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  1. #1
    Community Member SilverHeals's Avatar
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    Default Shining Star - Knight of the Sun

    Build: 12-Fighter 6-Paladin 2-Monk ~Warforged~

    Strength: 16
    Dexterity: 8
    Constitution: 16
    Intelligence: 8
    Wisdom: 12
    Charisma: 14

    Level Order:
    1-6 Fighter
    7-8 Monk
    9-14 Paladin
    15-20 Fighter

    Feats: (9normal + 7fighter +2monk)= 18
    (1)Power Attack
    (4)Two Handed Fighting
    (6)Weapon Focus: Slashing; Weapon Specialization:Slashing
    (9)Improved Two Handed Fighting
    (12)Great Cleave
    (15)Greater Two Handed Fighting
    (16)Exotic Weapon Focus: Khopesh
    (18)Greater Weapon Focus: Slashing; Greater Weapon Specialization:Slashing
    (20)Stunning Blow
    (21)Epic Toughness
    (24)Overwhelming Critical

    Epic Destiny: Legendary Dreadnought

    (4) Energy Burst(Acid)
    (1) Primal Scream
    (1) Rolling Boulder


    Goggles: Drow Smoke Goggles
    Helm:::Black Dragon Helm(Str +3)
    Neck:::GS HP of smoke
    Trinket:: Planar Focus Str +8
    Cloak:: Drow Piwafi
    Belt::: Colethenis Belt
    Ring1:: Ring of the Ravager (+2 str)
    Ring2:: Dun'Ro'Bar Stun +10
    Gloves: Epic Gloves of Claw
    Bracers: Epic Bracers of Claw
    Boots:: Epic Stone Boots

    -Epic Black Dragon
    -Epic White Dragon
    -Epic Red Dragon(normal and cormyrian)
    -Dragontouched(Heal Amp 10; 15; Disin Guard)

    - Epic Sword of Shadows
    - Alchemical Khopesh T3
    - Alchemical Tower Shield
    - Cleaver
    - Breach
    - Pinion
    - Drow Khopesh
    - Green Steel Anything
    Last edited by SilverHeals; 03-25-2013 at 07:50 AM.

  2. #2
    Community Member snoopy's Avatar
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    Why khopesh with THF feats ? Why not bastard sword for more glancing blows?

  3. #3
    Community Member SilverHeals's Avatar
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    I have an excessive amount on account and they are the best looking items in game.

    Also, simply put, I hate bastard swords.

    It's really a preference thing as the build is for dps but It can tank if need be.

  4. #4
    Community Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by SilverHeals View Post
    I have an excessive amount on account and they are the best looking items in game.

    Also, simply put, I hate bastard swords.

    It's really a preference thing as the build is for dps but It can tank if need be.
    You could take bastard sword proficiency and just equip the khopesh for looks anyways when the need arises?
    I wouldn't take khopesh proficiency on a toon that has the full THF line vs. the full TWF line, it just doesn't make sense, the bastard sword is a superior choice if and when you also equip a shield.
    Smallmans Syndrome, Rovac, Dragnipur, Prettyhater Machine, Lubed, Castinfist
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  5. #5
    Community Member Dieterstrife's Avatar
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    Couple things:

    1.) If you're doing the DoS stance instead of Stalwart, you don't need diehard. The fighter levels give you tower shield proficiency, which grants access.

    2.) Nightmare is much sexier than the Alche Khopesh.

    3.) An honest suggestion is to not worry about defender stance and instead go Hunter of the Dead. 10% more heal amp on a Warforged is godly, and you can also be raged which is +5 str more than you're getting from the stance which helps our stunning dc's. This also means you can get rid of Bulwark, and take Overwhelming Critical which allows you to have really large numbers to make your childish side come out better. And since you're not worrying about defender you don't have to worry about tanking which means you can go twf with your khopeshes, trade out the thf feats and just keep the cleaves for those times when you just want to cleave through a crowd but then want to take down the boss fast.
    De'Corenai of Argonessen. If you've seen me, you know what I'm talking about.

