also of note, the epic ring of elemental essence farmed by scroll seal shard from the house p carny chain is another 5 elemental resist that stacks with every thing already mentioned in this thread
also of note, the epic ring of elemental essence farmed by scroll seal shard from the house p carny chain is another 5 elemental resist that stacks with every thing already mentioned in this thread
+1 great jobthanks for taking the time to put this together.
Fantastic writeup.
Server: Orien
Guild: Over Raided
Toons: Phasma - Swashbuckler ; Ceroni - Acrobat ; Selina Air Savant ; Cachin - Artificer
very good guide ..![]()
Officer of Eternal Infinity-Thelanis
~~~Visit it if interested for recruiting~~~EE Solos And More (Photo Album)~~~EE Soloing Pale Master (Forums)~~~
Characters active atm .. Shadowaras (Completionist. Project/fs),Shadowaris(Wiz),Shadowares(Pal),Sworrn (Ftr),Nemmesis(Mnk) and Trickzster(Art)
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I am guess you and I have different opinions of what makes a raid fun! First I like to thank you for posting this great walkthrough for the raid, it is very interesting as you had stated.
Personally most of my characters are Favored Soul and Clerics, and I will not run certain raids do to the fact I don’t generally run with a pack of uber players. I am a casual player who plays the game to have fun and chat with my friends, I have also been a VIP for a few years and with the changes in the game I am serious considering leaving the game and I believe I am not the only one in this camp.
I hate the way World of Warcraft conducts its raids and I am not sure why but DDO is starting to feel like I am playing WoW! Anyway I hope you enjoy playing WoW err DDO and all it raids, but I think I will pass!
Hi and thank you for you comment.
Abbot, another raid I like a great deal, does indeed have several methods to deal with inferno however I do not believe this is not the case for FoT.
Hugging the walls did not seem to shelter one from the lightning strike portion of the Stormreaver special attack. Furthermore the Stormreaver's initial attack as well as the virus jump occurrs latterly so shelter above your head would be useless.
edit for build
Hi all,
Being conceived at Update 26 this build has been needing an update for some time. Lets recap in a few notes what has changed in the last 5 updates to effect the Gold Shiradi:
1) Global spell power increase and spell points discount for Epic levels.
2) Level Cap increase and new feats (Greater Ruin, Arcane Pulse, Wellspring of Power, Master of Knowledge).
3) Extreme increase in negative spell power potential.
4) Extreme increase in negative energy amplification availability.
5) Gauntlets of the Arcane Soldier as well as many other newer pieces of gear.
6) Heavy armor PRR nerf.
Points 3,4,5 and 6 convince us that "What is dead may never die" therefore our race of choice will be HUMAN* and we shall enter battle in undead form.
The new gear options really increase the cost of using the epic 3 piece abishai set, even though caster level importance for Chain Missile has been expressed it is a less appealing though still conceivable trade off.
* Any race will work however Human has the most advantages:
- Extra feat and 4 skill points at level 1, 1 more skill point per level.
- Ability to use a Long Sword LGS weapon and get implement spell power bonus via "Articles of Faith" enhancement in the AoV Enhancement Tree.
- Human Versatility spell power boost
I will elaborate upon two class splits:
A) The original 9 Sorcerer/ 7 Wizard/ 4 FvS split.
B) The new 10 Sorcerecr/ 6 Wizard/ 4 FvS split - Credits to Eth for putting up a very good write up for this Variation
Do not give up on your CM SLA by going 5 wizard, opening a fight with 2 consecutive CM makes a big difference in DPS for the rest of the fight as well as being able to cast the spell more often.
The CM SLA can be have full Meta Magic with no extra cost.
The Core principles of the build remain:
Heavy duty shiradi nuker, the Gold Shiradi combines top notch AoE and Single target DPS with solid defenses, self healing, spell point efficiency and utility spells. Special focus is given for decimation of large packs of mobs in record time.
Mobs and boss decimating DPS:
For annihilating groups of mobs use AoE spells by chaining spells in a manner that complements their respective cool down thereby fully utilizing sorcerer casting speed.
