Quote Originally Posted by DarkForte View Post
No quicken on a caster, no maximize for mass cures, no power attack on a melee build, no 9th level spells? Elf with scimmies/helf with handwraps/human clonk steamroll over this any day of the week.

This is junk.
What does level 9 give me that's so special? Energy Drain and Implosion? Sure, it's unfortunate to lose those - but most things where it counts are immune to both of those. Not a healing toon - plan on carrying only heal. BYOH. Cleric doesn't get boosts to bludgeon and fire damage in enhancements. Human Clonk has to spend it's supposedly beneficial extra feat on longswords, FvS gets that with faith - it's like being human and you don' thave to waste the feat. I'm not arguing whether or not wraps are better - I know they are.

However, after playing whirling steel for a while, considering what you give up to take it, I think DDO really ought to add a 1.5[W] or 2[W] to the feat or just dump it so people like me don't waste the entire parties time with gimped builds.