  6. #6
    Community Member SilverHeals's Avatar
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    In reply:

    1. That's right, I forgot. Thank you for that catch

    2. I just had Khopesh down because I have a lot and they are easy to obtain. I think I have 2-5 Alchemical khopeshes and 4 green steel? I only have 1 Nightmare.

    3. The 10% from hunter of the dead is an easy make-up. As I will have a second gear setup for when I'm needed to tank. I will switch in Heal amp(10+20+30) items and US. Other than when I am tanking I will not be using the stance and I will just use rage clickies etc. I will be taking Overwhelming Critical Instead as I forgot about the feat(silly me)


    1. An item switch that I'd like to make is a GS hp necklace of smoke.

    2. Taking OC instead of BoD

    Edits made.
    Last edited by SilverHeals; 03-24-2013 at 09:26 AM.

  7. #7
    Community Member SilverHeals's Avatar
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    Does anyone have suggestions on some good alchemical setups such as (air/water/earth)

    I need 4x Alchemical Weapon recipes
    1x Alchemical shield recipe

    It would be a great help for those knowledgeable on alchemical crafting

    Thanks -- Silver

  8. #8
    Founder Firepants's Avatar
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    Why 2 monk instead of 2 Rog? You get a bit more versatility in gearing getting yer evasion from Rogue over Monk, plus UMD as a class skill option.

  9. #9
    Community Member Purkilius's Avatar
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    Did this split as a TWF, fun to level felt lacking at cap.
    Argo: Hilmir - Purkilius - Jinu - Vignir

  10. #10
    Community Member SilverHeals's Avatar
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    I don't split rogue for evasion into builds anymore due to such a large number of players requesting traps. It's the most boring thing to do when you're on a melee toon going: cleave -> great cleave -> trip -> sunder -> cleave ... oh wait a trap.....

    No, I didn't spec for two weapon fighting as the build is meant for a first life toon made for raiding(hence the gear). I would suggest putting 34pt and 36pt into dex if you want that or into str and/or con.

    Thanks, Hope that helps


  11. #11
    Founder Firepants's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SilverHeals View Post
    I don't split rogue for evasion into builds anymore due to such a large number of players requesting traps. It's the most boring thing to do when you're on a melee toon going: cleave -> great cleave -> trip -> sunder -> cleave ... oh wait a trap.....
    Generally speaking, if someone sees a melee build with 2 levels of rogue and expects you to be able to clear traps, I don't really need to be in that group. Don't limit what you can do with your build based on what other people, who clearly aren't thinking, impose on you.

  12. #12
    Community Member SilverHeals's Avatar
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    Also, I took monk so that if I need a bonus to (saves/strength/speed/health) I can switch to a Sireth etc for that small bonus that I would need for the short time.

    It's between Sneak Attack Damage and Small Boosts, I suggest choose whichever you'd prefer. I prefer monk over rogue.

    Thanks - Silver

  13. #13
    Build Constructionist unbongwah's Avatar
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    Why so much WIS & CHA? You can dump WIS and drop CHA to 12 (take +2 tome for DM I), which gives you 8 pts back to boost CON, STR, and/or DEX (and switch to TWF). As others said, khop+THF feats makes no sense; it sounds like this is intended to be 2H melee build, so just drop khop. Likewise, you ought to find something more interesting than Toughness x3 + epic Toughness; if you're sincere about being a "lite" tank, I would drop the two extra Toughness for the Shield Masteries so you have some extra PRR & doublestrike while S&B.
    Semi-retired Build Engineer. Everything was better back in our day. Get off my lawn.

  14. #14
    Community Member Artos_Fabril's Avatar
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    Why the 2 extra Toughness feats over, for instance, dodge and mobility? You didn't take a body feat, so your dodge cap should be 25% and the 5% miss chance is worth more than 50HP in EH/EE content. The shield feats are another superior option, if you want to be more tanky, although I don't think you'll have the AC/PRR for tanking anything you'd need to switch into tank more for with just composite body. Seems to me this build would work better on a HOrc, where you get the same or better bonuses to THF for the cost of a couple points of stunning blow DC, and the option to switch armor types on the fly.