Multi target spell rotation: ARCANE BLAST, SLA Chain Missile, Chain Missile, Hell Ball, Fire Ball/Acid Blast, ARCANE BOLT, Sonic Blast**
For single target dps another chain of spells is used in order to do the same thing.
Single target spell rotation:SLA Magic Missile, Magic Missile, Force Missile*, Scorching Ray, Frost Lance, ARCANE BOLT
* Force Missile isn't available for the 10/6/4 variation which I will further elaborate upon later.
** Sonic Blast is a cheap AoE filler spell, it has fast cast time and cool down which makes it ideal to fill in gaps in which the rest of the AoE spells are on cooldown (Sonic Blast can cause shiradi procs on multiple targets).
:Shiradi Advice for AoE and Single Target:
1) Do not use the same spell chain all the time!!!
2) USE the different spell chains for their specific situations, it will greatly increase your dps, spell point efficiency and general effectiveness
3) Whenever there are two mobs or more in CM range from each other (about the diameter of a fire ball) you want to use AoE spells and cast them on the target that is least on your kill priority. This is due to the nature of CM cast by shiradi, your off targets sustain much more damage than your main target since they take many more hits and therefore procs. Furthermore your off target damage is most of the time greater than your single target damage so using AoE is a win win situation when you have 2 or more enemies within range of one another.
4) When facing melle and ranged mobs that have distance between them drag the melle mobs to CM range of the ranged mobs and target the melle mobs, this will cause the CM AoE damage to hit and take out quickly the ranged mobs.
5) Master of knowledge is your friend, Arcane blast is much more important than Arcane Bolt, always start your spell casting with Arcane Blast and keep casting it whenever it is off cool down. Try to land it within a cluster of mobs in order to get multiple stacks.
6) Two button mash cast for sorc shiradi is FALSE! You can fit in more than two spells on your rotation. Cast single target spells long enough and you'll reach all 6 spells. Evidence for this can be seen in my videos.
************************************************** *******************
Buiild Statistics :
Human 9/7/4 (Sorc/Wiz/FVS)
************************************************** *************************
Starting Stats :
9 DEX**
18 CON
18 INT -> all level up points into int*
11 CHA
*You can put level up points in Con however for some more spell power, reflex save and higher DC on Hell Ball and Energy burst go Int.
** You need 13 dex in order to take Mobile Spellcasting and therefore need a +4 dex tome to be able to take the feat at level 15 or 18.
End stats (+7 tomes used however not required) buffed by: yugo pots, supreme pot, ship buffs
24 STR : 8 base + 7 tome + 2 ship + 2 supreme pot + 1 globe +2 Zombie +2 rage
21 DEX : 9 base + 7 tome + 2 ship + 2 supreme pot + 1 globe
62 CON : 18 base + 7 tome + 2 ship +15 item + 2 supreme + 2 yugo + 1 globe + 7
insightful + 4 Quality +2 Zombie +2 rage
62 INT : 18 base + 7 level up + 7 tome + 2 ship + 14 item + 2 supreme + 2 yugo + 1 globe + 2 insightful + 3 enhancement -2 zombie +2 festive +4 quality
24 WIS : 8 base + 7 tome + 2 ship + 2 supreme + 1 globe + 4 quality
34 CHA : 11 base + 7 tome + 2 ship + 8 item + 2 supreme + 1 globe + 7 insightful -4 zombie
In Vampire form:
INT: 64
Feats :
Heroic feats (7 base + 1 human + 2 wizard = 10):
Mental toughness
Improved mental toughness
Insightful reflexes
Combat Casting
Mobile Spellcasting
Enlarge/Toughness/Completionist/Past live wizard
Epic feats:
Wellspring of power
Master of Knowledge
Greater Ruin
Epic Destiny feats:
Spellpower Force
Arcane Pulse
Legendary Feat:
Scion of the plane of fire
Jumping hampers your spell spam (can't cast when lifting up).
Not jumping decreases your movement speed considerably while spell spamming.
With Mobile Spellcasting you can afford to not jump while kiting and still spam spells away (unless there is lag), it's a great tool.
