Helm: Helm of the Blue Dragon (Draconic Mind, Wis +3, Green slot: +14PRR , Yellow slot: +2 con)
Goggles: Intricate Field Optics (Spot +20, True Seeing, +8 wisdom, Yellow Slot:+2 insight cha, Green slot: +7 resistance)
Necklace: Gilvaenor's Necklace / Epic Adehrent's Pendant as a quick swap for +2 boosts & +54 spell power for cocoon (Constitution +6, Attack Bonus +2, Arcane Archer set)
Armor: Red scale robe/Black Dragonscale Robe (Colorless slot: Globe of imperial blood (+1 exc. all stats), Blue slot: Toughness)
Trinket: Planar focus of Prowess (Str +8)
Cloak: Mithril Cloak of the Wolf (Lose 1 seeker but the +3% dodge will stack with the +4% dodge from ring for a total of +7% dodge! ( Exceptional Seeker +4, Dodge 3%, Attack Bonus +3, Diversion 20%)
Belt: Epic Spare Hand (This is the GS cha item but it has 2 slots (Doublestrike 3%, Use Magical Device +3, Riposte, Exceptional Combat Mastery +5, Staggering Blow, Disable Device +15, Open Lock +15,Blue slot: +35 HP, Colorless Slot: +7 cha)
Ring1: Gilvaenor's Ring (Dexterity +6, Exceptional Dexterity +1, Arcane Archer set, Slotted: +20% Healing Amp)
Ring2: Dun Robar Ring (+7 con, +4% dodge, +10 Tendon Slice (fixed with ranged))
Boots: Treads of Falling Shadow / Madstone Boots (Striding +30%, Ghostly, Dexterity +8, Insightful Dexterity +3)
Gloves: Backstabber's Gloves (Bluff +20, Sneak Attack +5, Exceptional Sneak Attack +3, Improved Deception, Yellow slot: +2 str)
Bracers:+45 HP minII bracers
Quiver: Quiver of Poison (Venomed Ammunition - 1d10)
Weapon: Pinion, Cloud-Piercer (Red slot: +1d10 Ice damage)