  15. #15
    Community Member SilverHeals's Avatar
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    There seems to be a lot of confusion about the 2x extra toughnesses. They are from the free monk feats. You could easily switch them out for Luck of Heroes & Lightning Reflexes but I cannot switch them out for non monk granted feats such as shield mastery. Also, I hear a lot about how khopesh feat with THF doesn't make sense. It's for when I'm tanking. Yes, I know that bastard swords or Dwarven Waraxes are better with glancing blows and all. But Khopeshes are the highest base damage 1hander for shields and I have plenty of them to use. The wisdom and cha are as is because as a Warforged DPS, you don't get much self healing and we all know that paladin lay on hands can be nice for Warforged. The wisdom is 12 for will save(and casting but not so much). I tend to have all my toons with lower than average will save(except my cleric). Lastly, If the khopesh thing bothers you, go ahead and switch it out for bastard sword, I just set the build up as I would use the gear that I have.

    I hope this helps with the understanding ^_^

    Thanks - Silver

  16. #16
    Community Member Artos_Fabril's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SilverHeals View Post
    There seems to be a lot of confusion about the 2x extra toughnesses. They are from the free monk feats. You could easily switch them out for Luck of Heroes & Lightning Reflexes but I cannot switch them out for non monk granted feats such as shield mastery.
    You have 3 toughness enhancements, at least one of them is in a non-monk feat slot, you could easily switch that one out for any other feat (since toughness is not on the fighter feat list, it can't even be restricted to only fighter feats).

    Two-handed Fighting and Power Attack are also on the monk feat list, so you could move those two feats from fighter bonus to monk bonus to leave you feats available that can be used for shield mastery.

    Also, they could still be used for dodge and mobility as monk feats, since the 5% dodge bonus is going to be worth more than 54HP at cap.

    If you don't like any of those options, Improved Sunder will help you land your stuns and increase your DPS as well as everyone else's

    And unless it's based entirely on preference, or TRing from another WF character that already has the docents, I don't see any good reason to make this character a warforged, as the benefit of +2 con is canceled out by placing build points into both Wis and Cha, and all of the THF bonuses for WF are also available to HOrcs, who don't have a healing penalty or a wisdom penalty.

    Re: Alchemical recipes: Air/Earth/Earth is probably your best bet for a tanking sword: +2 Con, +10 stunning, Heightened Awareness; Shield would probably be Fire/Air/Any; you have Martial cells you want to burn for Niche weapons, you could also make a Cold Iron Earth/Earth/Earth for the few times you fight lightning immune foes.

    Just for ***** and grins, you could make a Flametouched mystic earth/mystic earth/mystic fire to buff (slightly) your energy burst and heals.

  17. #17
    Build Constructionist unbongwah's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SilverHeals View Post
    There seems to be a lot of confusion about the 2x extra toughnesses. They are from the free monk feats. You could easily switch them out for Luck of Heroes & Lightning Reflexes but I cannot switch them out for non monk granted feats such as shield mastery.
    If you rearranged your leveling order, you could take Power Atk + Toughness as your monk bonus feats instead. This doesn't do much good if this is a build in progress, though.
    The wisdom and cha are as is because as a Warforged DPS, you don't get much self healing and we all know that paladin lay on hands can be nice for Warforged.
    LoH scales w/# of pally lvls, so in your case base LoH is (10 + 6) * CHA mod. Even if we're generous and presume you hit, say, CHA 30, that's still only 160 HPs per LoH and you'd have two at most to start. You can up that thru US ED, but I still think the amount of self-healing will be so paltry as to be nigh-useless; and you plan on LD anyway w/out US Twists, so it's a moot point. If you seriously want some self-heals, either pal 18 / monk 2 or some variant of the Juggernaut makes more sense.
    The wisdom is 12 for will save(and casting but not so much). I tend to have all my toons with lower than average will save(except my cleric).
    If you really care about Will saves, I would still dump WIS and take FoP with one of your spare feats. Base WIS 6 + 5 item meets your pally casting req.
    Semi-retired Build Engineer. Everything was better back in our day. Get off my lawn.

  18. #18
    Community Member SilverHeals's Avatar
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    Thank you for the recipes ^_^

    I miscalculated the feats and I'm not taking nearly as many toughnesses when I actually rolled it up.

    Thanks for all the help!


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