Action Point Allocation :
Archmage: 36
Angel of Vengeance: 32
Pale Master: 11
Human: 1
Epic Past Lives :
The build benefits from Energy Criticals mostly and does nicely with Colors of the queen, skill mastery and Sun Elf (Light SP). Those feats are highly advisable but not make or break.
Twists of Fate :
Energy burst (tier 4)
Empyrean Magic (tier 3)
Interrogation (tier 1)
Unearthly reactions (tier 1)
Primal Scream/Radiant Power/Endless faith/odd stat (tier 1)
Level Progression :
Heroic feats (7 base + 1 human + 2 wizard = 10):
Mental toughness
Improved mental toughness
Insightful reflexes
Combat Casting
Mobile Spellcasting
Enlarge/Toughness/Completionist/Past live wizard
Epic feats:
Wellspring of power
Master of Knowledge
Greater Ruin
Epic Destiny feats:
Spellpower Force
Arcane Pulse
Legendary Feat:
Scion of the plane of fire
1) Sorcerer Max, Empower (human bonus)
2) Sorcerer
3) Sorcerer Extend
4) Sorcerer
5) Sorcerer
6) Sorcerer Insightful Reflexes
7) Sorcerer
8) Sorcerer
9) Sorcerer Quicken
10) Sorcerer
11) Wizard Mental Toughness (wizard bonus)
12) Wizard Combat Casting
13) Wizard
14) Wizard
15) Wizard Enlarge, Improved Mental Toughness (wizard bonus)
16) Wizard
17) Favored Soul
18) Favored Soul Mobile Spellcasting
19) Favored Soul
20) Favored Soul
21) Wellspring of Power
24) Master of Knowledge
26) Hellball
27) Ruin
28) Epic Force Spell Power
29) Arcane Pulse
30) Greater Ruin, Scion of the Plane of Fire
Gear :
Goggles: +15 int, +3 Insightful evocation
Helm: EE Blue dragon helm +3 exceptional int (slotted with Draconic Sould Gem, Heavy fortification)
Necklace: Epic Noxious Embers (slotted with Good Luck+2, insightful Con +2)
Trinket: Heroic Litany (Would like an Epic one if I get a +7 con or int tome)
Cloak: Epic Envenomed Cloak (Slotted with Deathblock)
Belt: Epic Cord of Reprisals (Slotted with GFL 40, Repair +13)
Ring 1: Epic Sage ring (Slotted with +250 sp)/ Epic Ring of Unknown Origins (Slotted with +250 sp, Golem heart)/
Gloves: Epic Charged Gauntlets (Slotted with +8 Con)
Boots: Orchish Privateers's Boots (Slotted with Imperial Blood)
Ring 2: Lantern Ring (Slotted with Resistance 8, Vitality 20)
Bracers: Scorched Bracers (Slotted with Spell Agility +15)
Armor: Flawless Blue Dragonscale Docent (Slotted with +15 Balance)/ TF Docent with Shadow Guardian (Slotted with +15 Balance, Golem Heart)
TF Kama - 150 Impulse/ Purple Slot/ 22% Kinetic Lore (Slotted with +15 Diplomacy, Corrosion 138, Resonance 138)
Upgraded Libram of Silver Magic (Slotted with Meridian Fragment)
************************************************** *************************
So far it seems that, like Mr Miagi said, best defense - don't be there, not in the Stormreaver's line of attack and not within range of anyone that has the virus
Last edited by Blue_wizards; 06-18-2016 at 02:09 AM.
Hi and thank you for your comment.
Like others have answered this question it is possible to play hide and seek with the Stormreaver from side to side of a pillar in order to minimize contact and bomb attacks. One could also put on his spell absorption item on to avoid getting anymore debuffs within a minute once he is hit too much (same as for avoiding drow mistresses third stack of divine punishment). This can be done in order to stretch your defence for a longer period of time.
Regarding keeping your party members out of harms way, if any party member is beating the Stormreaver's back they will get the virus as it arcs off the tank. In order to avoid having any party across the map from getting hit by the Stormreaver's attack it is best to have him face the wall and/or minimize the time he is facing the arena. If the tank has imp evasion, elect absorption and resistance then just standing fast with your back against the wall will do the trick (being flung by the stormreaver won't have much of an effect). If you need to avoid the hits then practice kiting the stormreaver from side to side of a pillar. Ideally the tank + ranged support should be able to prep the stormreaver and not just keep him in in check.
