding related to it. It is a special case scenario in relation to this one item of gear. You may be able to convince CS to make a change to current policy to allow the above to happen.

    Hence why I called it a long shot.

  7. #7
    Community Member Todkaninchen's Avatar
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    Nov 2011


    Worth a try.

    Now, to find the e-mail address...

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