got one.
got one.
Last edited by Manasdirge; 03-30-2013 at 01:05 AM.
well,i'm raising the price to 1500shards and 10 timers,what are u waiting for :P
turbine will lose the mose efficient way to reduce the shard number in our hands if they do this,so not happening imo.
i think the procedure will be like this,i buy the globe at a reduced price from asah,then i pay the rest of the deal to the globe seller,thats workable,right?
No, for reasons many. Think about it for 8 seconds and you can come up with a good list.
The seller is so much better off trading for ingame stuff to shove on the ASAH if they want shards. Or they can trade directly for a TP code with moderately less risk as there is no chance of an anonymous 3rd party ruining the trade.
Star Firefall
20 Rogue Assasin
Currently on life 42 of 42 (Final Life!)
GOT one,thx all~