Putting this here in off-topic just to be safe:
Interesting comparison -- I'm looking forward to trying Neverwinter, especially since I've soured on DDO a bit.
Putting this here in off-topic just to be safe:
Interesting comparison -- I'm looking forward to trying Neverwinter, especially since I've soured on DDO a bit.
Last open weekend Got to 18 and 4k from 19 in Neverwinter.
That took all of 10 hours.
In those 10 hours I only died twice.
Neverwinter is more Wow like than DDO like.
Me I will be playing both.
One advantage I saw in Neverwinter was no noticeable memory leak.
I loved the glittering trail you can make appear to follow.
Some of the In town stuff looks better in Neverwinter.
As for the Characters DDO puts Neverwinter to shame.
That is in creation and looks.
I much prefer the DDO combat over the Neverwinter Combat.
I did buy the middle founders pack.
For me Neverwinter will be a game I go to when I want to escape from DDO a bit.
I think there are enough players to keep both games going for some time.
I would Rate Neverwinter a Solid 5 and DDO a light 7 on a ten scale.
Not all who wander are lost. I am not lost, I am just exploring.
Smigit F25 (Leg Dread 5), Xappit w20 (tr), Tamix C20,Smigitjr Tmp R 22, Tamik 14 P (3rd life,) , Xsong bard 20, Smigit5 arti 21, Xappet 20 AA, Smigit6 D22 (fw2), Tamok Fvs 20 Smoxfeat monk 16 Taggem Wf Pally 14 others. Leader Circle of Destruction Argonnessen
NWO has a long way to go before it hits the same spot as DDO in my eyes
altho with the direction DDO is going, who knows how long until it will brutally murder its strong character build options and sink to the lowest denomination of games
PS: Greensteel RUINED the game! and you all know it!
less buffing, more nerfing!!!
to make it easier for those of you that wants to avoid me in game, all my characters are in "Bladesworn Mercenaries"
Pretty fair, my only comment would be nwo's rooting prevents the active combat system from feeling seemless and creates some issues with mechanics imo.
It does seem like a fairly written article. +1 for the excellent journalism Justin Olivetti.
I am interested in trying out NWO. However, I will be a F2P only gamer over there. I wanted to try out the beta, but I wont pay for a Beta. If I had another way in I might try it out. I signed up already.
I'm not a FR fan, and I have no interest in giving development dollars to a FR only game. I'm a little disappointed in Turbines move to the FR, but with NWO on the horizon I can understand why.
The problem is never how to get new, innovative thoughts into your mind, but how to get old ones out. Every mind is a building filled with archaic furniture. Clean out a corner of your mind and creativity will instantly fill it.
Dee Hock
I don't have an mmorpg.com account to verify if there any other "strings" attached but hopefully not.
On principle I don't do any betas ever so, but here/there you go enjoy! :P!! I hope it works for my peeps!
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The problem is never how to get new, innovative thoughts into your mind, but how to get old ones out. Every mind is a building filled with archaic furniture. Clean out a corner of your mind and creativity will instantly fill it.
Dee Hock