Question for the military folk out there - particularly command level. My question pertains to leave request being denied seemingly solely on being enrolled in the AWCP for busting tape & PT failure (which resulted in temporary profile (last bit sort of immaterial). I received a copy of the disapproved leave packet with (photocopied) with a note from my NCOIC to the 1SG stating SM is enrolled in AWCP and is an APFT failure. Leave was denied at all levels following.
Initially I suspect that the denial is based on the suspension of personal favorable actions paperwork but when reading through it I understand that only advance & excess leave are considered in the topic; which is specifically different from accrued or earned leave.
Any advise or insight into this would be much appreciated - am I happy that I'm a SM on AWCP hell the ef no. But &#!t happens when you get back from Afghanistan and then get sent to MEDAC. I'm on my way off of it but not there yet so please don't let that color your view on this topic.
All the best.