Last edited by Blue_wizards; 03-23-2013 at 08:15 AM.
Did a bit of thinking and few tests with guildie... and there is a better way.
Observation: curse spread on the line of sight. If u put any obstacle between u and cursed person, u wont be affected.
So this is how to use it:
Stormreaver tank hug one of the pillars. Now it is similar to lob: every other melee is on reaver back and watch tank carefully. Once he get the curse, just do few steps to the left/right and hide behind pillar. That way curse wont be spread. Not only party lavenders wont be depleted quick, but also the only person in raid that actually need spell absorption is a tank.
trixalai \o/ xirrantha \o/ trixilai //argonessen // Trolls Lair
Your idea is valid and would work in theory however it has great risk. Suffice that one party is late to get out of LOS and that person will act as a 3 second delay bomb for the rest of the party. Additionally should the reaver toss the tank and reset his agro he will be within 0 distance to a cluster of party members. I prefer to avoid risks and only take calculated ones when either I must or that the pay off for success out weighs the price of a mess up in a considerable way. Since the truthfully one requires a lot more work to prep then the reaver I don't see any point to have more then a tank + ranged support work the reaver.
tank wont loose agro. He will have wall at his backs, so reaver can only toss him a lil up.
As for 1 party member beeing late... well.. thats when spell absorption comes in handyalso late party member can hide as he will be the only one with curse. There r many possibilities. Also i dont find it as disadvantage... hard raid so ppl need to stay focus. I think that it gives more time to hide than during lob stun.
The reason i like this way is it doesnt deny melees in this raid. So often i c lfms like: ranged only. For me its to admit that either we miss strategy, or our strategy is not so good...
trixalai \o/ xirrantha \o/ trixilai //argonessen // Trolls Lair
As I said it is a valid idea however I feel it carries unnecessary risks. There is no escaping the fact that ranged toons shine in this raid and there is nothing wrong with it either. There is plenty of room for melle even though it takes more skill to max out a melle's contribution for the dps on the dragons and especially the truthful one. Murphy is right, "if something can go wrong it will go wrong" or in the adaptation a friend used for ddo, "If there is a way to die a pug will find it"![]()
Good guide OP, but you missed one vital thing on the Electrical Debuff;
How to avoid it totally and without ANY gear what so ever.
You ready? I'm going to give you a hint on how to do it and it is so easy, everyone in game can do it....
Here it is;
It does work. The hardest part about actively blocking the Breath of Lies, is visually seeing the trigger for the attack - VERY easy to miss with all that is going on. Active block is something I also wish to test out on some of the other special attacks done in the Raid.
Shield blocking prevents special attacks. This was on my list of things to test back on the 19th, finally got around to it.
Hope to do more extensive work with it tonight.
Excellent Guide.
We did this yesterday on EH with 6 guildies and 6 pugs, using most of this strategy, only one death...both clerics finished with over 1000 sp. My cleric killed trash with her sp and maybe thru a couple mass cures.
Our Reaver tank was a WF Wiz, whom I don't think I saw ever drop in health, and he pretty much had the Reaver Prepped all by himself.
In fact, I use less resources on this raid so far than on the old version, as people play smarter![]()
Hexxa CLR 25 *TR* * ~Hexanna ~*TR* FVS 25 * Hexecuter CLR 20 *Flexanna RGR/R/M 18/1/1 *TR* * Flexa FTR/R 18/2 TR * Hextravaganz Bard *TR* 18/2 * Hexotic Sorc 13 * Hexquisite Wiz 23 * ~~Quantum Entropy * SARLONA~~ - * and various other scoundrels
Small point, but valid I feel, as I (bow head in shame) cost us a hard run..Shiradi Sorc here..
Somehow ended up tanking Stormreaver...popped him a few magic missiles as us Shiradi's do...oops...the fire proc from shiradi is like a dot...and it does not stop, even if you was ticking for 500+ and yes, killed Stormreaver...I felt like a noob, but seriously did not know some shiradi procs are indefinite even if you die, and hit for quite a bit...