I was thinking of a good class combination that can best emulate the utility, survivability and DPS of a Juggernaut (a really excellent build concept), but in a fleshy version. I came up with the following:

Race: Half-Orc (Gives +6 PA damage, +4 THF melee damage, +2 STR, +2 STR enh, +3 boosts)


1) Favored Soul 12 (Gives Heal Spell, Divine Favor +3 damage, Innate T4 Damage Boost, Key Buffs [DW, FoM], excellent base saves [+8 to all] )

2) Ranger 6 (Gives bow feats, ram's might for +2 STR & dmg, 2 favored enemies, sprint boost, more SP, excellent Fort & Reflex saves)

3) Rogue 2 (Gives Evasion, UMD, trap skills, 2d6+3 sneak attack damage, excellent Reflex save)

Epic Destiny: Fury for raiding, LD for solo/shortman

Feats would be: Toughness, PA, Cleave, Great Cleave, IC: Slash, Quicken, Empower Healing, OC, Epic Toughness (or Completionist if you have it)

This Build Should be able to combine:

Good melee DPS with THF
Good ranged/burst DPS with furyshot
Trap skills
Evasion with 50+ saves (apart from will)
Excellent Self-Healing with Heal and Rejuvenation Cocoon

I might post a more detailed writeup with gear later on if I find more time.