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Credit where credit is due.... Yay for seperate class forums again!
That being said...
Please someone answer this question. Is there a way to delete one's forum account? And will doing so now prevent our login account from being connected to past posts? Or is that information going to be exposed (security-wise) no matter what?
Either way I think I will view the forums as READ-ONLY after the upgrade.
Great way for Turbine to cut-down on all that pesky criticism and those bothersome questions about their product!![]()
Blood Scented Axe Body Spray (Thelanis)Aelonwy - Wydavir - Metaluscious - Aertimys - Phantastique - Kaelaria - Lunaura - Aelurawynn - Saurscha - Crystalorn - Aurvaeyn - Vaelyns - Wyllowynd
Even though my questions my not be answered I will ask them anyways.
Can (Turbine/WB) ensure that player accounts will be safe and sercure if they are connected to the forums?
How will making these changes improve not only game play but the DDO community as a whole?
Personally I do not like the idea of my account being connected to the forums. I liked the fact they were pretty much separated and felt safe that way. With connecting them I'm not sure if I feel my account info will be safe.
A few things good, but mostly not so good in this announcement.
Moving stuff to social media might get some players more involved but will completely lose others who avoid those sites and methods like the plagues they are.
Killing the source of info for so many fansites is really short sighted and foolish. Once you lose and drive away those avid fans it will be hard to replace them, ever.
Same logins, not a fan of that at all. Probably means I will only keep involved with the Free accounts that have no meaningful info on them at this point. Not sure why this is even needed. Anyone who was lazy and wanted to use the same info for both could have anyway IIRC.
MyDDO history on characters was fun to look at and will be missed, as will the blogs of some players.
Could Turbine have just taken this path? "We are stopping support and any pretense of updating MyDDO and the compendium" and are going to introduce some new systems to replace them. We will create a link path to the legacy info (perhaps under some Option Menu for example) so any who wish can dig down to it." That would have given something to everyone in this picture.
Sarlona - The Ko Brotherhood :Jareko-Elf Ranger12Rogue8+4E; Hennako-Human Cleric22; Rukio-Human Paladin18; Taellya-Halfling Rogue16; Zenako-Dwarf Fighter10Cleric1; Daniko-Drow Bard20; Kerriganko-Human Cleric18; Buket-WF Fighter6; Xenophilia-Human Wiz20; Zenakotwo-Dwarf Cleric16; Yadnomko-Halfling Ftr12; Gabiko-Human Bard15; lots more
You can submit a support ticket to customer service and ask them to remove your credit card information. There is a FAQ or something stating the required info for this procedure, which google ought to turn up.
I have always asked them to remove my payment details immediately after every purchase, and they have always complied.
And it probably will cut down on a lot of impulse buys, but that's their problem.
I believe You love fansites, but unfortunately, actions speak louder than words.
With total neglect MyDDO has been receiving, saying API support is not part of the foreseeable future is as good as saying API will never be available.
I am extremely disappointed with the decisions that Turbine is going put for with.
The discontinuation of this feature, is the problem that ails me the most.
What will I be to be do now? I usually love to check "YourDDO" almost on a daily basis, checking out guild statistics, and viewing the accounts of others so I can get inspiration/adivce about what kinds of builds I should tr into as a reference.
This in essence, disrupts all the hard work, time and effort put forth by Silas, whom I admire very much for spending the time to put this site together. And now..its all going into the past, how I will miss this feature.
How am I supposed to keep track of these statistics? Its kinda fun because I have a thing for numbers and math but this is seriously a huge let down. For that reason I shall 'NEG REP' this forcoming evil, because all I can see with this is Turbine's immense laziness, and ridding all the good that exists to promote this game and to help individuals with their hunting. But not anymore with these kinds of updates and a flavour of unwillingness to help people altogether.
The Hatchery
Somehow part of it was obvious to happen with the recent changes of roll the dice. But that you effectively kill the blog and API and therefore things like YourDDO and even other small apps... bad & sad
I mean nevertheless if MyDDO worked well or not, it gave it a special flair and touch, now it will look like every other 08/15 MMO forum.
Also making the life easier for hackers... dunno
While I like to hear that the bug-reporting and character-copy tool should become better, I have doubt that those positive aspects even can be noticed in the darkness the negative ones draw upon us.
Not want to shoot the messenger, but from me you get thumbs down.
Well it was fun while it lasted.
Guess I'll be spending more time with and
I guess I'll have to head off to and see if it is possible to completely delete my forum account!
Probably takes up too much space on the floppy disk.
Well stopping me bothering to pay attention to the forums means it doesnt matter to me if they make separate class forums, or not.
Read only... if at all!
Yeah... I never went rep farming, but it would have been nice to have enough positive rep to be able to negative rep people!
I guess I'll have to head off to and see if it is possible to completely delete my forum account!
No longer reading the Forums.
From what she described they will do a batch conversion meaning EVERYONE will have a forum account, doesn't matter if you want it or not, and thus everyone will have their account information exposed by using a password shared with a web forum.
Someone failed security 101 at Turbine
Proudly Member of DDO:EU Community, Member of legendary ex-guild: Disorganized Chaos,
the Crabslayer, always high Dwarf from Mountains of Immerth
Community Member
The only way I can login to the forums is through myddo. Will this be changed with a new forum update?
Do you guys have to drink yourselves to sleep every night or what?
Edit: Y'know that place y'all don't talk about? Yeah, a new member.
On y'all, no one else.
Over time, "thanks!" for a stridently and oft requested* feature becomes "finally? You sure?".
<place naughty words here>
If absolutely no one on the Turbine end is going to even bother to speculate on the posibility that the current system was ... let us say "sub-optimal", please do not expect the sound of grateful applause here.
*Where "oft requested" started the second the forums came up, continued for years after, and involved potential harm to everything from kitties to cabbages ... might wanna forgoe the bonus to the focus group this year. Just sayin'.
Last edited by SableShadow; 03-28-2013 at 11:30 PM.
Brenna, Tzanna, and Tzinna Wavekin
The Dancing Rogues of Argonnessen
I am not happy about these changes but I will say that Cordovan has always been very supportive, I will not direct Ire at him for something that is out of his hands. He has tried many times to back up us who work hard at promoting DDO and Turbine period, he has come on our shows, done interviews and helped a lot of people out.
That being said I wish he could do more to not take away our voices, my ddo was not perfect our characters pretty much disappeared if we Tr'ed or transferred them to other servers.
But there was a wealth of creativity on that site and hopefully some of us will come up with something that can keep us together but I really cannot believe they are shutting us down without a back up to keep this going. Some of us are the only outside word of mouth you have![]()
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